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Podcast Show Notes

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Follow-Up with Mai-Kee Tsang After 101 Podcast Pitches Did you have one big takeaway or, dare I say, mistake you learned during pitching? It really is more about quality than quantity. Did you notice any trends as you were pitching podcasts? I’ve noticed that podcast pitching is definitely a seasonal thing. […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? “How Do You Ask a Guest to Be on Your Podcast?” The full question of the community for today is actually, “How do you all ask people to be on your podcast? For me, itvaries from person to person, but do you have a standard pitch?” I don’t necessarily have a […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? 7 People to Help You with Your Podcast  “If someone could just help me with my podcast…that would be amazing!” If you’ve had this thought repeatedly, then today’s episode is extra special for you. I’m giving you 7 people that can help improve your podcast and I can’t wait to share […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Here’s Why You Need a Blog for Your Podcast  There are a few key reasons why you need a blog for your podcast, but I’ll keep ithem short and to the point. Before we dive into those though, I wanted to make it clear that you need a place to drive […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? PodHouston: How to Grow an Email List with a Podcast  If you’re an online entrepreneur, chances are you already know the importance of having an email list. But if you’re brand new to podcasting and wondering what the heck an email list has to do with a podcast, this episode is […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? My Top 4 Books of 2019  If you’re not a big reader or if you find yourself saying, “Books are SO expensive. How can you purchase so many books in a year?” Then my friend you need to check out the Overdrive app. It’s FREE and all you need is a […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? [This post contains affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may receive a small comission at no extra cost to you.] How Much Does it Cost to Podcast?  There are definitely certain things to consider when it comes to costs associated with podcasting. And my firm belief is to NOT […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Podcast Launch Goals to Consider When you think about goals for your podcast, most people default to their overall podcast goals. “I want to reach as many people as I can and impact the masses.”  That’s a fantastic notion and one that I hope your podcast achieves… But today, we’re specifically […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? 5 Hours Per Week to Podcast Doesn’t Seem Real, Does It? What is your initial response to me saying, “You can podcast in just 5 hours per week!”  It sounds a little gimmicky, right? Like a late night infomercial.  Well, I’m not trying to make any empty promises to you – […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Top 2 Things You Need to Know for Better Sound for Your Podcast 1. ENVIRONMENT! Record where it sounds the best…not necessarily where it’s the most comfortable.2. HIGH-QUALITY SOUND! Make sure you’re recording in 24-bits rather than 16-bits. What Recording Software Do You Recommend? It honestly doesn’t matter the platform that […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Don’t Be Afraid to Test & Try New Things for Your Podcast I totally understand the emotion of starting a brand new podcast. You’re excited to put your content out in the world…You’re a little nervous how everyone will receive it…You’ve worked SO hard on what you’re creating… But I also […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Do You Need a Facebook Page or a Facebook Group for Your Podcast? The simple answer is…you need both. Let me explain why… A Facebook Page is like your storefront – especially if you don’t have a website for your podcast!  A Facebook Group is meant to build your community – […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Work with Virtual Assistants to Scale Your Podcast Today’s podcast was meant for me just as much as it was created for you. What do I mean by that? Well, for a while now I’ve been preaching to other podcasters to outsource pieces of the podcast process that feels overwhelming to […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Proffitt Podcasting Student: Launch Podcast in 30 Days I love a good success story. And it’s even more fun when it’s one of my students!  Today, I’m introducing you to one of my student’s Apryl Bradford of The Course Creators Classroom Podcast. Apryl Bradford spent over 10 years in the classroom, […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Have You Tried a Gratitude Practice? In other words…can you name 3 things you’re grateful for? Because if you can…Then you’ll easily be able to follow today’s episode. I’ve been doing this gratitude practice for 4 years now and let me tell ya, it’s helped me so much when I wake […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Transition from Blogging to Podcasting One of my favorite things in the whole world is to geek out with other people about podcasting! I’m extra excited about today’s episode because we’re blending to TWO worlds I’ve come to know really well…blogging AND podcasting. In this coaching call with Amy Connell, we […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? 1. Grow Your Audience & Influence How can a podcast grow your audience and influence? A Podcast gives you the ability to put your stake in the ground as the “GO-TO” person for what your topic is about. Once you identify exactly what you want your podcast to be about…you’ll start […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? How to Get Started with Virtual Summits Start with the end in mind. Have something to offer your audience. Your summit isn’t your money-maker. The funnel of the summit is the revenue generator. It’s a long-term strategy. Multi-Day Summit Many speakers and can take up to 6 months to create. One-Day […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Mistakes New Podcasters Make There are so many things I wish I would have known when I first started podcasting. And instead of looking back at all the mistakes that I made and feeling like I totally messed up and those #LessonsLearned are just fluttering away into an oblivion… I thought […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Podcast Coaching Calls A one-hour Podcast Coaching Call was one of the Bonuses offered last time we opened the doors for Proffitt Podcasting. And I have to say…it’s been my FAVORITE additions to my schedule. Getting to interact with students who are creating unbelievably incredible podcasts lights a fire inside of […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? [This post contains affiliate links. If a purchase is made, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.] The Ultimate Podcast Checklist I’m always trying to think of ways that I can help out the version of me who was totally lost at the beginning of this […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Why Do You Need a Podcast Brand Board?  There is a lot of power that comes with being able to spot a brand from miles away. I mentioned in the last episode about Starbucks and Target and their logos being a beacon of Serenity and Joy to this tired mama of […]

The Proffitt Podcast

WHAT’S THIS EPISODE ABOUT? Enhance the Listener Experience I had a really cool opportunity in the last few weeks to do training that was all about podcast branding. but what I realized, while I was doing this training for another organization, is that I hadn’t taken the time to teach this community about podcast branding. […]

The Proffitt Podcast

What are you supposed to put on the logo for your podcast…AKA your podcast artwork?

Do you need an image of yourself?
How big does the text need to be?
Do you need to include your name?
What image should I use?

I see tons of questions revolving around podcast logos and artwork and there are many opinions about the “Dos” & “Don’ts” you should follow. But today, I’m sharing with you my firsthand experience with creating logos as well as researching logos of podcasts across multiple categories.

Before we dive deeper into this subject though, I want to make one point super clear…you can ALWAYS change your podcast logo. So if you create something and don’t love it, change it. If you receive feedback from trusted advisors on changes to make, consider them.

Don’t let the weight of the “Perfect Podcast Artwork” stand in the way of you launching your podcast. I’m giving you tons of options and resources for you to explore as you design your podcast logo.

In today’s episode, I got you covered when it comes to all things podcast artwork!

The Proffitt Podcast

Do you read verbatim from a script or do you look at a loose outline when you record your podcast?

This is a question that many new podcasters want to know. So, I wanted to set the record straight…I do both! And there isn’t a “wrong way” to do this.

I recommend you trying to both – reading a script and going off an outline – and then deciding which way works best for you. It’s funny because I’ve accepted the fact that scripts, outlines, show notes, and descriptions are a process in the evolution of a podcast.

If you compare the way I did things on episode #2 to how I do everything on today’s episode #95, the results are night and day. Don’t think that you have to have it all figured out. You just have to try.

Try reading a script. If you sound robotic, try something else.
Try going off an outline. If you lose focus, make it more detailed next time.

The point is to just get started in order to figure out what works best for you!

The Proffitt Podcast

Have you ever met someone online and hoped that they’re as nice in person as they seem on the internet?

Well, I’m so excited to share with you that Melanie Dyann Howe is as much of a fireball in person as she appears online. She’s the founder of the DIY Marketing School Podcast and one of my mentors.

Since we were both recently at Amy Porterfield’s Entrepreneur Experience Event in sunny San Diego, I wanted to take the opportunity to interview this powerhouse marketer and pick her brain about her new podcast.

(Plus, I got to try out my new portable recorder and do my first in-person interview. I felt like a news reporter!)

Check out my interview with Melanie. And then be sure to tell us what you think! Reach out on social. Leave a review. Tell us where we can help you on your journey!

The Proffitt Podcast

Now that you’ve come up with an awesome name for your podcast, let’s create a Podcast Tagline that supports it!

Today, we’re talking about what exactly a podcast tagline is, where it goes within your episodes, and I’m giving you some examples of podcasts with amazing taglines that really support the overall message of their podcast.

After you listen to this episode, you’ll walk away knowing what it takes to create a tagline, how to find examples of other great taglines, and how to use your tagline to brand your podcast better.

The Proffitt Podcast

How are you supposed to name your podcast?
Do you throw your name in there?
Do you put some witty spin on the topic?

All great questions that I want to cover today. The title of your podcast is so important to convey to your audience (or potential audience) exactly what your podcast is about, who it’s for, or what benefits someone will receive from listening.

Don’t let the overwhelm of “so many options” stop you in your tracks. You can come up with an amazing name for you podcast and there are 4 important things I want you to consider!

So let’s get into how to name your podcast.

The Proffitt Podcast

In previous episodes, we’ve talked about “How to Launch a Podcast” – which is my most popular episode. So if you haven’t listened to that one go check out Episode 48 after you listen to this. But I’ve been getting so many questions about launching a podcast.

I think it’s because a lot of people have the idea that they can create content and a lot of it. They just don’t know what to do with it once it’s actually completed.

The Proffitt Podcast

I struggled for a long time to understand SEO.
What is it?
How does it work?
Where does it fall in the grand scheme of things?

It wasn’t until I finally said, “I NEED to understand SEO if I’m going to have an online business,” that I got serious about learning how to use SEO for podcasts.

In this episode, we are talking about my personal journey with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how you can learn from the mistakes I’ve made along the way.

Please DO NOT WAIT until you’ve “figured everything else out” before you start prioritizing keywords and SEO. I know it may be a learning curve, just like recording and editing your podcast, but I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again…

“If I can figure it out, so can you!”

HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

just for you!

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