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Instagram Marketing for Your Podcast

Instagram has become a great tool to connect with other people. But did you know you can use this visual social platform to make deeper connections with your audience?

Today, we’re talking about Instagram Marketing strategies that can help you grow your influence and reach more people. So let’s get started!

Instagram Logo

1.Post on Instagram Account Page

Personal Vs. Business Account

This is totally up to you whether you want your Personal Instagram to act as your Podcast page also, but I advise you use a “Business” Instagram account. A Business account allows for you to collect data and analytics that you wouldn’t otherwise have access to with just a Personal account.

What can you share on your Instagram Account Page?

    • Use Canva.com to create FREE graphics to promote on your Instagram account.
    • Quote Cards or Title of Episode
    • Repurpose the Description from the Podcast Episode
      Instagram Post Gif
    • LIVES
      • Talk about brand new weekly episodes
      • With or without someone else
        • Can ask other experts to go come on your account and chat
        • Could interview guest live and repurpose that content for the podcast
    • Show where you record your podcast
    • Give your audience a chance to see you recording an interview
    • Special exclusives for only your Instagram followersInstagram Account KrystalProffittTX

2. Share Posted Content on Instastories.

Now, take the content that you shared above on your main Instagram page and share it on your Instastories. If it’s a post, tease the content by only showing a piece of it. Example, if I’m gonna post a picture of myself recording…I may put text, a GIF or emoji over the pic so people are forced to click through to the post if they really want to see it.

Instastories Tutorial

Watch Full Tutorial Here

3. Ask People to Like Your Post and Tag Others!

Most of the time people don’t know what you want them to do until you ask them to do it. So I encourage you to ask your audience to share your content! 

They can take a screenshot and share your posts within their stories.

They can tag their friends, family, co-workers, or anyone else your content could help.

But people DON’T KNOW to do this…unless you ask them!

4. #Hashtags! 

Here’s the scoop on HASHTAGS for Instagram:

*BONUS TIP: If you use Tailwind for scheduling your Instagram posts, you can save your hashtag lists! 

5. Tools I Use for Instagram

Like I mentioned in the podcast, I’m NO Instagram Expert…however, I’ve managed to grow by a few hundred followers on my page by implementing these strategies in the last few months. But I have to say, I attribute a lot of my growth (99.9% of it actually) to the tools I’ve used. 

Here’s What I Recommend:

Tailwind Logo

RECAP: Ways to Market Your Podcast on Instagram

  1. Post on Instagram Account Page
  2. Share Posted Content to InstaStories
  3. Ask People to Like, Tag, & Share Content
  4. Hashtags!
  5. Tools I Use

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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