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What is a Podcast Trailer?

Think of it like a movie trailer. It’s the information you want your audience to know about your podcast before they can actually start listening to full episodes. It’s just a preview.

It’s not the full she-bang!

The trailer episode is the audio track you put out before you actually launch your podcast. And it’s one of the best ways to get your podcast connected to all the podcast directories without releasing an entire episode.

How Does it Work?

Like I said above, you have to have at least one audio file connected to your podcast hosting site in order for your podcast to show up on all the platforms you want your podcast to appear (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, etc.).

My encouragement to you, my podcast friend, is to use your trailer as opposed to a full episode. 

This allows you to put it together in no time and have your podcast ready to rock and roll when you’re ready to launch it! Let me show you how to create your podcast trailer…

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What to Include in Your Podcast Trailer…

These are the important details to have:

  • WHEN Date Your Podcast is Launching 
  • WHAT Listeners Can Expect
  • WHO Your Podcast is For
  • HOW Often You’ll Put Out New Episodes
  • WHAT Kind of Value Your Audience Will Get From Listening

How Long Should the Podcast Trailer Be?

As a podcast junkie, I’ve listened to many different lengths for a podcast trailer. So I feel confident in saying, there’s no wrong answer here!

I’ve heard trailer episodes that are 30 seconds and some that are 15 minutes.

This totally depends on your style and your personal preference. But if you really want my opinion, I think keeping it short and to the point makes it easier for YOU to create!

Podcast Seasons

After I Launch, Should I Keep My Podcast Trailer?

If you feel like the trailer episode messes with the flow of the rest of your podcast, by all means…delete it! It’s not going to break anything if you decide you don’t want it as your episode zero after you launch. 

Or, you could do what I did and replace the audio file at a later date with more information about your podcast as it evolves. (I did this because I rebranded my podcast and didn’t want to confuse new listeners who went allllll the way back to the beginning.)

Recap: Podcast Trailer, What Needs to Be In It?

  1. What is it?
  2. What to Include…
  3. How Long Should it Be?
  4. Should I Keep It After Launching?

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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