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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


When to Change Things Up with Your Podcast Content

I know we’re living in my weird times. And I have been listening to my gut a lot more lately. And my gut kept telling me, “This doesn’t feel right…” every time I’ve sat down to create content over the last few weeks. 

And I know why…

It’s because I created the ideas on my content calendar MONTHS ago! I thought of ideas for my ideal listener who was living a normal life. A life without homeschooling their children suddenly. A life when people still commuted on a regular basis. A life when things were flowing freely.

But that’s not where we are today. 

As of right now, we are navigating waters no one has lived through. And with that comes uncertainty. 

For your podcast. For your content. And for so many other things in your life.

So let’s talk about how to deal with those emotions of uncertainty to pivot your podcast content right now.

Go with Your Gut

I say it all the time, but it feels even more true today…”Go with your gut when it comes to creating content.”

As a podcast expert and teacher, I shouldn’t admit that I haven’t felt like podcasting lately. But that’s not really true. 

I still love podcasting. But the content hasn’t excited me. It feels off. It feels stagnant. It feels like the wrong timing for ideas I’d planned months ago before any of this pandemic directly affected you and me.

So instead of pushing through some awkward podcast content – no one wants to hear disingenuous content right now! – I decided to pivot. Or JUMP! 

If you’re feelin’ froggy, jump!

Don’t sit with your ideas, plans, or strategies if they don’t feel right for you right now. Change things up. Take a different approach. Look at things differently.

Don’t force yourself to awkwardly or nervously talk about things that aren’t relevant right now. You have to pivot. You have to get out of your comfort zone. You have to adjust to what’s happening. Right here. Right now. Today!

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

Resources Related to Content Planning

Planning content is still a major thing we need to continue doing as podcasters, so I wanted you to have tons of resources to help you out. Check out these podcasts and youtube videos.


Podcast Episodes:

Recap: If You’re Feelin’ Froggy with Your Podcast Content, Jump!

  1. Don’t Make it About the Numbers
  2. Go with Your Gut!
  3. Change Things Up if You Need to!
  4. Check Out the Resources Related to Content

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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