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  1. Lynn Johnson says:

    I just listened to this recent podcast with Priscilla Johnson. It was very well done and informative. Your questions to Priscilla were great which opened up the topic and discussions about skin issues and what you eat.

    I appreciated Priscilla’s desires and stickability with her past skin problems.

    This is my first time tuning in but I do not have Facebook. Sorry I am a dinosaur in this regard but thank you for your podcast and hard work. Fantastic

    • Krystal says:

      Thank you so much Lynn! Priscilla was such a pleasure to interview. Her relatable story with her own journey made the episode so amazing!

      Thanks again for tuning in! 🙂

  2. Kelly Ferreira says:

    What an inspiring interview! Someone that was able to turn her personal challenge into eagerness to learn and to help others. During the whole time I was listening to it, just like Krystal, I also felt like Priscilla was calling me out in many unhealthy habits that I am fully aware I should give up in order to have not just the healthy and beautiful skin that I long for but also the lifestyle that I dream about. I was falling back into the sugar addiction but hearing this encouraged me to cut down again. Even what she said about the role that pursuit of perfectionism plays in anxiety resonated with me. By the end I had so much to think about and also so many questions, happy to know that she is available for a chat on Facebook.

    • Krystal says:

      Thank you for your compliments Kelly! So happy our conversation resonated with you! And yes, please reach out to Priscilla to chat about all things skin and nutrition. You won’t be disappointed!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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