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Hi, I'm Krystal.
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Enhance the Listener Experience

I had a really cool opportunity in the last few weeks to do training that was all about podcast branding. but what I realized, while I was doing this training for another organization, is that I hadn’t taken the time to teach this community about podcast branding.

And I feel like I have cheated you out of some basic Foundation principles that you need to know.

 So first of all, I want to apologize!

 I have been teaching about marketing and promoting your podcast, but if you don’t have the tools and strategies for Branding… Then the marketing tools won’t do you any good.

 So today I want to cover the WHEN, WHERE, & HOW of podcast branding.

When Do You Start Podcast Branding?

The point of the training that I did for this other organization was to help podcasters – new and established – really understand their own show. I felt very honored that this organization chose me to talk about podcast branding.

The email I received from the representative from the company said, “We are putting together this course about knowing and understanding your podcast and when the subject of branding came up…YOU immediately came to my mind!”

Now, I don’t know if this makes me “braggy”…but that made me smile big time!

My podcast branding efforts have paid off big-time!

Because here is this person that I have only interacted with a few times online, yet she immediately thought of me to talk about branding podcast.

And there’s a very specific reason for this…

So let’s dive into that. 

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WHEN: It Starts with the Basics

When I realized I was going to talk about podcast branding and it’s NOT something I’ve been actively teaching on, I realized I needed to ask myself some questions related to WHEN, WHERE, and HOW branding is important.

First, we’re going to talk about WHEN

And these are the questions I ask myself when it comes to my podcast branding:

  • When will you publish episodes?

    • Literally, which days will you publish your episodes? Will you post new episodes every Wednesday? Or 2 times a week? Or every day? 
    • You should have this worked out long before you start publishing episodes, but it’s extremely important to stay consistent once you’ve picked your days.
  • When will you post online?

    • This translates to, when will you post on social media? How often will you put stuff on your website?
    • Pick a certain number of times (per day/per week/per month) and stick with it.
  • When can people connect with you?

    • It’s the digital world people. And not the world of house phones ringing in the evening and the voicemail box in the kitchen interrupting Mom’s delicious meatloaf. 
    • Let people know how they can connect with you online and when they can interact with you!

Podcast Branding

WHERE: All the Places

The WHERE of podcast branding is pretty easy to spot. This is usually where people start thinking about their podcast as they’re creating it. You can ask questions like:

  •  What social media platforms do you want to be on?

    • Choose 1-2 platforms you’ll use most and stick with those.
    • Despite what people say, you DO NOT have to be everywhere!
  •  Do you want to have a website for your podcast?

    • A website isn’t a requirement for a podcast, but I encourage people to have one. 
    • There are so many benefits to having a website! (Check out this episode to see what I’m talking about.)
  •  Should I email my list with new episodes?

    • ALWAYS! 
    • Email your list every week and share with them the latest amazing content you’ve created!
  •  What podcast platforms do I want to show up on regularly?

    • Are you connected on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, iHeart Radio? Or any other platforms? 
    • You need to know so you can tell people where to listen!

These are all fantastic questions to ask yourself for podcast branding. And you want to be very clear where you show up online because…

How will people find you if they don’t know where you are?

 So as you are developing your brand strategy for your show, make sure that you have these things decided beforehand that way you know where to tell people to find you.

HOW: Make It Clear!

Lastly, you want to be very clear and strategic on letting people know:

  • How they can connect with you?

    • Your website? Social Media? Email?
  • How to take the next step with you and your business?

  • How can they listen?

    • On their mobile device? On their computer? 
    • Y’all, I still get this question ALL THE TIME!

Make it SUPER clear in your messaging about your podcast! This will help people know when to find you, where to find you, and how to find you.

But I wanted to remind you of one more last thing…

All of your marketing efforts WILL NOT pay off and be as effective if you don’t take the time to figure out the podcast branding principles that we’ve talked about here today.

Podcast Branding

RECAP: Podcast Branding – Let’s Go Over the Basics

  1. Enhance the Listener Experience
  2. When?
  3. Where?
  4. How?

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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