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How to Master the Art of Branding Your Podcast

Have you heard of the five love languages? You know, the book by Gary Chapman where he lays out the five ways people show and experience love: physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and words of affirmation. If I had to pick a love language for my online business, it would 100% be marketing and podcasting. Seriously, if there were a love language specifically for business, I’d be fluent in it.

Marketing is my jam, and podcasting is my happy place. It’s the stuff that makes my heart sing. Yes, there are other aspects of online business that make me want to run for the hills, but marketing? Oh, give it to me every day!

When my sister-in-law and mother-in-law are swapping fiction books like they’re at a book club, I’m over here nerding out on business and marketing books. There’s just something about them that makes my soul so happy! So today, I want to share some branding strategies for your podcast to help you reach more people and make an impact. Let’s dive in!

Podcast Movement University

Today is extra special because I’m participating in a panel for Podcast Movement University. My 2019 vision board is finally complete! I’m on a panel with some awesome ladies from the OSSA Collective. This is a fantastic environment for female podcasters, founded by Marla. When she invited me to talk about podcast marketing, I knew exactly what I wanted to discuss: branding.

Last year, I contributed a branding module to OSSA’s free eCourse for podcasters, so it felt perfect to continue that conversation here. While we have social media experts discussing how to promote shows, my focus remains on branding. It’s what I love and where my expertise shines. If you’re struggling with marketing your show, check out the show notes at KrystalProffitt.com/Episode236 for all the resources.

Now, let’s get into the five key points to elevate your podcast branding.

1. Consistency is Key

First and foremost, let’s talk about consistency. I know you’ve heard it a million times, but that’s because it’s the backbone of effective branding. How often are you showing up for your audience? If your podcast isn’t consistent, how will your listeners know to tune in? It’s crucial to be a regular presence in their lives.

People don’t spend hours browsing the podcast section to find something new. They rely on notifications and habitually listen to shows they trust. Why do I tune into “The Office Ladies” podcast religiously? Because they are consistent with their episodes and promotions.

When I see their posts on social media, I immediately recognize their branding and know there’s a new episode out. It’s like a Pavlovian response at this point. So, be the podcast that people can count on. Even if it’s messy and imperfect, keep showing up. Consistency builds trust and familiarity.

2. Marketing That Mirrors You

Now, let’s talk marketing. Is your branding consistent across all platforms? Whether you’re on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or sending out email newsletters, your audience should always know it’s you. Your branding should be as recognizable as a celebrity on the red carpet.

A great way to ensure this is by creating a brand board. Yes, I’m giving homework today. Create a board with your colors, fonts, styles, and anything else that defines your brand. You can use Canva, Google Docs, or even a good old-fashioned notebook.

This brand board isn’t just for you. It’s also for anyone who might work with you. I’ve worked with contractors who did things their way, and I ended up with something that didn’t feel like me. A brand board prevents this. It’s your guiding star, ensuring your voice and style remain consistent no matter who’s helping you.

3. Clear Messaging

Messaging is the third piece of the puzzle. What does your brand say when you’re not around? Does your audience understand your message without needing an explanation? If they don’t, it’s time to rethink your strategy.

I recommend reading “Building a Story Brand” by Donald Miller. The main takeaway? “If you confuse, you lose.” Your message needs to be crystal clear. My podcast is about starting, launching, and marketing a podcast. If you’ve been listening, you probably know this, and you’ve likely heard my sign-off: “Keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.” That’s my consistent message.

When people repeat your tagline back to you, that’s when you know your message is resonating. Consistency, marketing, and messaging work together. You can’t skip any steps here; they are all crucial.

4. Paint a Clear Picture

Now let’s focus on painting a clear picture with your branding. I’ve mentioned Donald Miller’s book already, but it’s worth reiterating: clarity is everything. You need to ensure your audience knows who you are and what you offer within seconds of discovering you.

Whether it’s my online course, membership, toolkit, or book, my message remains the same: I help people podcast. Your products and content should align with your core message, and your branding should evolve with you. If your website, social media, and podcast aren’t consistent, it’s time for a refresh.

I’ve been rebranding and updating my platforms recently, including a major website overhaul. I want people to know right away what I’m about. Consistency and clarity are intentional and crucial to your success.

5. Goals and Aspirations

Finally, let’s talk about goals. What do you want to be known for? What feelings do you want your brand to evoke? This is where the creative side comes in. For me, I want to be known as a podcast coach who helps solo podcasters gain confidence. I want to add value and make an impact.

You should also think about how you want to be perceived. Do you want people to see you as a badass, a tech whiz, or someone who’s got it all together? Write these down and keep them in mind as you develop your brand.

Remember, consistency is a goal. It’s a never-ending journey. As your brand evolves, your message should remain clear and consistent. This consistency builds trust and loyalty with your audience.

Final Thoughts

As you think about your branding and marketing strategy, keep these points in mind. It’s not just about creating content; it’s about doing so consistently and with purpose. Whether you’re just starting or have been at it for a while, it’s never too late to refine your approach.

For more resources, visit the show notes at KrystalProffitt.com/Episode236. And if you’re new here, welcome! I’m so glad you’re part of the Proffitt Podcast community. Let’s keep this journey going together.

And remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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