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Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Make sure you listen to the episode where Misty Philip – founder of the conference – and I talked about how she came up with the idea to have this coneference here.

But today’s episode is all about diving into the biggest takeaways from all of the fantastic speakers at the inaugural Spark Christian Podcast Conference.

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Paul Hastings 

Paul Hastings is an entrepreneur and has consulted extensively in the film, marketing, and political arenas. He is the host of “Compelled”, a podcast telling unique stories about God working through people’s lives. His work has been featured by WORLD Magazine, The Gospel Coalition, TheBlaze, and Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk.

Paul, his wife, and their two children live near Austin, Texas.

Website: PaulHastings.me

Host, CompelledPodcast.com

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Podcasting 101

5 Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. Why are you creating a podcast?
  2. How will you define success?
  3. Who if your target audience?
  4. What is your niche?
  5. What is your podcast “feel”?

4 Common Pitfalls

  1. You won’t make money!
  2. Takes more time than you expect!
  3. Building an audience takes hustle!
  4. Content is King!

10 Power Tips

  1. Use people you know and the resources you already have.
  2. Go in-person.
  3. Use release forms.
  4. Karate Chop (Distance from your mouth to your mic).
  5. Smile & use your hands.
  6. Get reviewer feedback.
  7. Launch with 3 episodes.
  8. Don’t forget email!
  9. Educate yourself!
  10. Listen to other podcasts!

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Rob Kirkpatrick 

Rob Kirkpatrick is Executive Producer at Focus on the Family. Since 1987, Rob has set the standard of excellence for Focus’ audio content; now heard by over 6 million people each week. 

Focus has been podcasting 10+ years with programs ranking in the top 1% of all podcasts.

Website: Focus on the Family

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

3 Essential Ingredients of a Powerful Podcast

Audio Has the Power to Move You

  1. Emotional Resonance
    • Emotions are the gatekeeper for further advertising processes.
    • When a heart connection is made, people listen on a deeper level.
  2. Tangible Takeaway
    • Something listeners can do or think about after they listen.
  3. Meaningful Followup
    • Resources to help people go deeper.

“There’s a lot of people with something to say…a lot of people shouldn’t be talking.”

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Katherine Barner 

Katherine Barner is an author, speaker , and professional counselor. Founder of the Sister Survivors Foundation serving African American women whose lives are affected by past sexual trauma. She is the host of The Sister Survivors Podcast and author of the award winning book, God Help Me, I’m Grieving: Finding Healing After Loss. 

Website: KatherineBarner

Host, The Sister Survivors Podcast

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Before You Grab the Mic: Identifying Your Why & Honing Your Message 

Identifying Your Why

What do you want to help people: 

  • Do
  • Achieve
  • Overcome
  • Learn

Your WHY drives your message.

“Your message has the potential to change the trajectory of someone’s life.”

Honing Your Message

  • Target audience
  • Problem you’re trying to solve
  • Transformation you’re helping them make
  • Is your message
    • Interesting
    • Relevant
    • Persuasive
    • Motivational
    • Educational

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Travis Albritton 

Travis Albritton is an accomplished teacher, Amazon best-selling author, and podcast host known for his practical and engaging teaching style. As the Head of Content at Buzzsprout, Travis creates educational content around the art of podcasting, from growth to monetization and everything in between.

Website: buzzsprout.com

Host of “How to Start a Podcast,” “5 Minute Mondays,” and “Buzzcast”

How to Start a Podcast – www.buzzsprout.com/1

5 Minute Mondays – 5mm.buzzsprout.com

Buzzcast – buzzcast.buzzsprout.com

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Previous Episodes I’ve Done with Travis:

Episode 73: Best Podcast Hosting Site Platform, BuzzSprout.com

Stats, Stats, and Stats (feat. Krystal Proffitt)

Understanding Your Podcast Analytics 

Need 3 Things 

  1. Quality Podcast Host with Basic Stats
  2. Podcat Connect (Apple/iTunes)
  3. Spotify Podcast Account

8 Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. Is my podcast growing?
    • # of Downloads for an Episode in its 1st 30 days
  2. Which topics do my listeners prefer?
    • Filter Episodes by Total # of Downloads
  3. How are people listening to my podcast?
    • Top Apps / Platforms/ Devices
  4. Where are people listening to my podcast?
    • In the car, at the gym, at home, etc.
  5. How long are people listening to each episode?
    • Podcast Connect (Apple)
  6. Am I converting new listeners into subscribers?
    • Look at “Devices Subscribed” in Podcast Connect
  7. Who are my listeners?
    • Spotify Demographic Data
  8. Is my marketing working?
    • Look at the Downloads Per Day in Your Analytics

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

Eric Nevins 

Host & Story Curator of Halfway There Podcast and founder of Get Curious Media. As an experienced podcaster, Eric Nevins has worked with hundreds of podcasters to improve their podcast. Eric leads the online Facebook Community Christian Podcasters Association.

After years of working in the financial industry, Eric launched Get Curious Media to serve Christian businesses and ministries launching their own audio content platforms. He holds a Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary and resides in Denver with his wife, four kids, and a wonder dog.

Website: EricNevins.com

Host, Halfway There

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Power of Podcasting for Connection & the Future of Podcasting 

“The medium is the message.” – Marshall McLuhan

My Biggest Takeaways:

  • The podcast is useful for more than just informing. 
  • Podcasting is about connection.
  • Podcasting is the great equalizing tool of our time.
  • People of all giftings can serve.
  • What unique gifts do you bring?
    • Teacher
    • Shepherd
    • Evangelist
    • Prophet
    • Apostle

“Use podcasting to create a new world.”

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Julie Hamilton 

Building strong and healthy lives one podcast at a time through “Life Builders by Julie Hamilton”!

Faith based podcaster, speaker, radio and TV co-host and encourager. Julie has been married for 21 years, is a mom of two girls & loves living in Napa Valley. 

Website: Life Builders by Julie Hamilton

Host, Life Builders by Julie Hamilton

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Best Guest Practices

Help your guests feel welcome and be prepared with questions before the interview.

Questions to Ask Someone:

  • Bio (Ask Them About Themselves)
  • What to Avoid
  • Do You Want Me to Ask You Something in Particular?

Do your research and know your message.

“Who do you think I should interview next?”

Guest Planning Exercise

  • List 4 events where you can meet potential guests
  • List 4 people’s stories you want to tell.

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

What NOT to Do in a Podcast Interview!

Quin Heavrin 

Quinn Kelly is a wife, mother of four, blogger, speaker, podcaster and licensed marriage and family therapist that is committed to encouraging others in life and faith. 

Shortly after beginning her family and therapy practice, Quinn started her blog called Sanctification and Spitup. Quinn is the founder of Renew Faith Conference and the host of  Renew You Podcast .

Website: Sanctification and Spitup 

Host, Renew You Podcast

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Marketing & Branding Your Podcast for Success

How do you create the perfect brand?

You start with you. 
Your passions, your values, and how you want to be perceived.

What is your goal?

  • Teach
  • Inspire
  • Encourage
  • Entertain
  • Challenge

1. What is the story of you?

  • What led you to start your podcast?
    • Helps other people connect with you.
    • Helps you brand well!

2. Who is “the them” of your brand?

  • Audience Demographics

3. Niche

4. Mission & Vision

Thomas Umstattd, Jr. 

Thomas started his first podcast in 2007. Since then he has hosted half a dozen different podcasts and a drive time talk radio show. Currently, he hosts the Novel Marketing Podcast and the Christian Publishing Show. He lives with his wife and daughter in Austin TX.

CEO, Author Media

Host, Novel Marketing Podcast

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Producing & Editing Your Podcast

“Editing is the process of creating that delicious cup of coffee…”

4 Levels of Editing

  1. Live to take (zero editing)
  2. Fix levels, add intro and outro
  3. Subtracting boring content
  4. Addition not subtraction

Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs)

  1. GarageBand
  2. Audacity
  3. Adobe Audition
  4. Hindenburg Journalist

Tips & Takeaways

  • Start with clean audio
  • Avoid condenser microphones
    • Use dynamic microphones
  • Use a mouse and a track pad
  • Avoid Skype & Zoom
    • Check out Squadcast & Zencastr
  • Rerecord
    • “It’s easier than trying to fix bad audio…”
  • Use monitor headphones
  • Record each speaker on their own track
  • Don’t overdo the audio effects
  • Create a consistent naming system
  • Backup your audio
  • Study your DAW
  • Use keyboard shortcuts

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Todd Cochrane 

Todd Cochrane, CEO of RawVoice/Blubrry, wrote the book on podcasting. Well, at least the first one: “Podcasting: The Do-It-Yourself Guide.” The founder of the People’s Choice Podcast Awards and the Tech Podcast Network, he’s also credited with introducing the first advertisers into podcasting, GoDaddy. 

Cochrane was inducted into the inaugural class of the Podcast Hall of Fame in 2015. But perhaps his biggest influence on podcasting is Blubrry Podcasting and its parent company RawVoice, which offers a directory of more than 750,000 shows, the No. 1 plugin for WordPress and much more.

Website: blubrry

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

RSS: In the Modern Podcasting Era

Your RSS Feeds need to be hosted with a reputable podcast host.

“True Freedom of Press”

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Dave Jackson 

Dave was inducted into the Podcasting Hall of Fame in 2018. He founded the School of Podcasting in 2005. He is the author of the book, “More Podcast Money.” Over the years he has launched over 30 different podcasts with over 4 million downloads.

Website: School of Podcasting

Host, School of Podcasting

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

Podcast Growth & Monetization

Biggest Takeaways


How to Make Money Podcasting

  1. Sell your stuff
  2. Sell other people’s stuff
  3. Crowdfunding
  4. Host read ads
  5. Dynamic ads

How to Grow Your Audience

  • Identify your audience
  • Go to where they are and listen
  • Make friends with them and bring value to the conversation
  • Tell them about your podcast

Podcast Math

Value Per Episode X Smart Promotion = Total # of Downloads

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Ozeal Debastos 

Ozeal is a podcaster and marketer. His podcast has garnered iTunes’ coveted, “New and Noteworthy” designation, as well a position on Apple’s Top 50 business podcast list. A creative, marketing and promotions expert for more than 20 years, of Ozeal Consulting Group (OCG). Ozeal services clients to develop messages utilizing a variety of promotional platforms including social media, traditional marketing and advertising, digital marketing and podcasting.  

Founder of PodHouston offering a myriad of online resources, as well as live events and educational opportunities, all facilitated and procured by Ozeal and the PodHouston team.

Website: Think Ozeal

Host, No Permission Needed

*Source: https://www.sparkchristianpodcastconference.com/

How to Build a Podcast Community

5 Ways to Build a Podcast Community

BAM = Brand Audience Monetize

  1. Identity Matters (Niche Down)
  2. Extend the Converation Online
    • Turn listeners into members of a movement
    • Create a community of connecting interpersonally
  3. VIP Every Listener (All Access)
    • And communicate with them frequently 
  4. Live & Amplified
    • Live events, local niche listeners
    • No events? Create them yourself
  5. Be “100”!
    • Cultivate an honest connection with your audience

“Your audience is the echo to your mission.”

Spark Christian Podcast Conference 2020

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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