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Let’s Name Your Podcast

A question I’ve been seeing a lot lately is, “How are you supposed to name your podcast?”

And I think this is something that new podcasters struggle with. But also people that have been podcasting for a while and realize that they need to rebrand there podcast. (If you haven’t listened yet, there’s an entire episode about “How to Rebrand Your Podcast”.)

Today, we’re addressing this question as someone who is a brand-new podcaster AND someone who is thinking about changing the current name of their podcast.

There are 4 specific areas of naming a podcast I want to cover today.  I want to get through them and share some specific stories of how they relate to podcasting. It’s almost like a do and don’t list to work from.

1. Be Specific 

I know I reference Donald Miller’s book all of the time, but it is worth repeating because it’s just such good advice. In his book, “Building a Storybrand,” and in it he says this over and over again, “If you confuse, you lose.”

This one statement has helped me create a better podcast, a clearer website, and clean up so much of the clutter that I used to think was necessary in the online marketing space.

Be as specific as possible when it comes to how you name your podcast. You DO NOT want to confuse people. So make sure that you are super-specific in how you name your podcast.

How to Name Your Podcast

2. Don’t be Cutesy!

This is along the same lines as being specific, but don’t get all cutesy or fancy with how you name your podcast. I know that just like the blogging world there are lots of names that are already taken and you have to make sure that you’re not stepping on someone’s copyright or trademark.

But I don’t think that you should come up with a cutesy name in order to get your point across.

The simpler the words, the better.

If you’re talking about finances, have the word “finances” or “money” or another synonym in the title of your podcast. 

Also, include adjectives or other relevant words to your topic that can add meaning to the kind of value you’re going to bring to your audience.

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3. Throw in Your Topic When You Name Your Podcast!

What is the specific topic or industry that your podcast speaks to?

Is there a way to throw that name or a synonym to your topic into the title?

If you talk about yoga, then make sure you have something related to yoga practices, meditation, or health and fitness. At the very least have some guiding words that help a listener immediately identify whether your podcast is going to be for them or, more importantly, NOT for them.

Because remember, we can’t please everybody!

One of my favorite tools is the Thesaurus. (I know, simple right?) I use certain words way too much!

If you feel like there is a topic or industry term that is been overused, find a synonym for it. 

Try throw in the topic that you want your podcast to be about. 


Going back to the SEO for Podcasts episode we recently talked about – if you have a few ideas for how to name your podcast, I suggest Googling topics and ideas that revolve around what you want to talk about.

See what comes up! You never know where the inspiration for your podcast name will spark!

How to Name Your Podcast

4. Include Your Name ONLY If It’s Relevant!

Another question I get asked all the time is, “Should I include my name in a podcast title?”

And my gut reaction is NO.

Unless you’re famous or hold some kind of celebrity status, I don’t think it’s very relevant.

Obviously, there are exceptions to this, including this podcast.

I think I’ve shared this story before but I met my husband in Business School. And when he first told me that his last name was Proffitt… I  DID NOT believe him!

I was thinking, “Here’s this guy who is trying to make himself sound cool,” and all kinds of other silly thoughts about what he was trying to say to a girl that he was trying to date.

But I fell in love with and fully embrace the name Proffitt!

I mean come on…it’s such a cool name to have in the business world! So that is why I use my name in my podcast.

It’s not that I think I have a certain level of any kind of status. It’s a fun play on words.

Another example that comes to mind is a blogger, Jennifer Maker.  Her name is actually Jennifer Maker Marx. But because she is a crafter, Jennifer Maker just sounds so much more aligned with her brand and what she talks about. (If you’re into crafts, you should 100% go check out her blog and YouTube channel!)

If you have a name that you can use as a play on words, then I say go for it.

But if you don’t, then I encourage you to find a name that aligns with your topic, the audience you’re trying to reach, and maybe an emotional word or two that can help people really connect with you.


Try to keep the name short.

If you’re like me and you love to listen to podcasts, then you’ll notice most podcasts have pretty short names.  That’s because you can’t fit a lot of text on a podcast logo. 

My suggestion is to name your podcast with a short name followed up with a killer tagline!

How to Name Your Podcast

RECAP: How to Name Your Podcast

  1. Be Specific!
  2. Don’t Be Cutesy!
  3. Throw Your Topic in the Name!
  4. Include Your Name ONLY If Relevant!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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