







About Me

I’ve been cheering since I was 4 years old…

Being loud and screaming “You can do it!” is deeply rooted in my DNA.

Cheering on the sidelines, sharing tough love, and having an optimistic attitude are ALL part of who I am.

Even though I’ve retired the big bows & glitter (except for the occasional Halloween costume)…  

I still LOVE to cheer for people trying to get their next BIG WIN!

It’s the same part of me that can’t help but…

  • ANSWER strangers’ questions in Facebook groups. 
  • REPLY back to every confused creator that reaches out about editing their podcast episode or YouTube video. 
  • SHARE with other entrepreneurs the literal ins and outs of how I create all of my content.


BEFORE publishing 1,000+ podcast episodes & 400+ YouTube videos…

BEFORE being asked to speak on stages like Ramsey Solutions Influencer Event, Amy Porterfield’s Momentum Membership, or Podcast Movement…

BEFORE publishing an Amazon Best Seller…

I was a Stay-At-Home Mom

Back in 2014

I was a tired mom of 2 boys who’d quit a corporate job that wasn’t fulfilling me anymore.

“You’re really good at what you do…”wasn’t enough to keep me at a job where I didn’t see a clear future.


Folding mismatched socks, binge-watching the Pioneer Woman, and finding every second I could to take the jogging stroller out for my newest obsession – podcasts!

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

For 12 months

I tried to convince my Enneagram 3-self, “I’m going to be the best damn SAHM there ever was!” #thanksPinterest

When baby boy #3 arrived, I’d barely rediscovered my lost high school passion for creative writing
But don’t misunderstand.  


And I definitely wasn’t any better in 2015! Yet still, I spent the next 3 years trying to find my way as a blogger – and was pretty BAD at it.

Then, my blogging mentor started a podcast. And I was like…

“I can just talk? I don’t have to write?”

And that’s how my podcast journey began.


Now, I help creators – like YOU – help other people.

I know what it’s like to try new things and put yourself out there.  Sometimes things work. Sometimes they don’t.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” was a phrase I played on repeat for many years. I’ve been all too familiar with feeling overwhelmed and frustrated creating content.

So, if you're 

A content creator who’s ever felt like…

You are lost and overwhelmed trying to figure out a content strategy

You need a plan to help you figure out what content to create next

You are confused about why you’re content isn’t growing

You need an optimistic cheerleader and content-obsessed strategist.

You know your content isn’t connecting with your audience, but you’re not sure how to fix


...“who’s been there” to help you breathe *LIFE* into your content. 

Whether it’s collaborating together for an hour, 5 sessions, or hiring me to help produce your content – I have many options for us to work together to grow your platform and serve your audience with confidence…

Here’s how I approach creating content with confidence:

What I’ve learned is that in order to create content that’s more strategic and LESS overwhelming, you need a plan. And I’ve figured out a simple route to take.



This is the part most content creators skip. They jump down to the tech and launch. I help you fully understand WHAT you’re trying to create, WHO you want to serve, & WHY anyone should care about what you’re creating.



Now that you know the important reasons you’re wearing the title “content creator”, my favorite (nerdy) part begins! Together, we’ll work through what type(s) of content you want to create (podcast, YouTube, blog, or all of the above?), how you want to structure things (knowing that you can always pivot in the future), and start creating workflows – that actually work!



Drinking vinegar hell of normcore gluten-free before they sold out cold-pressed prism tilde distillery kitsch fashion axe jean shorts whatever. Crucifix direct trade neutra, trust fund cornhole bicycle rights tattooed.



Another step often overlooked is how you set up each platform. Yes, there are certain categories that will get your podcast in the charts and specific tools I use for YouTube that help my videos get found every single day.



I mean, you could simply hit publish, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s do this the right way! Even if you’re already creating content right now, we’ll put together a launch strategy to unveil all of your hard work *back* into the world.



Drinking vinegar hell of normcore gluten-free before they sold out cold-pressed prism tilde distillery kitsch fashion axe jean shorts whatever. Crucifix direct trade neutra, trust fund cornhole bicycle rights tattooed.

pronounced “pee-nch” in Texas — since becoming a content creator… (aka my official bio)


and now...

I'm a

Krystal Proffitt is a content strategist, coach, and host of the award-winning show, The Proffitt Podcast. She specializes in helping entrepreneurs start, launch, and market their content. 

Krystal teaches the basics of content creation, editing, branding, and marketing through her podcast, digital courses, and YouTube channel dedicated to content creation. She also appears as a Content Expert on other YouTube channels such as Buzzsprout and StreamYard.

Her Amazon Best Selling book “Start a Binge-Worthy Podcast” had Amy Porterfield saying, “…this book is about to become your bible.”

Krystal has spoken about content creation on several major stages, including the Ramsey Solutions Influencer Event, Podcast Movement, She Podcasts, PodFest Global, Spark Media Ventures, and Amy Porterfield’s Momentum Membership. She has also been a guest on many podcasts, including The Heather Sager Show, Business Unveiled Podcast, & Buzzcast (a Buzzsprout podcast).


I liked Krystal's straightforward, no frills approach...it's fun podcasting!

Wendy K.
A Juicy Pear Podcast

I didn't know the first thing about setting up a podcast. There was a lot of navigating through a lot of the techy things. Can't wait to see what the new year will bring!

I love the way you teach and the energy you bring...Podcasting is easy

April Bradfor
Little Miss Course Creator

It still takes a lot of time, but it's not hard. I actually love podcasting!

Your tagline about everyone starting somewhere really spoke to me.

Brittany Binnion
Posed for Success

I have the same philosophy. My podcast helps me to show up as the expert I am and has boosted my confidence.

Krystal was always there and willing to provide a helping hand.

Katelyn Fusco
Happy Homebirth

She wet above and beyond to get my podcast going! The podcast is soaring, I’ve got “raving fans,” and I know it’s time for me to begin offering my audience even more services! I'm so grateful for the opportunities this podcast is bringing my way, and so happy to have Krystal's expertise in my corner

Krystal had the solution to my problem before I even knew I had that problem...

Sidney E.
(Previous Student

I needed to publish content that my ICA (ideal customer avatar) would find compelling. To be honest, over the time that I've been working with you, I know that you're always there. You're teaching in public every week. You are constantly moving with the way the platforms are evolving.

I had a dream of launching my podcast but didn't know what that needed to look like

Michelle Braswell
The Wedding Pro Show

I just needed direction and that's exactly what you brought. Here I am, 4 days into my new podcast with 116 downloads, and validity! I'm shocked at the number of congratulations and the elevation of authority it brings. Thank you so much for offering your courses content and support.

Amy Linsmeyer
Roots Change Podcast Host & Previous Student

I feel like an expert, now.

I knew nothing about how to launch a podcast…I wanted to have my own podcast, but I had no idea what steps to take. And it felt overwhelming…you’re very down to earth and to the point…now, I feel like an expert.

Member of the community

I'm learning as I go and I'm so grateful for your bite-sized nuggets

I launched my podcast this weekend with a trailer and an intro episode. While it's not perfect, I took the leap. My quest to be perfect and no it all kept causing me to delay the start.


Showing up is half the battle. You can’t achieve any kind of success without one key ingredient: showing up. And consistency is the highest value that I strive for in my content, in my business, and in my personal life. (It’s also why our family has Taco Tuesday every week.)

What We Stand For


“Today I’m grateful for…” is the journal prompt that greets me every morning. I write 5 gratitudes – big or small – daily and remind myself that I’m surrounded by blessings every, single day.

Showing up is half the battle. You can’t achieve any kind of success without one key ingredient: showing up. And consistency is the highest value that I strive for in my content, in my business, and in my personal life. (It’s also why our family has Taco Tuesday every week.)


“Today I’m grateful for…” is the journal prompt that greets me every morning. I write 5 gratitudes – big or small – daily and remind myself that I’m surrounded by blessings every, single day.


Trying the same things over and over again will only get you so far. You have to keep discovering creative approaches to your content. When you take a step into this ever-evolving industry of content creation, you need an open mind — and a really cute notebook.


I pride myself on delivering above and beyond in my content, my programs, and how I serve my community. I want people to walk away feeling confident that they made a good investment of their time, money, or energy in working with me.


Boring is boring. I’m not legally bound to keep my content the same forever and ever. So, if it’s boring my audience (or me!) and I start feeling friction in my processes, I pay close attention. Here’s how I combat boring myself to tears: 1) acknowledge what’s feeling “off”, 2) make changes, and 3) ask the important question, “How can I make this more fun?”

the secret sauce to success…

My Mentors & People “I Want to Be When I Grow Up”


Hosts of the Office Ladies Podcast


Writer on The Office, authored some of the funniest memoirs out there, and keeps writing banger TV shows! 


Media mogul, beloved actor, producer, and all-around badass entrepreneur! 


Year of Yes was a fantastic read and I’ve NEVER missed an episode of Grey’s Anatomy!


Founder of Spanx and fellow CheezIt enthusiast!


Big Magic is the book that’s changed my life more than most (see above about creativity)


Bossypants, Saturday Night Live, & Mean Girls (Yeah, she wrote the screenplay. #ThatsFetch)


They literally showed me what it’s like to run your own business, work really freaking hard, and show up on time! 

Dream stages I’d LOVE to be on…

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield

Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn

Entreleadership Summit

How I Built This with Guy Raz

Social Media Marketing World

Because you gotta call your shot, right?

Good Morning America

America’s Got Talent

(My kids made me put that on there. Who knows, maybe I’ll discover a hidden talent soon…)

My nickname growing up – and all through college – was Moose. 

There’s a tattoo the size of Texas (literally!) on my back. 

I once met Erin Brokovich (the real one) at an event in college. 

“And what do we say to them? F*&% YOU!…” Hundreds of college students erupted in applause after she gave a speech about standing up to the bad guys. It was awesome!

My husband was my neighbor in college when we were both studying business.

I asked him to show me his ID when he told me his last name was Proffitt. I thought it was “his move”.

That’ll Make You Ask, ”Did she just say that?!?”

6 Facts About Me