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Hi, I'm Krystal.
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Let’s Get Scrappy – DIY Marketing with Melanie Dyann Howe

I was over the moon excited to interview today’s guest. 

Let me back up…

I joined Marie Forleo’s B-School program in early 2019.
Not being completely sure what I was getting myself into, I was a little nervous to put myself out there and get to know people. 

How far along was everyone else’s business?
Where they just getting started like me?
Did they already have a business and they were here to scale it?
How dumb am I going to look asking tons of questions?

Enter “Mentor Mel”.

DIY Marketing is Our Love Language

Immediately, I was drawn to Melanie’s enthusiasm for helping other people. She was determined that no one would EVER feel:

  • Alone
  • Behind
  • Stuck
  • Overwhelmed
  • Lost
  • Confused
  • Not Sure Where to Turn

She stepped in repeatedly and asked,

“How can I help?”

And that wasn’t just for me. That was for hundreds of us in our group. HUNDREDS! 

(Told you she was compassionate…and patient too, I might add!)

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We Share a Common Trait

Melanie and I got along so well from the very beginning because we have one very strong trait in common: 


If you’ve been hanging out in our podcast community for a while now, you know scrappy is the way of life when you’re just getting started.

And if you’re brand new to this community I want to share with you the phrase I live my life by, how I run my business, and what I tell myself as my husband and I raise these 3 boys of ours…

“Keep it up. We all have to start somewhere!”

The phrase embodies what it means to be scrappy. And Melanie just takes it to a whole new level.

So I encourage you to listen to our interview, join Melanie’s Facebook Group (because it’s jam-packed with value every single week!), check out her AH-MAZING podcast (DIY Marketing School), and follow her on social media.

The girl just knows how to master the online marketing world and is quickly becoming a household name for us Scrappy-DIY-Marketers-Taking-Over-The-World!

RECAP: Let’s Get Scrappy – DIY Marketing with Melanie Dyann Howe

  1. Intro. to Melanie
  2. Let’s About Podcasting
  3. Why Create a Podcast?
  4. Where Can We Find You?

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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