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Mistakes New Podcasters Make 

There was a question polled in a podcast group that asked, “What is the biggest mistake you made when starting your podcast that you wish you would’ve known about?” And if you know anything about me and my podcast “geekiness”, then you know I saw this about thought This is pure freaking gold! 

Not only does this question help brand new podcasters within that podcast community, but this question also sparked so many pieces of content I’ll create over the next few weeks and months! 

So let’s dive into all of the mistakes new podcasters make!

1. Underestimating How Long it Takes to Get Connected to All of the Platforms 

This is such a great point! It does take a hot minute to get connected to all of the podcast directories where you want your show to appear. It definitely isn’t a “Hit the publish button and your podcast is live everywhere.” Nope. It does take longer.

To learn more about Podcast Directories and how they work, make sure you check out this episode I did with Travis Albritton from BuzzSprout.

2. Not Having a Basic Outline

Here are some resources all about creating podcast content:

3. Understanding the Difference Between USB & XLR Mics

If you want to know more about XLR mics and which ones I’ve used for my podcast equipment, check out this video: Best XLR Microphones for Tascam-DR40X

4. Having One or More Co-Hosts When You’re Not 100% Confident in the Relationship

I don’t have firsthand experience with having a regular co-host on my podcast, but I imagine having your goals aligned is a very important part of the podcast relationship. Don’t jump into a partnership with your podcast unless you’re 100% confident in the relationship.

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Mistakes New Podcasters Make (Contd.)

5. Not Having Backstock (At Least 2 Months of Content from the Very Beginning)

I’m always a fan of having tons of ideas for your podcast. (If you haven’t check out my 500+ Podcast Ideas for Any Industry, make sure you check it out!) So yes, make sure you at least have some content planned when you launch.

6. Good Mic Plus a Mic Stand

Here is the boom arm I use for my podcast and an entire video on how I installed it: RODE PSA1 Boom Arm with Blue Yeti Mic Setup

7. Bad Sound Quality

You don’t have to have a fancy studio that cost you thousands of dollars, but you do have to treat your environment to have the best audio-quality to your ability. Check out this video on how I recorded in my closet for MONTHS because the echo in my office was so bad! 

8. Thinking I’d Immediately Get a Lot of Listeners

It saddens me when people don’t know what to expect right after they launch their podcasts. They have these expectations that aren’t real. And I don’t think it’s their fault. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about what you can expect, and most of the time it’s not accurate for all new podcasters.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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