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Why You Should Fire Yourself to Become a Better Podcaster


Today’s topic is a bit cringe-worthy, but it’s one that we need to discuss. As a people pleaser, the idea of firing someone makes me uncomfortable. But what if we need to fire ourselves? It sounds odd, but stay with me. I’ll explain how firing myself has helped me become a better podcaster. Welcome to the Proffitt Podcast where we teach entrepreneurs how to start, launch, and market their podcast. I’m your host, Krystal Proffitt, and I’m so excited that you’re here. Let’s dive in!

Story from My Corporate Days

The concept of firing yourself might sound strange, so I’ll start with a practical example from my corporate days. Over a decade ago, I worked for a large general contractor as an accounting clerk. We were about to transition to a new accounting software, and someone suggested that it might be easier to fire the entire department and hire new people who didn’t have old habits. This idea scared me because I was new and still learning the old system.

Despite the fear, I survived the transition. It was challenging, but it taught me a lot about adaptability and letting go of outdated practices. This experience is relevant to podcasting because sometimes, we hold on to old habits and mindsets that hinder our growth.

What Does This Have to Do with Podcasting?

You might be wondering how this story relates to podcasting. The truth is, we often carry baggage from our past into our podcasting journey. Whether it’s a corporate mindset or childhood identity, these old habits can hold us back. It’s time to fire those old versions of ourselves and adopt new, empowering identities. Here are a few examples from my own journey.

Identities to Let Go Of

  1. You Talk Too Much! Growing up, I was often told I talked too much. If I had let this identity hold me back, I wouldn’t be here today, hosting a podcast and teaching others how to use their voices. If you’ve been told you’re too much of something, ask yourself how you can use that trait to your advantage in your podcasting journey.
  2. I’m Too Loud! I’ve always been loud, and I still get told this often. But instead of letting it hold me back, I’ve embraced it. Being loud helped me lead on the volleyball court and as a cheerleader, giving me the confidence to motivate and inspire others. Embrace your loudness or whatever trait you’ve been criticized for and use it to connect with your audience.
  3. I Don’t Have the Best Writing or Grammar! I’ve been told that my writing and grammar aren’t great. Despite this, I’ve published over 271 podcast episodes, written show notes, sales pages, created courses, and published two books. If I had let the identity of being a bad writer hold me back, I wouldn’t have achieved any of this. Keep showing up, even if you’re not perfect.
  4. I Have a Thick Accent Many people dislike their voices or accents, and I was no different. I thought my accent would turn people off. But I pushed past that insecurity and embraced my voice. Your unique voice is what makes you stand out. Don’t let insecurities about your accent or voice hold you back from podcasting.

New Analogy: Shedding Old Identities

Maybe the analogy of firing yourself isn’t quite right. Instead, think of it as shedding old identities to create new ones. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, you need to let go of what’s holding you back to embrace who you truly are. This will allow you to connect with your audience in a genuine way.

Embrace Your True Self

Embracing your true self is what will draw people to your podcast. Don’t let old identities hold you back. Whether you want to invite a big guest onto your show or take your podcast to the next level, shed those limiting beliefs and step into your true potential.


This episode felt like a tough-love session, but it’s important to share these personal stories to show you that you’re not alone. If you’ve been told you’re too much of something, shed those old identities and embrace who you are meant to be. For more insights and resources, visit the show notes at KrystalProffitt.com/episode271.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your podcasting journey, check out Proffitt Podcasting, my digital program. It’s designed to help you create a podcast with an impactful message in a simple way. You can find more details in the show notes.

Remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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