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How to Run a Successful Podcast Review Giveaway

I wish you could see me right now because I’m practically bouncing off the walls with excitement! Well, actually, it’s probably best that you can’t see me because I’m still in my workout pants, sporting my favorite “good vibes” sweater, and my hair is in a ridiculous bun on top of my head. But, believe me when I say that I have the biggest smile on my face because the Proffitt Podcast Review Giveaway is in full swing! If you haven’t entered yet, go do it!

Now, if you’re listening to this long after April 2021, let me break it down for you: we’re talking about how to run a podcast review giveaway. So, let’s dive right in and get started!

The Proffitt Podcast Review Giveaway

First things first, let’s talk about what a podcast review giveaway is. Basically, it’s a way to engage your audience by offering something valuable in exchange for podcast reviews. I get asked all the time, “Have you ever done a podcast review giveaway?” Well, now I can finally say that I have, and I’m going to share all the juicy details with you.

If you’re listening in real time and haven’t submitted your entry yet, head over to KrystalProffitt.com/review to get in on the action. If you’re hearing this after April 2021, the giveaway has ended, but don’t worry—you can still learn a ton from this episode about running your own successful giveaway in the future.

Where the Idea Came From

I love podcasting, and I’m always looking for ways to connect with my audience and keep things fresh and exciting. The idea for this review giveaway has been simmering for a while. People frequently ask me if I’ve done a podcast review giveaway, and the answer had always been no—until now! I knew I wanted to do something fun and engaging, and a review giveaway felt like the perfect fit.

I’ve done giveaways before, like when I launched my book, Start a Binge-Worthy Podcast, but I had never done one specifically for the podcast. I wanted to create a fun experiment and then be able to turn around and teach you how to do it too. So, I journaled about the idea, brainstormed the logistics, and set everything in motion.

The Scientific Experiment

One of the big reasons behind this giveaway is to conduct a little scientific experiment. I want to see if getting more reviews actually affects how my podcast shows up in Apple Podcasts. Will it bump me up in the charts? Will it increase my visibility? I’ve already gathered data on where we were before the giveaway, so I’m excited to see what changes.

The other part of this experiment is the social proof aspect. Reviews provide valuable feedback and can be used in marketing to showcase the credibility of your podcast. If you’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of client testimonials, podcast reviews can serve as powerful social proof.

How to Set Up a Podcast Review Giveaway

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of setting up a podcast review giveaway.

1. Choose a Deadline

I knew I wanted to run the giveaway in April, so I blocked off the last week of the month in my calendar. Having a clear deadline helped me stay focused and organized.

2. Determine the Terms and Conditions

I decided on one prize per day for five days. Instead of allowing multiple entries through various actions (like subscribing on different platforms), I kept it simple. I wanted to avoid complications and keep the process straightforward.

3. Create an Entry Form

I used Google Forms to create a simple entry form. Participants had to submit a screenshot of their review on Apple Podcasts. This extra step ensures that reviews are genuine and allows me to track entries.

4. Announce Winners

I chose to announce winners on Instagram Stories because it’s where I engage with a lot of my audience. Announcing winners on a platform where people are already active increases excitement and encourages social sharing.

5. Plan Your Prizes

Choosing the right prizes is crucial. They should be aligned with your podcast and brand. For my giveaway, I offered signed copies of my book, one-on-one coaching sessions, access to my digital program, and some fantastic podcasting equipment. These prizes were relevant to my audience and added an element of excitement.

Quick Recap and Lessons Learned

Running a podcast review giveaway is an excellent way to engage with your audience and boost your podcast’s visibility. Here’s a quick recap of what I’ve learned so far:

  • Set Clear Goals: Know why you’re doing the giveaway and what you hope to achieve.
  • Keep It Simple: Make the entry process straightforward to encourage participation.
  • Choose Relevant Prizes: Offer prizes that align with your podcast and will excite your audience.
  • Promote Effectively: Use email, social media, and your podcast to spread the word and get people involved.
  • Learn from the Process: Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t, and use those insights for future giveaways.

Final Thoughts

I’m thrilled to be running this giveaway and can’t wait to see the impact it has. Whether you’re considering a giveaway to boost your podcast or just want to try something new, I hope this episode has given you valuable insights and inspiration.

If you’ve been listening and haven’t left a review yet, now’s the perfect time to do so. And if you’re catching this after April 2021, I hope you’ll join us for future giveaways and learn from our experiences.

Remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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