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Hi, I'm Krystal.
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5 Hours Per Week to Podcast Doesn’t Seem Real, Does It?

What is your initial response to me saying, “You can podcast in just 5 hours per week!” 

It sounds a little gimmicky, right? Like a late night infomercial. 

Well, I’m not trying to make any empty promises to you – like the Chia pet or a Snuggie – but instead, I want to show you how you can capitalize on the precious you have for your podcast.

I get it. We’re all busy.

You have a life outside of your podcast. And you SHOULD NOT feel like you need to spend every waking hour of your day working on your show.

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How You Should Spend Your 5 hours Per Week to Podcast:

  • HOUR 1: Content Planning

    • Keyword Research
    • Facebook Group
    • Surveying Your Audience
  • HOUR 2: Content Creation

    • Recording
    • Interviewing
    • Batching
  • HOUR 3: Editing and Producing

    • NO MORE than 1 hour for a 30 minute episode
      • This is especially true if you’re just getting started!
      • Don’t spend so much time editing. You’ll get better as you go!
      • SIDENOTE: If I would’ve waited until my first 20 episodes sounded “perfect”, then you wouldn’t be listening to episode 111 right now.
  • HOUR 4: Promoting

    • Creating soundbites, graphics, and social posts
      • This DOES NOT mean mindless scrolling on social media. You have to be intentional with your time.
    • Website & Show Notes
  • HOUR 5: Engaging 

    • Social Media
    • Potential listeners, clients, partnerships, and collaborations

5 hours per week to podcast

Recap: If You Only Have 5 Hours a Week to Podcast, Do This

  1. Content Creation
  2. Editing & Producing
  3. Promoting
  4. Engaging

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Comments +

  1. Hi Krystal:

    I’ve been binge-listening to your podcasts to get my podcast up and running. In fact, I had it written, recorded, edited and uploaded in 6 days. But, had to wait for my tech guy to finish his winter vacation to complete the podcast page for my website. I’m tentatively going out in the world tomorrow!!! Thanks for all your invaluable advice and how fun you made it along the way.

    I do have a question for you, do I provide a link to the transcript page from the show notes? Is that a common practice. I see Amy Porterfield providing it.

    Thanks for sharing your talent and teaching people like me to make it happen. The only challenge I’m coming up with is it’s a cumbersome job from start to finish and to do it every week. I don’t know how I’ll get my other stuff done. Please advise. Thanks.

    • Hi Ruchi,

      Thanks for listening to the podcast! I’m glad you’re finding value in the episodes. You can provide a link to the transcripts from your show notes page. It can either be another PDF document for someone to download or a stand-alone webpage with the transcripts listed. And yes, Amy Porterfield does an amazing job of this.

      But also remember, she has a team of people helping her. If you’re a solopreneur, my advice would be to do what works within your schedule and abilities. Good luck! 🙂

binge reads



HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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