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Podcast Show Notes

Episode 389 Where to Invest Your Time and Money as a Creator Which end of the spectrum do you fall? There’s a sliding scale of investing your time and money as a creator. You can either go all in with thousands of dollars upfront to get the perfect experience you’re looking for or you can […]

Episode 388 How to Monetize a Podcast in 2023, 3 Simple Ways “How do I make money with a podcast?” It’s the most common question I get asked after “How do you start a podcast?” Honestly, podcast monetization has changed so much in the last five years that this is a topic we need to […]

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

Episode 385 How to Add Amazon to a Digital Business, with Laura Meyer How to Add Amazon to a Digital Business Ever thought about selling something on Amazon? Today’s guest, Laura Meyer, not only has the inside scoop on the largest retailer in the world — she also has a love of marketing and helping […]

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

Episode 382 Create Better, HONEST Content with Patience & Discipline, with Travis Albritton “Be patient.” It’s the phrase I hate THE MOST as an entrepreneur.  Patience and discpline aren’t often the sexy things a brand new business owner or content creator want to hear, right? We want to hear, “It’ll be easy. You’ll gain success […]

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

Episode 380 Learn from Your Failures – a Shark Tank & Amazon Success Story, with Seneca Hampton Learn from Your Failures It took him more than TWENTY businesses to find his success story. Today’s guest, Seneca Hampton, not only has a thriving Amazon business bringing in multiple seven figures each year, but he also appeared […]

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

Episode 378 Top 10 Resources for the Solo Content Creators Are you a creator who either creates content solo or intends to create solo content when you launch your blog, podcast, or YouTube channel? Are you a creator who either creates content solo or intends to create solo content when you launch your blog, podcast, […]

Episode 377 How to Share Your Gifts Through Your Content, with Amanda Schonberg You have a special gift to share with the world — your unique message. Today’s guest, Chef Amanda Schonberg, is an extra special treat! Not only does she fill today’s episode with amazing tips for podcasters (new or seasoned), Amanda gives us […]

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

We’re covering 11 ways you’re sabotaging your content growth. From honest mistakes to bad habits to stop immediately, let’s cover it all.

Episode 372 The 3 Types of Content Creation Workflows We’ve talked deeply about a lot of individual content strategies on the podcast and YouTube channel. But today, we’re going high-level. We need to cover the 3 types of content creation workflows that go into content strategy and help you lay the foundation for making a […]

Episode 371 “What is Content Repurposing?” & More Questions Answered As I’m gearing up for the Radical Repurposing launch in October, I’ve been eating, sleeping, and breathing content repurposing strategies. And I know not everyone in the audience may be familiar with this concept, so I wanted to answer some questions today. Some of these are […]

Episode 370 The Best Ways to Make Money with a Podcast, with Anne Claessen I know you want your content to make money. Today’s guest, Anne Claessen, is sharing many ways for you to monetize your podcast and giving specific examples of what has worked for herself and her clients. The Podcast Babes, Anne’s production […]

Episode 369 How to Use Content in an Affiliate Launch When this episode goes live, I’m right in the middle of my Digital Course Academy affiliate launch. And since this is the third year in a row I’ve participated in a big promotion like this, I wanted to share what I’ve learned when it comes […]

Episode 368 How to Build a Better Content Funnel Who knew we’d be talking about sales and funnels on the podcast? We’ve come a long way here on the show. From just talking about getting started with a podcast to talking about how to build a better content funnel, things have definitely changed.  I’m excited […]

Episode 367 4 Keys to Selling in Your Content The theme of summer 2022 seemed to be “selling in your content.” What’s funny is that this happened by total coincidence! I wish I could tell you it was all methodically planned out — months in advance. But the truth is, selling came up so much […]

5 Lessons I Learned from Amy Porterfield “If you’re multitasking, come back to me.” The famous words spoken by my friend and mentor, Amy Porterfield. Not only has she shown me that tasking switching while I’m working isn’t productive, but Amy has also taught me five important lessons that I go back to repeatedly. Let’s […]

Episode 366 3 Reasons People Won’t Buy Products from Your Content When it comes to making an offer in your content, there are 3 specific reasons people won’t buy — no matter how many times you ask. Let’s dive into them one at a time. 1. TOO MANY CTAs One of the biggest mistakes I […]

Episode 365 How to Have a YouTube, Podcast, AND Blog with Pete McPherson “Do You Even Blog?” That was the name of his YouTube channel…and blog? He had all three. The trifecta of of a content creator. And I knew immediately we’d get along. That’s how I felt when I met today’s guest, Pete McPherson, […]

Episode 364 How to Create a Digital Product with Content Backlog “How do you take your podcast, blog, or YouTube content and turn it into something someone is willing to pay for?” In other words, how can you take something that’s FREE content from your backlog and spin enough value into it that someone is […]

Episode 363 Timely Vs. Evergreen Content First, we need to talk about repeating content. Before we dive into how we can use timely and evergreen content, we need to talk about the fact that we’ve already covered this on the show before. Make sure you check out the other episodes where we’ve touched on important […]

Episode 362 How to Sell One Product in Your Content Question from the Community Today’s episode was inspired by an email I received from a longtime member of our community, Amy Connell. The email prompt was: Hit REPLY and let me know what questions you have about: – Selling on your podcast/YouTube channel– How often […]

Episode 361 Social Media, Websites, and More for Your Podcast Coaching Call with  Monique Simmons Today’s episode is our next call in our coaching series! For a refresher, we’re covering all of the questions participants in our coaching call series were asked when they decided to join me for our chat.  The questions I asked […]

HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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