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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


3 Ways to Market Your Podcast on Facebook

1.Facebook Groups

Create your own group for your podcast!
This is where you can build a community of people who are ready to hear any new content you’ve created. You’ll be be able to create even deeper connections with your audience and grow a tribe of loyal fans.

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Have You Joined Our Facebook Group Yet?

Join other Industry-Related Facebook Groups

In those groups you can promote your podcast episodes or help solve problems of potential podcast listeners. (Just don’t be SPAMMY about it…no one likes those people!)

Example: BuzzSprout Podcast Community
I often get notifications of new posts within the group and I’ll pop in to see what people are saying. Not only has this helped grow my authority (as someone who offers value), it’s also helped me get recognized by the admins in the group. This is good if you’re wanting to collaborate in some way in the future, but NEVER-EVER take advantage of people.

Build genuine relationships with them and offer value, value, and more value! If you keep doing that often, it won’t go unnoticed!

BuzzSprout Podcast Community

Search other groups for keywords.

What phrases or keywords are related to your podcast, your business or your industry?

For example, if you’re a life coach…you could go into a Facebook group and type the phrase, “Find a life coach” and possibly find tons of people who have mentioned that they’re looking for a life coach. And it’s really simple to do this.

If you’re already in a group, go to the search function.
(If you’re on a mobile device, this is usually at the top of the screen. If you’re on your PC, it’s usually on the left-hand sidebar.)
Type in your keyword and BAM! All of the results in the group with that specific keyword will pop up!

Now, go find all of those unanswered questions!

Market Your Podcast with Facebook

2. Posting on Facebook Page (Then resharing using personal account)

What podcast info can you share on Facebook? Here are some ideas:

  • Graphics 
    • Quote cards
    • Title of Episode
  • Videos
    • LIVES
    • Talking about brand new weekly episodes
    • Go live in Podcast Facebook Group
    • Interview Podcast Guest
      • Could interview guest live and repurpose content for the podcast
    • Sound bites
    • Behind the scenes/Show where you record

Market Your Podcast with Facebook

3. Ask people to like your post and share it with someone.

People LOVE shareable content! This simple call-to-action can get your post in front of lots of potential listeners, but you have to ask. People won’t know to do this unless you ask them. Add a simple, “If you found this helpful, I’d love it if you would share it with someone who’d enjoy it too.”


RECAP: 3 ways to market your podcast on facebook

  1. Facebook Groups 
  2. Post Content on your Facebook Page. Then reshare on using your personal account.
  3. Ask people to share your content!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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