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Quick Recap on What’s Been Covered Before

We’ve talked on the podcast before about “Growing an Email List with a Podcast” in Episode 115. And there are numerous episodes dedicated to social media marketing.

Today, I want to share with you how these two methods of marketing are totally different but both important for your podcast. And there are definitely ways to use both strategically to scale your show.

*HINT* One of them is more important than the other.

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Concentrate on Growing Your Social Media or Email List?

I get asked so much about which one is more important. And when I first started, I wanted to know the same thing! But today, I’m happy to share with you my experience using both to help grow and scale my podcast over the years. First, let’s talk about the purposes for each platform.

Purpose of Social Media

When I just getting started, I wrote “250 Facebook Page Followers” on a sheet of paper as my initial goal. Once I hit that number, I wanted to have 500 followers on my Facebook Page. That almost took me a year to achieve! And it turns out, most people that followed my Facebook page, in the beginning, were people who I wouldn’t consider my ideal listener today. 

Translation: I wasted a lot of time and energy growing a platform of followers and not engaged listeners.

The purpose of social media is to engage with new and potential listeners.

I was rarely posting on that Facebook Page, yet I was hoping to wake up one day and have hundreds of followers overnight. The only way to grow your social media is to show up consistently and add value to your current and potential audience.

But you don’t own your social media following.

Purpose of Email List

I’ve known since I started my blogging journey way back in the day how important an email list is to an online business. But I never really got serious about it.

I put it off as something I’d eventually get around to. “I have more important things to focus on…that seems like a low priority.” 

But I can tell you now that I’ve totally changed my way of thinking about an email list for a podcast!

The purpose of an email list is to bring your listener into your podcast community.

When people follow you on social media, they might see a percentage of the things you post. Might. That means you put all of this time and effort into doing social media, but you have no control over how much of your audience actually gets to see it. 

But with your email list, you’re given the opportunity to develop a personal connection with your listeners…beyond just a “Like” or a thumbs-up emoji.

Email List for Podcast

Does More of One Translate to the Other?

No. Having a large social media following doesn’t necessarily translate into having a large email list. And the same is true in the opposite direction. For a long time, I had a much bigger social media following than my email list!

Which One Should You Concentrate On?

I was hoping this one would be obvious, but in case it’s not…your email list! Your email list for your podcast is one of the most important strategies for your podcast!

If you want to see how an email list funnel works in action, be sure to visit “500+ Podcast Ideas for Any Industry” here. 

Remember What’s Important!

Social Media is an important part to get your marketing out there, gain more listeners, and grow your show…

But don’t get caught up in growing your show with “new” people. Instead, concentrate on showing up for those already there for you. They deserve the best content and value you have to offer.

RECAP: Social Media Vs. Email List for a Podcast

  1. Previous Episodes
  2. Purpose of Social Media
  3. Purpose of Email List
  4. Which One to Concentrate On

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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