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Podcast Show Notes

The Proffitt Podcast

Podcast Descriptions are confusing.
Which one goes in your hosting site?
Which one do you use for each individual episode?
And what the heck are show notes?

So many questions, but you’re in luck because today I’m breaking down the 2 different types of descriptions as well as explaining exactly what show notes are.

No longer will you be left confused on what goes where, what you need to put in each place, and how to come up with the information you need for each description. (Pssst…because I’m giving it all to you today!)

Tune in to hear more about podcast descriptions and what you need to know.

The Proffitt Podcast

Launching a podcast can often be overlooked. A lot of people think it’s easy to just hit “Publish” and your podcast is out into the world.

Please don’t do that.

There is some strategy behind actually launching your podcast and picking the right podcast launch date that works for you. Today’ we’re talking about the things you need to consider when picking your podcast launch date, what questions to ask yourself, and how to find the right time in your calendar.
Well, today I’m covering the 5 Ways to Make Money with a Podcast starting on Day 1.

Not after you’ve secured a sponsor.
Not after you’ve reached millions of downloads.

Get ready my friend.

We’re going to tackle how you can implement strategies for your podcast that doesn’t require you chasing sponsors and hoping they realize how amazing you are. (You’re better than that!)

Don’t stress about your numbers not growing “fast enough”. (You can make a big impact with a small audience.)

Let’s talk about making money with your podcast.

The Proffitt Podcast

It’s one of the questions I get asked all of the time. “How do you make money with a podcast?”

Well, today I’m covering the 5 Ways to Make Money with a Podcast starting on Day 1.

Not after you’ve secured a sponsor.
Not after you’ve reached millions of downloads.

Get ready my friend.

We’re going to tackle how you can implement strategies for your podcast that doesn’t require you chasing sponsors and hoping they realize how amazing you are. (You’re better than that!)

Don’t stress about your numbers not growing “fast enough”. (You can make a big impact with a small audience.)

Let’s talk about making money with your podcast.

The Proffitt Podcast

Your mic is setup up. You’ve adjusted the volumes. You have your questions ready to go. But what really goes into interviewing another person on your podcast?

Today, I’m sharing with you the podcast interview mindset. This way of thinking will help you stay on track, make your guest feel comfortable, and produce an amazing podcast interview.

I’m also sharing with you the high-level checklist to make sure you cover all 10 of the major things that need to happen during a podcast interview as well as the most important goal that needs to happen before you ever hit record.

Tune in to hear more about the podcast interview mindset.

The Proffitt Podcast

“I want to have interviews on my podcast, but where do you find guests?” This question pops up a lot in the podcast communities. So today, I want to share with you my experiences finding guests as well as my number one, go-to place to find people to interview.

We also talk about identifying the kind of people you want to collaborate with. (Trust me, you don’t just want anybody on your podcast!) And I’m sharing some stories about how I initially found a lot of the guests you’ve heard on this podcast.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you still have more questions about finding podcast guests because it’s a topic I’m going to cover in more detail over the next few weeks.

The Proffitt Podcast

What’s one thing you need to have in every single podcast episode? A Call-to-Action! You need at least ONE CTA in every single episode you create. No matter what.

Why? Well, there are several reasons why I think you should. (And we’ll get into those within the episode.) But more importantly, how can you create a CTA for your podcast?

That my friends is what I really want to dive into today. Not only how to create a call-to-action, but what to say to get your listeners to do what you’ve asked them to do.

Today, I’m sharing with you the 6 most used CTAs you’ll hear on this podcast. As well as the verbatim language you can use on your next podcast episode. No really, I don’t care if you take word-for-word the information I’m sharing with you today! Please take them and use them immediately!

So let’s talk about creating Calls-to-Action for your podcast!

The Proffitt Podcast

You wanna know the secret behind a successful podcast? It’s consistency! Consistency is key! Showing up week after week, month after month, no matter what!

But HOW do you stay consistent with your podcast?
Well, friend, that’s what we’re talking about today. I’m going to share with you the 5 Ways to Stay Consistent and let me tell you, they are a lot easier than you think.

Whether you’re brand new to the podcast game, been at this for a while, or just need a refreshing boost of motivation, this episode can get you in the mindset of consistency!

Don’t deliver lackluster content to your audience when you could be adding value to the people who could potentially be your biggest fans, number one supporters, and raving champions for you and your podcast!

The Proffitt Podcast

Maybe you’ve figured out all of the basics that go into recording a podcast, but how in the world are you supposed to format a podcast episode?

What do you say in the beginning?
Are you supposed to have something special in the middle?
How are you supposed to wrap everything up at the end?

Well today, I’m covering everything you need to know in order to format your podcast episodes! I’ll show you exactly what to say in the beginning, how to talk your audience through the middle, and how to graciously walk your audience out the door at the conclusion of your episode.

Get your notepads ready because this is an episode you definitely want to take notes on. Let’s format your podcast!

The Proffitt Podcast

I could literally talk about how to plan podcast episodes for hours on end! It’s so much fun to me! (I know, podcast nerd alert!)

But seriously, it’s something that I used to struggle with and now I’ve finally gotten into a groove of being able to produce podcast content consistently with less stress than at the beginning. (Thank goodness!)

Today’s episode is an excerpt from the 31 Days of Podcasting we did in The Proffitt Podcast Online Community Facebook Group. Be sure to join us there if you haven’t already!

In this training, we cover how I come up with podcast content ideas, how to get them on your editorial calendar, and how to keep coming up with new ideas. I see it all of the time. New podcasters are terrified of coming up with new content!

But if you follow a few of these tips and strategies for your podcast, I promise the ideas will start flowing much easier because you’ll know exactly how to plan podcast episodes!

The Proffitt Podcast

What does it look like in the typical podcast week? What tasks need to be completed? How can you maximize your time to get everything done every week?

Today, I’m answering all of these questions and then some! I recorded a live training during the 31 Days of Podcasting challenge held in The Proffitt Podcasting Facebook Group all about what goes into a week of podcasting.

The actual video offers great visuals for what goes into a week of podcasting. Trust me, the drawings alone are worth watching the video! But this audio-only version gives you some insight into the 3-phases of planning my podcast evolved through.

So get ready to learn step-by-step what goes into a week of podcasting!

The Proffitt Podcast

Oh, have I got a treat for you today! If you’re a female podcaster looking to connect with other female podcasters, this episode is for you!

I sat down with the co-founder of She Podcasts, Jessica Kupferman, to discuss all things podcasting. From how the landscape has changed in recent years to how we can connect and grow communities in the best possible ways.

Jessica and I go into detail about our own podcasting journeys and discuss the ups and downs that come with podcasting. But the biggest takeaway from our conversation was to just get started. So no matter where you are on your journey today…just hit that record button and keep going.

To find more info about She Podcasts Live 2019, go to https://www.shepodcasts.live/.

The Proffitt Podcast

You launched your podcast, published several episodes, and then realized you need to change things up. You can either rebrand your show altogether or just change a few things. But either way, understand that once you create a podcast, it isn’t written anywhere that you can’t make changes!

So take a deep breath and let’s talk about what to do when you feel like you need to change your podcast music, the cover art or logo of your podcast, or just rebrand everything!

I also know that some of you may need to start a brand new podcast, but let’s not jump to this decision lightly. Let me share with you how I rebranded this podcast, what I learned along the way, and why I decided that a rebrand was a better choice than a brand new podcast.

5-Day Podcast Bootcamp - Krystal Proffitt

I see this question all of the time, “How can you record a podcast on your phone?” And I’m so happy to tell you it’s really pretty simple. Let me walk you through the steps to not only record a podcast on your iPhone but also upload the audio to your computer for further editing.

The Proffitt Podcast

How can you be a guest expert on other podcasts? Something a lot of podcasters want to know, but they aren’t sure who has the answer.

Well, I’m happy to be hand-delivering you an expert who knows a thing or two about being a podcast guest. Mai-kee Tsang is well-seasoned in putting herself out there and pitching to other podcasts.

In this episode, we talk all about strategies to have people say “YES!” to your pitch, how to stand out from all the other messages hosts are getting, and how even one person asked Mai-kee if she could hug her…that’s how amazing her pitch was!

So buckle up as we dive deep into how you can not only guest on other podcasts but have people say “Yes” to your podcast pitches!

The Proffitt Podcast

How can you record your podcast from your iPhone? I’ve gotten this question a lot from the community and since I was given the opportunity to try the process out, I recorded an episode right on my iPhone.

No fancy apps. No bells and whistles.

Just my phone, some earbuds with a mic, and the voice memos app that comes standard on iPhones and iPads. If you’ve been looking for an option to record your podcast without having to lug around a ton of equipment, then this episode is for you!

Tune in to hear how – even in a hotel lobby with background noises – you can produce a quality podcast episode right from your iPhone!

5-Day Podcast Bootcamp - Krystal Proffitt

In this video, we walk through the basic editing and mixing tracks for a podcast within Audacity. You’ll learn how to import tracks, mix tracks together, adjust volumes (gain), import and export audio files, and more.

The Proffitt Podcast

You’re in luck…all of your legal podcast questions are being answered today! From, “Do I need to set up an LLC for my podcast?” to “Should I trademark my podcast name?” and even getting into the basics of copyrights and what you need to know about being a content creator.

Today, I’m speaking with an attorney and entrepreneur, Scott Brookens. We discuss all things legal for your podcast and even get into specific examples. Scott himself has been in the entrepreneurial game for a while and understands the questions and concerns we have as podcasters.

Tune in to hear all of your podcast questions answered and to learn more about when you should consult an attorney for your own specific legal podcast questions.

The Proffitt Podcast

Where, oh where, is my podcast community? Oh, where, oh where could they be? Many beginner podcasters get discouraged when they start to think about launching a podcast with no audience.

How will people know my podcast is out there? How will they know where to find me? How can I find them?

All of these are valid questions we’re answering today as we talk about the important questions you need to consider when finding your podcast community.

You’ve recorded some amazing Facebook Lives. But now, you want to turn those videos into a podcast episode. Here are some Facebook Live tips to make that happen!

In this video, I’m going to show you exactly how you can convert Facebook Lives into podcast episodes. Let’s work smarter and not harder to repurpose your already amazing Facebook Live content into a fantastic podcast episode!

The Proffitt Podcast

Are you trying to decide on the best podcast hosting platform for your podcast? Well, you’re in luck! Today I’m chatting with the Head of Content at BuzzSprout.com, Travis Albritton.

In this conversation, Travis and I cover the basics of what a podcast hosting platform can do for you, where to find a ton of valuable podcast resources, and the why behind BuzzSprout’s bigger mission.

We also share advice for any new podcaster, what to expect in the future from BuzzSprout, and how to stay up to date on podcast trends with Buzzsprout’s many resources.

And of course, we covered some podcasting gear Travis loves right now and who his dream podcast guest would be. This is an episode you definitely don’t want to miss!

The Proffitt Podcast

What are self-sponsored podcast ads? And why do you need them?

I get a lot of blank stares when I start talking about self-sponsored ads. I don’t always know if it’s because people have no idea what I’m talking about or if they think I’m crazy for doing them.

Today, I felt like I needed to clear the air on exactly what a self-sponsored ad is for those podcasters who kinda know what they are, but are too afraid to raise their hand and ask, “Why are they important?”

I’m breaking down the What, Why, and even the How of self-sponsored podcast ads.

5-Day Podcast Bootcamp - Krystal Proffitt

Have you tried out the Brand New BuzzSprout SoundBite for your podcast? It’s been updated for a more custom experience for you and your audience. Today I’m going to show you exactly how you can use this tool for your podcast marketing strategies!

The Proffitt Podcast

Online courses have made all the difference for me becoming an entrepreneur. From learning how to plan my day, building an email list, figuring out my website, writing copy, and the most important topic of all…marketing!

I’ve learned how to do all of these skills through online courses. And I want to share with you my number one takeaways from the courses I’ve completed in the last 12 months. Some are relatively inexpensive while others may need a night or two to rest on before a decision is made.

The Proffitt Podcast

Podcast Growth…When will I see it? As soon as you launch your podcast out into the world, it’s totally natural to wonder when you’ll start seeing results.

Today, we’re tackling the one thing EVERY new podcaster does right after launch. (You’ve probably done this, even if you’ve never told anyone about it!) We’re talking about the ONE FACTOR that contributes to podcast growth, and no it’s not even downloads! And we’re discussing how to create more of what’s already working.

5-Day Podcast Bootcamp - Krystal Proffitt

There are a few very important steps to take when deciding on your solo podcast format. Even though it’s kinda the same as when you set up an interview (I pretend like I’m interviewing myself sometimes), there are 6 distinct things that need to be in place for every single podcast episode.

The Proffitt Podcast

Are you struggling with anxiety over starting your podcast? I get it. Putting yourself out there and trying something new can be really intimidating.

Have no fear! Today, I’m speaking with an anxiety coach about overcoming those fears and pushing past the uncomfortable in order to achieve your goals!

My conversation with Danielle Kean-Grassi is one about overcoming our anxiety with starting a podcast. (Don’t worry, I had it too!) And showing up in a way that helps you reach your full potential.

No more holding back, friend. Let’s tackle those anxieties and fears head-on. We can do this together!

The Proffitt Podcast

Pinterest, oh how I love me some Pinterest! But did you know you can use this amazing search engine (Yup, Pinterest is a search engine!) to market your podcast?

Today, I’m giving you 4 strategies for you to market your podcast on Pinterest and the tools I use to get the job done. If you already use Pinterest and you’re familiar with the platform, then you already know how FUN this episode is going to be!

We’re walking through how to create pins that’ll drive traffic to your content. And I’m sharing with you some things you’ve never considered pinning! (This part may just blow your mind!)

If you’re just starting out, this episode is for you!
If you’ve been podcasting for years, this episode is for you!
If you want to grow your podcast’s reach, this episode is for you!

So let’s get right to it!

5-Day Podcast Bootcamp - Krystal Proffitt

There are a few very important steps to take when deciding on your solo podcast format. Even though it’s kinda the same as when you set up an interview (I pretend like I’m interviewing myself sometimes), there are 6 distinct things that need to be in place for every single podcast episode.

The Proffitt Podcast

You’ve asked, I’ve listened! I know you want to know all about hiring an editor for your podcast. “When is it time? What do they do? How can they help me?” All of the questions.

Well today, I’m chatting with a podcast editor that’s giving us practical tips and strategies that you can start implementing today! We talk about optimal recording levels, what tools you should use, and how an editor can overall make your life easier.

So get your notepads ready, my friend. This episode is definitely one you need to take notes on!

The Proffitt Podcast

Instagram Marketing is such a hot topic right now so I thought, “Why don’t we talk about marketing your podcast on Instagram?” I’m going to give you the 4 strategies I’ve used in the last few months to grow my following by hundreds and the tools I’ve used to get me there.

If you’re brand new to Instagram or if you’ve been hashtagging your life away for a while, you’ll learn something new in this episode. We’re covering everything from what to share on Instagram, how to repurpose content, doing InstaStories, #hashtags, and I’m sharing with you the tools that have made my social media life so much easier!

Let’s dive right in!

HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

just for you!

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