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Let’s Talk About Self-Sponsored Podcast Ads!

While we’re talking about self-sponsored podcast ads…I wanted to take a second and tell you about my digital course Proffitt Podcasting because the doors are opening again at the end of August for just a short period of time. 

If you’ve listened to a few podcast episodes or you’ve enjoyed any of the content I put out on social media, then you’ll love this digital course! 

I walk you through everything you need to know in order to start, launch, and market you podcast in…get this…30 days!

So if you want to be the first to know when doors to Proffitt Podcasting open again, go to Krystalproffitt.com/podcastcourse to join the waitlist!

What is a Self-Sponsored Podcast Ad?

Plugging your own products, services, events, freebies/opt-ins/lead magnets, tools and resources within your own podcast.

So if you’ve ever heard on this podcasts or others where they say, “This episode is sponsored by my _________________________.” Then that is a self-sponsored ad.

You don’t necessarily have to say, “This is MY [fill in the blank].”

You could say, “This episode is sponsored by [blank product/service]”, and then go into detail how that thing can help your listeners.

Now we’ll get into this a little more when we discuss the WHY for self-sponsored ads, but I just want to be clear that you don’t ever want to promote something on your podcast that doesn’t align with your values and principles or doesn’t make sense for your audience.

Whether it’s a self-sponsored ad or a brand deal! 

Always be thinking of ways you can add value to your audience!

Why are Self-Sponsored Podcast Ads Important?

Because you don’t want to wait until you’re sponsored by another company to start including ads.

Here’s a little side note too: if you’re just starting out and you don’t have a product or service or anything to offer your listeners, that’s okay. That’s where CALLS-TO-ACTION come into play. You can say something like:

  • Join our Facebook group
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Like our YouTube video
  • Leave us a review
  • Join our membership site
  • Contribute to our Patreon account
  • Etc.

Want more Call-to-Action ideas for your podcast? Be sure to grab the “25 Calls-to-Action You Can Make From Your Podcast” in the Resource Library here.

Those CTAs prime your audience so when you do decide to promote something (either your product or someone else’s) then it’s not a total shock for them!

 Trust me, it turns off your listeners if it’s too abrupt. Get them used to hearing promos from you – even if it’s only your promos.

Maybe you don’t have any desire to sell anything, that’s totally fine! But what if all of sudden your podcast takes off…(The dream right?)

You start accumulating thousands or even millions of downloads each month. And you’re approached by a sponsor who can’t ignore all of your amazing-ness. How will your audience feel if you all of a sudden start throwing ads at them outta nowhere?

They’ll feel kinda caught off guard.

But what if they were already used to you giving them suggestions on products or services you love?

(We’ll chat more about affiliate marketing in another episode, but it’s still relevant for self-sponsored ads!)

Self-Sponsored Ads are a long term strategy for your podcast.

It’s all about laying the foundation for you to be able to promote anything you want to on your podcast, but you have to ease your audience into it.

9 Ways to Brainstorm Podcast Content Ideas

How Do You Create a Self-Sponsored Podcast Ad?

The next obvious question is: How do you create your self-sponsored podcast ads in the first place?

You have to set up the backend system first before you start promoting anything. That means asking the question:

What are the logistics that need to be in place in order for your funnel to work properly?

Because that’s really what we’re creating here: a funnel for your listeners to interact with you somewhere besides your podcast.

So you have to decide what you’re going to offer them. And since I feel comfortable talking to you about promoting your own products and services, that’s where we’re going to start.

Proffitt Podcasting Example

Plug Your Own Products

Here’s an example: I have a digital course called Proffitt Podcasting that teaches entrepreneurs how to start, launch, and market their podcasts.
(Doors are opening on Aug. 30th for those of you that have been asking…) Join Waitlist

I don’t always promote my course on the podcast because it’s only open a few times a year. Instead, I promote my 5-Day Podcast Bootcamp because it’s the start of the funnel that helps me build my email list in order to promote my course when the doors actually do open.

If you’ve been hanging out here for a couple of episodes, then you know that I have this and other self-sponsored podcast ads in multiple podcast episodes. I do this intentionally.

It’s kinda like the McDonald’s ad we saw on TV growing up over and over and over again…well, that’s assuming you watch TV every once in a while and don’t just stream everything like we do. 

(Quick side note: Does your family only stream tv or movies? We have YouTube TV which lets us watch live shows and sporting events, but other than that we haven’t had REAL cable in like 6 years…which is crazy!)

Anyway, the more you put your self-sponsored ad in front of people, the more likely they are to get curious about what you’re talking about. AND, if you really hit it out of the ballpark and offer your audience something they REALLY want…they’ll be so fired up to grab it the first time they hear about it.

I know there’s a podcast I listen to (“Do It Scared” Podcast with Ruth Soukup) that advertises only a few times a year this Holiday Planner that helps you stay organized for Halloween, Thanksgiving, & Christmas.  The host is a blogger and podcaster I’ve followed forever and she’s one of the reasons I started including self-sponsored ads a long time ago.

But the reason I bring this up today is that she does this soooo well…

She promotes her Holiday Planner in episodes leading up to the end of the year just by saying, “This episode is sponsored by our Holiday Planner”, and then she gives all of the reasons why you need this amazing planner. (Which it is amazing and I download it every single Fall! Here’s the link to last year’s FREE Holiday Planner.)

But how do you really Plug Your Self-Sponsored Podcast Ad?

Share the URL, link, website, etc. on the episode and in your podcast show notes. 


Proffitt Podcasting

RECAP: Self-Sponsored Podcast Ads

  1. What?
  2. Why?
  3. How?

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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