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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.

Episode 367

4 Keys to Selling in Your Content

The theme of summer 2022 seemed to be “selling in your content.”

What’s funny is that this happened by total coincidence!

I wish I could tell you it was all methodically planned out — months in advance. But the truth is, selling came up so much these last few weeks because it’s the thing that’s been on my mind lately.

So before we dive into the 4 keys to selling in your content, I wanted to make sure you had all of the other resources we’re shared.


I also mentioned my friend and speaking coach, Heather Sager. Check out her IG here and listen to her podcast “The Heather Sager Show” here.

Now, let’s into the 4 keys to selling in your content!

1. Don’t be afraid to make the ask!

When it comes down to it, you can’t be awkward, timid, or too shy to “make the ask” AKA ask for the sale. You won’t ever be able to sell anything if you can’t tell someone where the “buy button” is or how they can purchase your product.

In order to do this well, you need killer CTAs! 

Here are two of my favorite resources for better CTAs in your content:

2. Allow your audience to have a seamless experience.

Double-check for broken links or messed up URLs before you litter your content with links. QA/QC (Quality Assurance & Quality Control) is everything when you’re going into a launch.

And it’s a key to selling in your content. Make sure your audience doesn’t regret clicking on a link or following a CTA. Ask a friend or family member to go through the experience and give you honest feedback.

3. Don’t assume everyone will want to buy today.

A mistake I see creators making when they’re selling in their content is only talking to the people in their audience they think will want to buy their thing. They’re making the content about the buyers — not the audience.

What you should do instead is make your content appeal to the MAJORITY of your audience, not the minority. This way you’re adding value to everyone — even wow’ing potential buyers. 

4. Don’t ask more than you give.

This goes back to Key #3 — adding value in every, single piece of content I create.

It’s a promise and a commitment that I’ve made to myself as a creator and to this audience. I won’t be the person that’s constantly selling something in my content.

The main reason? Because I’ve also been bombarded by too many ads, too many people selling in everything they do, and it’s such a turnoff.

The true key to successfully selling in your content is knowing the balance between it all. 

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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