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How to Pick Your Podcast Launch Date

There are many factors that go into picking just the right date to launch your podcast.

BUT…don’t let “not knowing” when to launch be your excuse for not putting content out into the world. Oh, no, no, no, my friend. We’re not playing that game.

I want to see you launch your podcast!

Even if you’ve been podcasting for a while and never really “officially” launched your podcast, the strategies I shared in the “How to Launch Your Podcast” Episode 48 can be applied.

If what you’re doing right now isn’t getting you the results you want, I encourage you to go listen to the episode and see if there is something there you can try.

But today I want to talk specifically about how to pick the exact date you’re going to launch your podcast.

It’s such a mental block for a lot of podcasters to sit down with the calendar and say, “Yes, this day. That’s the day I’m going to put this thing I’ve created out into the world.” 

And I know why you struggle with this. It’s because all of a sudden it’s REAL!

You’re committing to the fact that you’re actually doing this thing, creating a podcast, and it’s kinda freaking you out a little bit. 

Don’t worry though.
Because that’s why I want you to pick a podcast launch date and stick with it. Now, let me show you exactly how to do this.

1. Look at Your Personal Calendar

What’s going on in your life right now?
What season of life are you in?
Do you have small kids at home?
Gotta escape to your closet to record your podcast?

Are you working around multiple calendars within your home?
(School, work, family obligations, kids’ activities?)
Do you have a big event coming up?
(Wedding, Graduation, etc.)
Are the Holidays right around the corner?

I want you to look at the next few months and really see what’s going to work for you. I’m not gonna lie, I want you to launch your podcast as quick as humanly possible because you can only know what content works and what doesn’t when you START creating content.

But I also know that if you rush the podcast launch process and do it at a time when it doesn’t work for you personally, two things are bound to happen:

  • You’re going to burn out shortly after you get started.
  • You won’t be able to stay consistent with your podcast because you didn’t plan accordingly.

So make sure you take a good look at your personal calendar and use that as a reference when picking your podcast launch date.

Pick a Podcast Launch Date

2. Look at Your Professional Calendar

When can you benefit most in your business?
When can you dedicate time for the launch?

Maybe you already have a business.
Or maybe you have a fulltime job while you’re trying to start a podcast.

Look at your professional calendar and see when a good time for your podcast launch will be. 

Is it in 6 months after work slows down a little bit?
Is it over a holiday period because you know you’ll be able to pay more attention to the launch strategy?

Because launching definitely requires more attention than just the day-to-day, week-to-week content creation. You have to develop a plan, outline your strategy, and execute it with your podcast launch goals in mind.

Speaking of Podcast Launch Goals…

If you’re wanting more resources to help you with your podcast goals, then be on the lookout for the Podcaster’s Kit 2019. It’s a brand-new resource with over 50 podcasters contributing their best info for only $39!

Which is incredible!

I mean, the masterclass I’m teaching on launching podcast is valued at $97 by itself so I know it’s a freaking steal to have access to that many experts for under $50! It’s happening between 10/7/19-10/11/19, so if you’re checking this out after then…sorry, it’s closed.

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

3. Look at Your Promotional Calendar

What’s coming up in the next few weeks within your industry? 

If you’re in the health and fitness industry, maybe the best time for you to launch your podcast is in January – when people are setting new personal goals for themselves and looking for motivation.

Or maybe take a look at when other podcasters in your industry launched and see their results. 

Did they have HUGE success launching in the summer?
Did they do a huge ramp-up leading up to their launch?

I don’t think we should ever compare ourselves to others, but I also am a strong believer in podcast modeling. 

It’s something I teach my students in Proffitt Podcasting and it can make all the difference when you’re trying to decide on the big decisions with your podcast. 

Again, not copying someone or comparing yourself to them.
But trying to understand why they did something and how they did it can be a very powerful tool.

4. When Will You (Realistically) Have Enough Podcast Content Ready to Launch?

If you go back and listen to the launch episode 48, I tell you all about the podcast launch plan. In the launch plan, we go into so much more detail about the exact steps and checklist that needs to happen before you launch. 

I’m going to link to it in the show notes so you can grab the Basic Podcast Launch plan if you haven’t already grabbed it.

One of those important checklist items is having at least 3-5 episodes for people to listen to when your podcast launches.

So I want you to give yourself a reality check. 

If you want to realistically launch your podcast, let’s say by the end of the year which would be a little under 3 months from now, what would it take to create enough content to make that happen?

I want you to be really honest with yourself.

Are you still struggling with coming up with content ideas?
Are you still trying to figure out how to record and set up your equipment?
Or are you cranking out episodes and you’re like, “Bring it on!?”

This is going to vary from person to person, but I want you to be really honest with yourself. 

Pick a Podcast Launch Date

RECAP: How to Pick Your Podcast Launch Date

  1. Look at Your Personal Calendar
  2. Look at Professional Calendar
  3. Look at Promotional Calendar
  4. When Will You Have Enough Podcast Content?

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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