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Podcast Marketing is Easier with Old Podcast Episodes!

We haven’t done one of these in a while, but today I wanted to take a question from the community. I grab questions from time to time in our free Facebook community for the Proffitt Podcast. (You can join us here!)

And the original question came from Polly. She wanted to know…(see pic below)

Podcast Marketing How to Promote Old Episodes

Why Podcast Episode Numbers are Important

I answered Polly by letting her know that podcast episode numbers are really important so that you can go back and refer to your old podcast episodes in a way that’s easy for your audience to understand.

You don’t just want to tell them, “Scroll back a few years ago and look for the episode title…or the keyword in one of those episodes…or something like that.”

No. That sounds confusing and I wouldn’t do it as a listener.

Episode numbers are also a great way of establishing how long your show has been around to your listener. You want every opportunity to build that trust with them as possible. So use this strategy when you’re thinking about your podcast marketing and how to promote old episodes.

Foundation Episodes are Making a Comeback

We talked about Foundation Episodes in detail in episode 158, but I’ll give you a quick overview. Foundation episodes are the ones that are the foundation of your whole podcast. They are your main principles or your core values that you want your listeners to understand about you.

And if they are the principles your podcast stands on, then you need to be able to easily refer new listeners back to those episodes so they can get caught up on what you’re all about.

For example, the foundation episodes for The Proffitt Podcast are:

This is where I lay the framework for what this show is all about and where I encourage listeners to get started. But I wouldn’t easily be able to refer to these podcast episodes if they didn’t have an episode number.

So again, episode numbers are important when you’re creating podcast marketing strategies and figuring out how to promote old episodes. 

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Bundling Old Podcast Episodes Together

I wish I could give you a more firsthand experience of bundling old podcast episodes together, but this is simply a theory base on other podcasts I’ve listened to. The idea is that you take snippets, highlights, or major takeaways from your most popular episodes and bundle them together to create one episode.

You could absolutely do this in a way the promotes, “Hey if you enjoyed these clips shared on today’s episode, go back and listen to the original ones.” And you could insert the podcast episode numbers.”

Repurposing Old Podcast Episodes in Different Ways

I love repurposing one piece of content into several! Nothing gives me more satisfaction as a content creator to know that I didn’t spend hours creating one piece of content for it to only be seen by a few people and then head off to the Recycle Bin to die.

No, I want to get the maximum reach with every podcast episode.

The way you do this is to repurpose your old episodes. My favorite ways to do this are:

  • Taking quotes from your podcast episodes and sharing them on social media & Pinterest

  • Creating free resources and lead magnets to grow your email list

If you want to know more about marketing your podcast on social media or Pinterest, check out these podcast episodes:

*Make sure you check back often to learn about new podcast marketing strategies to help you promote old podcast episodes.

RECAP: Podcast Marketing, How to Promote Old Episodes

  • Question from the Community
  • Why Episode Numbers are Important
  • Foundations Episodes Recap
  • Bundling Old Episodes Together
  • Repurposing Them in Different Ways
    • Pinterest & Social Media
    • Lead Magnets

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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