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Podcast Growth, When Will I See It?

What happens initially after you publish your podcast

Oh My Gosh!
This literally happens to everyone…
This happened to me…
This happens to my clients and students…

But right after you launch, there is a real need to check your podcast stats at least once an hour for the first days and weeks. (Right, it seems a little pathetic. But it’s a real thing! And I feel like we don’t talk about it enough. So if you do this…you’re 100% normal!)

This is real! I totally did this when I first started.

Then does evenutally change to only checking your podcast stats to daily and then weekly.

But it’s SO HARD not to do this when you first start. I think it’s because we’re just looking for validation, right? You’re asking those questions:

  • Do people like it?
  • Am I on the right track?
  • Is what I’m saying sticking with my audience?

Podcast Growth, When Will I See It?

What Contributes to Podcast Growth?

Podcast growth depends on many factors, like how many times a week you publish (1X vs. 7X). However, there is ONE KEY TRAIT that contributes to podcast growth. And that is…

Consistency! Consistency is KEY!

I say this all the time, but you have to commit to consistency before you ever launch. This is so important. And honestly, this is more of a mindset than an acutal skill. Consistency is about commitment.
Committing to your podcast.
Committing to your audience.
Committing to show up every single week.

People need to know how to find you and when you’ll show up again for them. So if you don’t show up for your audience regularly, they won’t know when to show up for you.

Need Data in Order to Measure

I was totally prepared to put out at least 10 episodes before I decided whether I needed to change things up or keep them as is. You need to create content (and lots of it!) before you start to analyze the success of your show. 

You can’t measure your podcast growth and stats if you don’t have enough info.

So if you’re just starting, give yourself a little time (and grace) to start seeing some results before you decide if what you’re doing is working or not.

Podcast Growth, When Will I See It?

Capitalize on Better Performing Content!

Once you notice a specific podcast episode (or any piece of content) performing better than others, capitalize on it! You can usually see which episodes are resonating with your audience when you’re 10-20 episodes in – which maybe 4-6 months worth of episodes if you’re publishing 1X/week.

You’ll start to see what type of podcasts episodes your audience loves!

Capitalize on that momentum from one piece of content and create more content just like it!

EXAMPLE: Marketing to Public Speaking Episode 28

This is one of my most downloaded podcast episodes. So, I’ve created multiple spin-off episodes that speak directly to marketing because that’s what my audience has responded to.

It’s a way to focus on podcast growth by working smarter, not harder!

I’ve talked about Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest Marketing.  (I also have email marketing and some other stuff up my sleeve.) All of these episodes exist because I know my audience LOVES this type of content and these episodes continue to perform well!

RECAP: Podcast Growth, When Will I See It?

  1. What happens right after you launch…(Obsessive stat checking!)
  2. Stay Consistent!
  3. Capitalize on content already performing well!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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