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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


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When I First Started… 

In the podcast episode “What Does Podcast Success Look Like to You?”, I told you all about my journey. Going all the way back to 2009!) We don’t need to go that far back today. 

Let’s start around 2015 when I first started creating content online blogging. At this point, my “website” was on Blogger.com – nothing to brag about! – and I was volunteering at my community to help them with their Weebly website. This was my introduction to building my own website. And my awareness that I really didn’t know what I was doing.

In 2017, I started paying more attention to a blogger I’d been following for a few years. I studied what she did in her business and paid attention to how she was running her business.

Jump to 2018, I signed for that same blogger’s digital course all about creating a successful blog.

What Did It Feel Like?

When I decided to invest in a digital course about blogging:

“I remember having this rush of energy. I remember thinking oh my gosh!…I’m actually gonna do this and I’m gonna make money. I’m gonna be successful…I remember having drive. I just remember like feeling on fire to do this thing.

And then I looked at how expensive the course was.

Remember, I wasn’t making any money whatsoever with anything that I was doing. I was a stay at home mom.”

This course was right around $1,000. And I was terrified to invest in a digital course because I didn’t know if it was going to work. I wasn’t confident in my blog writing. I wasn’t really confident in myself.

But let me tell you a little something about me…

When I invest in something, I show up.

How Much Money Did I Invest in the First Digital Course I Took?

I invested around $1,000 in the first digital course that showed me how to set up my blog. And investing $1,000 when you’re not making any money is terrifying.

“…this course pushed me out of my comfort zone in more ways than one.”

I learned so many things from blogging and website building through this first digital course I took. I learned to start emailing my list, building a website, creating blog posts, and the basics of WordPress.

After investing in the course and setting up my website with expenses for the year, I was all-in around $1,500 in my business at this point.

My Next Investment: Marie Forleo’s BSchool (2019) 

When Marie Forleo’s BSchool program came around in early 2019, I still wasn’t making a ton of money in my business. I had launched my own first digital course once and made around $250.

But I knew since I’d been following Marie for a while at this point, that her program got results. I knew that BSchool would be a program that helped me take my online venture from just a blog to an actual business.

So when I found out that Amy Porterfield was offering a bonus experience for the BSchool program, I realized I was going to be getting two online mentors for the price of one. And that’s really what shifted my mindset from “I think I want to do this…” to “Sign me up!” (You can watch my conversation with Amy and what my BSchool journey looked like here.)

My all-in BSchool investment was around $2,000. 

Which was way more than I felt comfortable spending, but again, I knew it would get me results. I talked to my husband, Seth, about it and we decided it was something that I was going to do.

After BSchool was over, I ended up launching my course again and made enough money back to cover the cost of my initial blogging course and BSchool combined!

Path to [Podcast] Success

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Podcast Success

Here’s a Quick Message from Amy…

A Message from Amy

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Next, I Invested in Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy 

After I went through the BSchool program with Amy, I knew her style: how she teaches, how she shows up, and how she’s obsessed with getting people in her community results. So when her program – Digital Course Academy – came around, I knew it would be well worth the money.

Amy’s DCA program helps entrepreneurs create a digital course from the knowledge, skills, and expertise they already have. Was I still nervous to invest in DCA? Yes, because it was a big investment.

Digital Course Academy was around $2,000.

But I knew I’d get results with Amy’s program because I’d already gotten incredible results under Amy’s guidance through the BSchool program. And, I was right!

Invest Digital Course

*Limited Time, Expires 9/2/2020!

Sneak Peek: Digital Course Academy 

If you’re checking out this episode when it airs, you’re in luck! For a limited time, Amy is releasing Module One of Digital Course Academy for FREE!

That’s right. You can test drive the program for one week for absolutely FREE! No payments. No commitments. 

Check it out here!

And there are a few reasons – beyond me just beliving this program is incredible! – that I want you to take advantage of this sneak peek of DCA. I want you to:

  • See how Amy teaches
  • Learn how to structure a course with modules and lessons
  • Look at the design features – like pictures and slide decks
  • Check out the different ways you can video yourself for a course
  • And take a look at the Kajabi platform

DO NOT WAIT!! This DCA Sneak Peek is only available from 8/25/2020-9/2/2020.  

Let’s Talk Real Numbers…  

To conclude my all-in investments in digital courses to date, here are my numbers: 

  • Blogging Course: $1,000
  • BSchool: $2,000
  • Digital Course Academy: $2,000
  • Total Investment: $5,000

If you’ve been wondering whether or not you should invest in a digital course cost or how they can get you results, I wanted you to hear from someone who’s made a heft investment but also gotten great results! 

And if you’re interested in joining Digital Course Academy in 2020, you can join the waitlist here.

First Digital Course

How to Use This Resource

If you don’t already know this about Amy, she creates THE BEST guides, checklist, and free resources for her audience! Her guides have helped me plan content, create a DIY photoshoot at home, master a proper launch runway, and develop skills for understanding my audience better.

Inside The Ultimate Course Creation StarterKit guide, you’ll find important information to help you make the following 3 key decisions:

  1. Course Topic
  2. Course Name
  3. What You’ll STOP Doing Once Your Course Takes Off!

You’ll also find many details on how to brainstorm about your course in ways you may have never thought of. And, my personal favorite, you get to see firsthand what it looks like to create a freebie for your audience!


And, here’s a little something extra special! Amy recorded a quick video to tell you all about the Starter Kit!

Remember, when it comes to podcast monetization…

You don’t have to wait until you have thousands of listeners and millions of downloads. I’d only had my podcast up and running for four months before I decided to create my course.

And I didn’t have Amy’s amazing resource back then. (Man, to think where my business would be today if I had!)

So, go download this PDF guide and get started creating your digital course today! 

RECAP: Invest in a Digital Course: Why (& How Much)

  • Blogging Course
  • BSchool
  • Digital Course Academy
  • Total Investment
  • DCA Sneak Peek

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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