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Podcast Show Notes

Episode 300 “5 Keys to Repurposing Podcast Content”, She Podcasts Talk What Does Repurposing Podcast Content  Mean? t’s talk about using one piece of content — more than once. The definition that I like to use for what “repurposing podcast content” means is: Taking one piece of content and using it for multiple purposes. It’s […]

Episode 299 Start a Binge-Worthy Podcast, One Year Anniversary Learn from the Best! I can’t take all the credit for the success of this book!  Just like any large project that takes a long time to get off the ground, this book wasn’t created overnight. In fact, I participated in multiple book launches leading up […]

Episode 298 PodSound School Chat with Veronica and Steve Collaboration Over Competition This is how podcasting is different… Not every industry encourages collaboration. In other spaces, you’ll find cut throat competition and people cutting each other down.  But I hope today’s interview is a testament to how people — doing similar things — can work […]

Episode 297 Podcast Guest Experts, More Than One? Can I Have Multiple Podcast Guest Experts on the Same Topic? I had the same conversation twice in one day – with different people. That tells me I need to talk about what’s actually going on underneath the surface. I was about to start an interview with […]

Episode 296 Podcast LLCs and Other Legal Questions with Braden Drake Let’s Talk About Podcast LLCs I get questions all the time about the legal stuff to do with podcasts.   And my gut reaction is to scream, “I can’t give you legal or financial advice!” It’s turned into an involuntary response disclaimer. Because I don’t […]

Episode 295 Self-Sponsored Podcast Ads for Your Show I Love Self-Sponsored Podcast Ads! One of my favorite things to talk about is podcast ads. When it comes to podcast marketing, I’ve fallen in love with showing other podcasters how they can promote their own products and services on their podcast. And self-sponsored podcast ads isn’t […]

Episode 294 Podcast Pitching Mistakes from a Host’s Perspective Podcast Pitching Mistakes First, let’s talk about bad podcast pitches.  There are a few “red flags”, “no-no’s”, “faux-paus”, and the reasons why you’ll quickly get a “NO!” from me when you send me a podcast pitch. Two of the biggest offenders are: 1. The guest — […]

Episode 293 Planning Podcast Content, 2021 – Q4 The secret to consistency… When I get asked, “How do you stay so consistent with your content?”, two things come to mind: 1. It’s literally a foundation principle of my business. 2. A good plan. I hope you’re ready for me to pull back the curtain on […]

Episode 292 How to Have Patience with a Podcast When You Have to Journal About It I write in my journal most mornings. Around 5 AM, you can find me snuggled up on the couch in our front room with our Boston Terrier Wall-E and a hot cup of coffee. I love writing in my […]

Episode 291 How to Measure Podcast Social Media Results Almost at 300 Podcast Episodes I wouldn’t have believed you! If you would’ve told me back in 20219 that I’d hit 300 podcast episodes only 2 years after I went all in on podcasting, I wouldn’t have believed you. Actually at this point – between The […]

Episode 290 Podcast Monetization with a Digital Course, with Amy Porterfield It FINALLY Happened… The interview I’ve been dreaming about since 2018!  When I first started playing around with the idea  of creating my online business, Amy Porterfield was the voice in my headphones. Her podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy, was my go-to resource to […]

Episode 289 How to Sell Products and Services on a Podcast How Do You Feel About Selling on a Podcast? We need to talk about selling…  If selling on your podcast sounds a little overwhelming (or maybe even scary!), today’s episode will be super helpful. I’m sharing with you what I sell on my podcast, […]

Episode 288 Digital Course Academy, Affiliate Bonus Experience Testing a New Podcast Format Coaching Calls, Testimonials, and Student Experiences  I love to lead by example and show you different formats for your podcast. And today’s episode is a perfect example of that.  Recently, I wanted to hear more about the experience one of my Digital […]

Episode 287 Is Your Podcast Ready for the Next Level? Settling Into a New Routine We all go through seasons of life… Whether you have little kids, school-aged kids, or live alone, you can relate to going through different seasons of life. I’m settling into the season where all three of my kids are now […]

Episode 286 Grow a Podcast by Leveraging Your Community 4 Tips for Leveraging Your Podcast Community Grow a Podcast Organically There’s nothing wrong with paid advertising and using external resources to grow a podcast. But, the power of using your current audience to help scale your podcast makes for great strategy as well. Here are […]

Episode 285 How to Find Strategic Podcast Partners What is a Strategic Podcast Partner? Are we talking individuals or businesses? When it comes to have a strategic podcast podcast partner for your podcast, don’t discriminate from only working with an individual or solely working with businesses. You can do both! (Or either or.) Let’s dive into […]

Episode 284 Behind the Scenes: 5-Day Podcast Challenge Just a sneak peek… One of my nerdy qualities is that I love a good behind the scenes! And I’m assuming many of you love to see the behind the scenes too – because y’all love it when I post things on my Instagram stories that I […]

Episode 283 How to Create an Thriving Podcast Community Why a Podcast Community is Important Connection and Feedback When people ask me, “How do I engage with my audience?”, two things immediately pop into y head. Weekly emails and a podcast community. Now, my default definition of a podcast community is a Facebook group simply […]

Episode 282 Are You Stuck in Podcast “Research Mode”? Can I ask you a question? It happens more often than you think… When I ask people (who have told me I want to have a podcast one day), “How is your podcast planning going?” I usually get 2 responses: 1. The person gives me a […]

Episode 281 What is Podfade & Why Does It Happen? “I’ll be your podcast therapist…” Seriously, let’s talk… “Welcome to my office. Please take a seat on the couch and get comfortable. Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of water? We’re going to settle in for the next hour…” I’m not […]

Episode 280 Podcast Anxiety is Real! Here’s What to Do! We ALL Have Podcast Anxiety Before We Hit Record Imagine this… You walk into your office – or wherever you record your podcast- settling into your chair, adjusting the mic to a comfortable position, and opening your audio software. All of a sudden, your mouth […]

Episode 279 Podcast Movement 2021 Recap Podcast Movement 2021 Podcast Movement 2021, the largest podcast conference in the world, 100% exceeded my expectations. This was my very first Podcast Movement experience and it was so much fun. If you listened to the previous episode I did about my excitement going to Nashville (Episode 276: “Let’s […]

Episode 278 How to Launch a Podcast or Any Product, with Steph Taylor Launching a Podcast Doesn’t Have to Be Scary When I meet someone who’s just as obsessed with launching a business and creating podcast content, I get overwhelmingly excited! It’s not every day that you get to geek out on online business strategies […]

Episode 277 How to Use a Promo Swap to Grow Your Audience This Wasn’t My Idea I wanted to be really upfront from the beginning that this was not my original idea. (You’ve got to give credit where credit is due!) This idea was first brought to my attention from the folks over at Squadcast. […]

Episode 276 Podcast Movement 2021, Let’s Talk About What’s Coming Up Taking a Note from The Poddy Report I don’t always talk about my daily podcast – The Poddy Report – here on the show, and I realized I need to bring some of that fun content here on The Proffitt Podcast. (If you don’t […]

Episode 275 How to Use Podcast Dynamic Content Refresh, How to Use Podcast Dynamic Content How to use podcast dynamic content is one of my favorite things to talk about! Since it was released by Buzzsprout in January 2021, I’ve used it every week. And I’ve learned just how powerful this simple tool can be […]

The Proffitt Podcast

Episode 274 My B School Story, My “Why” from 2019 Looking at the Past I’m super proud to say this, but one of my biggest flaws is my tendency to hoard paper. Yes, like documents around the house – in so many shapes and forms. I’ve held onto papers from my high school days, random […]

The Proffitt Podcast

The Secret to Success: Consistency in Podcasting and Online Business Introduction One of my favorite things about having an online business and working with podcasters, whether you’re just getting started or have been at it for a while, is discussing their journey. I love talking to people about their experiences, asking where they are, how […]

The Proffitt Podcast

Creating a Communication Plan for Your Podcast Introduction When I first started my podcast and online business, I thought the most exciting parts would be the big moments—launches, new episodes, and milestones. But what really gets me fired up are the nerdy, behind-the-scenes details. I love hearing about the inner workings from other content creators, […]

The Proffitt Podcast

Why You Should Fire Yourself to Become a Better Podcaster Introduction Today’s topic is a bit cringe-worthy, but it’s one that we need to discuss. As a people pleaser, the idea of firing someone makes me uncomfortable. But what if we need to fire ourselves? It sounds odd, but stay with me. I’ll explain how […]

HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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