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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


1. Grow Your Audience & Influence

How can a podcast grow your audience and influence?

A Podcast gives you the ability to put your stake in the ground as the “GO-TO” person for what your topic is about. Once you identify exactly what you want your podcast to be about…you’ll start to see people noticing you for that one thing.

I know, it sounds too simple, right?

“You mean if I just say that my podcast is about underwater basket weaving then people will start to know me for that?”

Yup, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

(P.S. I love the underwater basketweaving example…I had many friends who told me that was their major in college and it still cracks me up to this day!)

But once you put your stake in the ground as the expert, people start to naturally gravitate towards you.

How does this affect your audience and influence?

Well, how can you grow your show if no one can identify why they are listening to it? 

If you haven’t claimed exactly what it is that your podcast is about, then no one else will know either. But once you state your claim, you can start to reach out to other communities within that industry and tell them what you have to offer. (Because you’ve claimed what you’re about!)

A Podcast also gives you the ability to have a solid, content producing platform. And I don’t know about you, but I trust people in my industry more when they show up consistently for their audience. 

It also allows you to engage with more people. 

When you can attract the type of people your podcast is trying to influence, they’ll start flocking to you – like a moth to a flame.

How a Podcast Can Influence Your Business in 2020

2. Increase Awareness to Your Brand & Your Message

The coolest thing about creating a podcast is that it gives you the ability to spread your message and impact more people, right?

But what tends to happen (by osmosis I guess?) is that the awareness of your podcast topic, as well as your company brand, starts to become more well known as your podcast tends to grow. 

Now, I’m not talking about your podcast topic will all of a sudden be SUPER POPULAR. (Because we’re kinda hoping it already is and that’s why you’re talking about it in the first place.) But instead, the way YOU feel about that podcast topic will start to catch on.

For example, people tell me all the time that they appreciate the fact that I tell them I still record my podcast in my closet.

Maybe it makes me more relatable.

Maybe they too want to know they’re not the only ones surrounded by piles of laundry whilst they record.

(By the way, that’s the first time in my life I’ve ever used the word “whilst”.)

This is a trait that isn’t just specific to podcasting, but to me and my podcast specifically. 

Most podcaster educators will tell to spend lots of money on the best equipment out there to have the best audio. I tell you to have a decent mic setup, but make sure your acoustics are stellar! And…it’s okay if your toddler interrupts you to tell you they have to go to the bathroom. Because #lifeofaworkingparent.

Mistakes New Podcasters Make

If you need help with the podcast process, make sure you download “The Ultimate Podcast Checklist”! It literally has every single step of the process you could ever need! Whether you record solo or have guests on every episode, this checklist can really help cut down on the overwhelm!

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

3. Create Deeper Connections with Your Audience

The intimate connections you make with your audience through their earbuds can’t be replicated anywhere else. That connection is deep and let me tell ya, it’s powerful too!

And your listeners appreciate that connection with you.

Quick Story Time:

When I went to the Entrepreneur Experience with Amy Porterfield earlier this year, I was taken back by how many of my fellow B-School students who said, “Are you, Krystal? I recognize your voice from your podcast!”

Y’all, I’m telling you. Those deep connections matter. 

These were people I may or may not have known through our small community online. And yet here we were, chatting around the coffee stands on break, and someone recognized my voice. In a room of 800+ people. They recognized me.

That connection is deep and it’s powerful!

So make sure that you’ve taken it into consideration as you plan for how a podcast can influence your business in 2020. 

Make sure that the message you’re putting out there is the one you want to be known for. 

And let’s crush your goals for 2020!

3 Strategies to For Your 2020 Podcast Calendar

FREE Masterclass for 2020!

What you’ll take away from this training:

  • Content Creation Strategies that get results every time.
  • How to Utilize Your Current Assets for fresh ideas.
  • Develop 6 Months of Content (in under 1 hour).
  • Why Sometimes It Pays Off to be a total creeper.

Join us here! 

RECAP: How a Podcast Can Influence Your Business in 2020

  1. Grow Your Audience & Influence
  2. Increase Awareness of Your Brand & Message
  3. Create Deeper Connections with Your Audience


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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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