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How to Increase Podcast Listeners

I’m super excited about today’s question from the community because this question gets asked right out of the gate from new podcasters. You launch your podcast and then you immediately want to know, “How can I increase podcast listeners? How am I supposed to reach more people?”

So today, we’re going to jump into some things to consider and how you can take small steps to increase your listeners. I’m also sharing with you the most effective strategies I used to increase listeners in 2019. 

1. Collaborations with People with Similar Audiences

Your network is filled with people who want to know the exact information your podcast is about…they just may not know that yet. What do I mean? 

I mean, that there are potential opportunities every day to add some kind of value (FOR FREE) to other people in your industry. Whether it’s teaching something for free, guesting on a podcast, writing a guest blog post, or another type of collaboration I could’ve never dreamed of, there are people out there right now looking for the EXACT info you have to share with their audience.

So I want you to consider the type of people you could collaborate with. Do a brainstorming session. Write down all the people you can think of. It doesn’t matter if you think they’ll say, “No…”

You’ll never know unless you try! 

I wanted to share with you some of the collaborations I did in 2019 to help increase podcast listeners for The Proffitt Podcast.

My Most Successful Collaborations of 2019:

  • Podcaster’s Kit
  • Virtual Summits
  • Partnering with BuzzSprout
  • OSSA Collective’s E-Course

(To learn more about Podcast Hosting Sites, make sure you check out my interview episode with Travis, Head of Content, at BuzzSprout here.)Chartable

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2. Guesting on Podcasts with Audiences Aligned with Yours

How can you find audiences that are aligned with yours? Well, this is actually one of the bonus tips I shared in this recent episode I did about Chartable. Go check it out and see how you can use their platform to find podcasts that are related to yours.

But this doesn’t mean that you have to guest on podcasts that have your EXACT SAME AUDIENCE. They just need to be close enough to the person you’re trying to talk to. I know my ideal listener, probably better than she does, so I know instantly whether a podcast audience will align with my message or not. 

3. Plug Your Show Any Chance You Get!

How can you talk about your show as much as possible without being annoying? It’s simple…offer value. Your podcast should offer value to your audience. (If it isn’t, that’s another discussion for another time.)

But if you’re in the business of constantly adding value to your audience, then pressure to feel like you’re coming off like, “Look at me. My podcast is amazing…i.e. I’m amazing!” will face away. If you’re adding value, your listeners (or potential listeners) will take notice! And you’ll easily be able to increase podcast listeners!

Talk about your podcast and the value you offer any chance you get!

If at any point you feel like you’re being “spammy”, you need to work on your mindset. Your podcast isn’t about you…it’s about adding value to your audience.

Increase Podcast Listeners

Recap: How to Increase Podcast Listeners

  1. Collaborating with Similar People with Similar Audiences
  2. Guesting on Other Podcasts
  3. Plug Your Show Any Chance You Get!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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