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PodHouston: How to Grow an Email List with a Podcast 

If you’re an online entrepreneur, chances are you already know the importance of having an email list. But if you’re brand new to podcasting and wondering what the heck an email list has to do with a podcast, this episode is just for you. 

Learn the exact steps you need to create and grow an email list with a podcast. (Download the slides from the presentation here.)

Steps to Grow an Email List with a Podcast

1.Create Your Freebie

Have to understand exactly who your ideal listener is (identify their problem):

  • What are their pain points?
  • Biggest fears?
  • Problems they need solved?
  • FAQs?

Then, you need to decide the best way to help them (create a solution):

  • Checklists
  • Workbooks
  • Quizzes
  • eBooks
  • Videos
  • Webinars
  • FAQs Answered

Next, the Title of your freebie is so important! If possible, give it a “shock & awe” factor. 

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2.Build a Landing Page

What’s the main purpose of the landing page? A place for value exchange. 

It’s where your potential subscriber has the opportunity to see what you have to offer (your value to them) in exchange for them giving you their email address (the value given to you – their trust).

How to Format Your Landing Page

  • Name Your Freebie Clearly
  • Speak to Their Pain Points (Problem)
  • Call Out WHO Your Freebie is For
  • Keep It Simple!

3.Thank You Page

There are two ways to craft your Thank You Page:

  • with a website
    • Have an opportunity to further the relationship with your listener/subscriber
      • Can use videos, links to social media, or your top resources to add even more value
  • without a website
    • You’re limited to what your message can show
    • But take advantage of being able to connect with your audience on as many levels as possible

Your Thank Page is another opportunity for you to build trust and authority!

4.Welcome Sequence

What is a Welcome Sequence?
A sequence of emails a new subscriber receives once they’ve opted-in to your freebie. It usually includes 3-5 emails, delivers the freebie, introduces you and/or your podcast, offers advice, and gives resources. (These are simply a few ideas and suggestions to get you started with your email sequence. Don’t feel like you have to include them all.)

Why is a Welcome Sequence Important?
It gives you a chance to further your relationship with a brand new subscriber.

You don’t want to be a “one-hit wonder”. You want to be their “go-to expert”!

How does a Welcome Sequence work?

  1. Delivers Freebie
  2. Welcome/Intro
  3. Testimonies/Stories of Helping Others (or How You’ve Achieved Success in Your Industry)
  4. Resources


Grow an Email List with a Podcast

My Welcome Sequence for New Subscribers

5.How Do You Use All of This with a Podcast?

It’s simple…you just need a URL! 

Announce on your podcast where people can grab the freebie (landing page or opt-in form). Here are a few examples:

“If you need content ideas for your podcast, I encourage you to grab my FREE 500+ Podcast Ideas for any industry @ KrystalProffitt.com/500podcastideas.

“If you’re looking to launch a podcast, grab my BASIC PODCAST LAUNCH PLAN @ KrystalProffitt.com/launch.”

Recap: How to Grow an Email List with a Podcast

  1. Create a Freebie
  2. Build a Landing Page
  3. Thank You Page
  4. Welcome Sequence
  5. How It All Works with a Podcast

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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