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Let’s All Try to Understand Our Podcast Listeners Better!

I pay attention to things that most people may totally miss. Chalk it up to my marketing degree or total geekiness when it comes to running an online business, but I’m absolutely obsessed with understanding how my podcast listeners think.

So today, I wanted to bring you 4 different things that I consider when I’m looking for people I want to follow on social media, mentors to learn from, emails I want to open, and, of course, podcasts I want to listen to!


  • Brand Colors

  • Personality

  • Authenticity

  • Consistency


Now, let’s break each of these down.

1. Brand Colors

We can pretend that branding and design don’t matter, but at the end of the day…you know they do! You know you cringe when you get excited to go to someone’s website and then discover it looks like something from the days of Napster!

Or you look at someone’s social media account and realize all they ever do is post pics of their food (and they’re NOT a food blogger).

Or you find someone you really think may be the perfect mentor and podcast for you to binge-listen to, only to find out that their sloppy design looks like a child did it.

I know, it’s not to fair to “judge a book by its cover”.

But come on, we all do it. Whether we admit to it or not!

So I want you to take this into consideration when you’re deciding on what’s important for the design elements that may appeal to your podcast listeners!

2. Personality

I’m pretty picky when it comes to people I admire. And if you have a terrible personality, you won’t be hanging around any of my screens. Sorry, I don’t have time to follow uninspiring or dull people.

That may sound harsh, but it’s true. 

I look for motivating, impactful, and energetic people to follow. My mentors have to be smart, focused, and continue to be goal-oriented to hang out in my podcast-cue.

And your podcast listeners will be the same way.

You can’t expect people to hang around for confusing or boring podcast episodes. I won’t. And I bet you won’t either. 

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Podcast Listeners

3. Authenticity

This one pretty much overlaps with personality, but I’ll give you my definitions of authenticity…

If I feel like you’re a dirty, slimy, sleazeball that’s just going to try to take my money, you’re not authentic.

If you feel entitled to talk about how incredibly awesome you are – even though we all know that ain’t the truth, you’re not authentic.

I want to surround myself with honest, real, and trustworthy people who will tell it like it is, not sugarcoat the hard times, or give me just the Instagram-worthy highlight reel. 

So people authentic with your own podcast listeners. It can go a long way!

4. Consistency

This is the last one simply because it’s the hardest to pull off. Consistency is the foundation for success at, well…anything! You have to be consistent in how you put out your content and show up for your audience in order for me to keep consuming your content.

If the show Friends had decided that they just wanted to put out one episode every 6 months, do you think they would’ve had the success they’ve seen over the last 3 decades?

If Oprah had said her show was only going to be aired once a week because it fit better in her schedule, would she be the household name she is today?

Consistency is the key to being remembered by your podcast listeners and it will also be the thing that sets you apart from the rest of the wishy-washy people in the online space!

RECAP: What Do Podcast Listeners Pay Attention to?

  1. Brand Colors
  2. Personality
  3. Authenticity
  4. Consistency

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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