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Episode 279

Podcast Movement 2021 Recap

Podcast Movement 2021

Podcast Movement 2021, the largest podcast conference in the world, 100% exceeded my expectations. This was my very first Podcast Movement experience and it was so much fun.

If you listened to the previous episode I did about my excitement going to Nashville (Episode 276:
“Let’s Talk About Podcast Movement 2021!”
), you know that I was really looking forward to meeting my virtual friends, watching speakers I’ve admired for years, learning new strategies, and – of course – geeking out with my fellow podcasters.

Check out the video below for a quick recap of Podcast Movement 2021.

Day Zero: Registration & Podcast Primer Talk

New Podcast Primer Talk

The biggest highlight of day zero was the Buzzsprout New Podcast Primer talk where Kerry-Anne Reid-Brown, Jordan Blair, Alban Brooke, and I spoke to new podcasters about getting their show off the ground. We crafted a talk based around laying the foundation for your podcast.

If you want to hear each of them here on the podcast, be sure to check out their episodes below:

Day 1: Recap & Takeaways 

Diversifying Your Income: Making Money from Membership

This talk about creating a podcast membership was so eye-opening from the presenters on stage. Here’s a quick overview of how the talk was described:

Hear from two independent podcast teams in the top 75 of Patreon creators about how they each earn six-figures annually with membership. From what converts during membership drives to how to create community that sticks around, the creators behind the nationally-ranked pop culture podcast The Popcast with Knox and Jamie and Apple Spotlight podcast Pantsuit Politics will share all their practical secrets.

We will cover launching a membership site with achievable goals, motivating your audience with exclusive audio, and making asks a part of your regular content. Between the two teams, we have more than 17,000 patrons and over a decade of combined experience on the platform. We will share how to grow, how to convert, how to retain, and how to entertain! – Podcast Movement 2021

The 30 Second Makeover

The thing I was looking forward to the most on Day 1 of Podcast Movement 2021 was the 30 Second Makeover Challenge. This was a fun way to see people have their podcasts audited right there on the spot by a panel of experts who run podcasts.

The facilitating panelists were Bobby Bones from iHeart Media and host of The Bobby Bones Show, Elaina Smith Host of “Nights with Elaina”, and Shannon Cason Homemade Stories.

And after the session was over, I have to say I didn’t totally agree with everything the panelists had to offer the podcasters they were auditing. Some of the comments felt like they were made for people who already had a large platform or were gearing their show towards a different audience. (A special shout out to the Well-Rounded Wolf podcast.) 

How To Build A Podcast Team On A Budget

You know I love anything on a budget! So I was super excited to hear about building a podcast team on a budget. Here is what this session was all about: 

Between scheduling, recording, editing, and marketing… producing a podcast can take a lot of time. Learn how 3 people in their early 20’s have built teams and systems on a budget. You will learn the processes that Sam, John, and Justin have put into place to bring on valuable and loyal members to their team to produce their podcasts.

With the time that each of them has saved, they have been able to start podcast production companies, a media company, and are currently working on an exclusive podcast with one of the largest podcasting studios in the world. They always say time is money, but we will show you how to save time even if you don’t have a lot of money! – Podcast Movement 2021

How to Get Your First 1 Million Download Month

It was really cool to hear the different approaches to get your 1st million dollar month from John Lee Dumas and Sam Parr. But the overwhelming approach that wins out time and time again is guesting on other people’s podcasts.

“I guest on 20 shows per month.” – John Lee Dumas

This talk was so great to hear from two podcasters who easily surpass one million downloads per month. It was interesting to hear that getting their show in front of new listeners is a constant priority to grow their show.

Day 2: Recap & Takeaways

How We Talk About Race in Podcasting

This was an incredible session that covered many topics within the podcast space about race, culture, and diversity. Here is the description from this talk :

America doesn’t need another conversation about race. At least, not the kind we’ve been having … the ones that are sparked by a crisis and move quickly from shock to empty promises to forgetting. No. What America needs are REAL conversations about race—ones that shine a light on the facts, the history, and the reality of how race plays out in our politics and society.

Through open dialogue, asking the big questions and creating space for inclusive interviews, hosts of your favorite podcasts covering race and culture in America unpack how race impacts every part of society and pull back the curtain on their process, sharing how they built podcasts that tell the truth about America’s challenges around race and offer ideas on the way forward. – Podcast Movement 2021

The conversation was led by a fantastic panel that offered great advice for holding space for all voices and what we need to look at as we grow our podcasts. Learn more about the speakers here:

The Future of Content Creation & Ownership w/Mark Cuban & Falon Fatemi

This was the presentation I was most looking forward to because I’ve been a fan of Mark Cuban for years! During this talk, the audience learned about their brand new app for podcasters – and content creators in general – as well as officially launching their new platform with Libsyn (a podcast hosting service).

Here is a great article referencing the “Fireside” chat by Cuban and Fatemi: Cuban and Fatemi’s Fireside Chat at Podcast Movement

While it’s pretty cool to now say, “I’ve talked to Mark Cuban,” I was a little more than disappointed in how this new platform for “podcasting 2.0” is actually going to help new podcasters.

Podcast Editing Made Simple

In support of my fellow presenter, I loved attending Kerry-Ann Reid-Brown’s talk about podcast editing made simple. Here’s a peek at what she spoke about at Podcast Movement 2021: 

Besides creating the content itself, podcast editing is arguably the most important step in producing a podcast. It is where you as the host/producer get to create a finish product that is entertaining, informative but most importantly pleasing to the ear. In this session we’ll go over key terms, editing using Audacity or Hindenburg, organizing and creating an editing workflow, different stages of editing and common editing mistakes. – Podcast Movement 2021

How Can Our Podcasting Statistics Help Us Improve

Tom Rossi, one of the Co-Founders of Buzzsprout, had a great talk about the relationship we should all have with our podcasts and their numbers. Here is the talk description:

In this session, we will address a number of questions revolving around podcast stats: What does a healthy relationship with our podcast stats look like? How can understanding and applying stats help us improve our podcast? What questions can our stats really answer for us? How do I apply all of this information? – Podcast Movement 2021

One of my biggest takeaways from Tom’s talk was that finding a healthy relationship with your stats is one of those things that we need to make a priority as a podcaster.

Day 3: Recap & Takeaways

How To Turn Your Side Hustle Into a Career: Monetize Your Podcast like a Pro

Hearing from podcasters who are making one million plus in ad revenue each year through just sponsored content, I was intrigued to learn more about the monetization strategies that worked and didn’t work. Here’s an overview of the talk and the things we learned:

When Almost 30 Podcast first began, co-hosts and co-founders Krista Williams and Lindsey Simick kept their full-time jobs for two years as they organically and intentionally built their brand. The show began as a side hustle, produced in a closet, and now ranks as one of the top 50 podcasts in the world. Almost 30 has more than 20M downloads, was nominated for Best Health Podcast and Best Spirituality Podcast by iHeartRadio, and works with major sponsors like Daily Harvest, Outdoor Voices, Athletic Greens, and so many more.

Through their journey, Krista and Lindsey have learned everything from how to grow an audience, to how to monetize, find aligned sponsors, and turn a passion project into a full-time successful business. They know first-hand that there isn’t always a perfect path to success and it’s not always realistic to quit your day job right away. In fact, Krista and Lindsey found a lot of freedom and beauty in the side hustle grind, and now they want to share their top takeaways they wish they knew when they started Almost 30. – Podcast Movement 2021

Leveraging Social Audio for Success: What Podcasters Need to Know

Michael Stelzner, the founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner, hosted a fantastic talk about the rise of social audio with platforms like Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces as well as the platforms coming on board in the coming months. (I’m looking at your audio promises, Facebook!)

 Here is the talk description:

Heard all the buzz about Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, and beyond? Wondering if you need to get involved in this thing called “social audio?” Join Social Media Examiner founder and top marketing podcaster Michael Stelzner and discover a new opportunity that’s ideal for podcasters. You’ll walk away with a new way to connect with your existing audience, build your listenership, and grow your business. Come join the “club” for what will be a high energy session. – Podcast Movement 2021

Video Recap of Today’s Episode:


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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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