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Let’s Talk About Podcasts and Audiobooks 

There’s nothing that I love more than learning something new. And I’m so excited to share with you today’s interview with my guest, David Wolf, as we dive into all things podcasts and audiobooks.

David and I had an honest conversation about what the evolution of the audio industry has been like as well as how everyone – yes, even new podcasters – needs to focus on finding their voice and being their authentic self.

“So that focus them connecting with that intimacy of radio, the intimacy of the microphone to their ear, is what I call voice brand. And I use that term so that people recognize that it doesn’t matter if you’re not a professional voiceover. This is how you connect to market.

And this is what builds your recognition, not only as an expert in what you know about, but also just the sound of your voice. They get used to it, it becomes familiar. And that builds this foundation of that familiarity builds this foundation of this voice branding. It’s the way you’re getting out there.

Look, if you were in the visual arts, it would be visual branding, or eye branding, or I don’t know what it would be but, but in here, it’s really all about the voice.”

-David Wolf

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Learn More About David Wolf

For more than 32 years, David Wolf has been the creative director, music composer, and/or producer of content for radio, TV, film, podcasts, audiobooks, and multimedia. He created and hosted the Smallbiz America Podcast from 2005-2018. David created the Audivita Studio to apply his experience and the talents and skills of his virtual creative team to help companies, publishers, entrepreneurs, influencers, and thought leaders grow their brands and businesses through podcasting, audiobooks, video, and internet radio.

Ways to Connect with David

www.audivita.com – We are a content creation studio – podcasts, audiobooks, video.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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