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So, What are Foundation Podcast Episodes?

Foundation podcast episodes are episodes of your show you know you’ll refer back to over and over again. The examples from The Proffitt Podcast are: 

But what makes them foundation episodes? Well, These are episodes of my podcast that I knew from the beginning that I’d use as in future episodes as references, to splinter and repurpose content, and they’re the foundation principles of what I teach. 

And if you’re just getting started with your podcast, this is one of the easiest places to start with your podcast content. You should know what the foundational principles of your podcast content are.

Foundation Podcast Episodes can include:

  • Your origin story of how you found your podcast topic
  • Content that listeners need to know or understand about your podcast before they get into what’s to come with future episodes
  • Fundamental belief systems of why you do things the way you do them

The idea for my foundation episodes came from what I believe are the most important stages of a podcast’s life: my start, launch, and market principles

How Should You Separate Out Foundation Podcast Episodes?

Just like other podcast episodes, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too much information. Limit the main point of your foundation podcast episodes to one topic. You can have many foundation principles, but definitely don’t shove the “TOP 10” of anything into one podcast episode.

“Can I Separate Them Across a Series of Episodes?

Absolutely! This was how I originally got started with The Rookie Life Podcast. I created two series at the very beginning of my podcasting journey that I thought would be the core beliefs I referred to over and over again: Take Care of Yourself & Take Care of Your Home series

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Your Foundation Podcast Episodes Will Grow & Evolve…

You’ll continue to create foundation principles as your podcast grows and evolves over time. But just know that these are important resources to send brand new listeners to – depending on what stage they’re in on their own journey.

Here are some examples of foundation podcast episodes for listeners who are brand new to The Proffitt Podcast:

Foundation Podcast Episodes

RECAP: Foundation Podcast Episodes & How to Create Them

  1. What are Foundation Podcast Episodes?
  2. How Should You Separate Them?
  3. Can I Create a Series?
  4. They’ll Grow & Evolve

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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