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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


What are Competing Podcast Priorities?

Let’s do a rundown on the top 6 competing podcast priorities and then we’ll dive into each one of them separately:

  • Content
  • Audio 
  • Listeners
  • Growth
  • Engagement
  • Marketing

*This is making the assumption that you’ve already launched your podcast. 

In other words, you’ve found yourself asking…

Which one of these is most important?

Which one should I focus on first?

Which one of these needs to be the top priority?

Before we dive into the chronological order these should be addressed in, let’s talk about what I mean by each one of these podcast priorities. Let’s pretend you were on a coaching call with me and you wanted to know how you should put each of these in order. (This is going to be fun!)

Podcast Priorities

Podcast Content

There is a lot of content that comes out of Proffitt Media every single week! The daily podcast, The Poddy Report, has brand new episodes that publish Monday-Friday. The Proffitt Podcast publishes new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. I put out a YouTube video every Wednesday and Friday. And on top of that, there’s posting on all of the social media platforms.

So when I say “content”, I’m referring to anything I’m actually creating for or related to my podcast.

Content Creation Resources

Podcast Audio

Your podcast audio will always be a competing priority. You can’t have your podcast with bad audio. That’s just not a sustainable podcast model. 

Here’s the good news…

Once you get your audio figured out (good setup, good equipment, and have a good quality sounding podcast), you’re done! You don’t have to worry about it every single week once you get it figured out!

But, I still do a mic check every single time I sit down to podcast. Why? Because this makes my life that much easier!

Podcast Listeners

If you’re just getting started, you may still be figuring out exactly who your ideal listener is. But as time goes on, your listeners start to evolve. If you’ve listened to my podcast for a while, then it’s likely that you no longer need me to tell you how to start a podcast. Because you’ve done it.

So focusing on what your listeners need from you and your podcast. is one of the competing podcast priorities that will need your on-going attention. 

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

Podcast Growth

Growth means getting more downloads and reaching more listeners. Growth is different than marketing because marketing is how you reach your goals whereas growth is the measure of if you’re actually hitting those goals.

You have to first understand your own podcast goals in order to measure if you’re actually growing.

Growth Resources

Podcast Growth, When Will I See It?

Podcast Engagement

Engagement isn’t stalking your audience and being a fly on the wall in your podcast community. Engagement means pulling up a chair to listen, to have a conversation with someone, and to engage with members of your podcast audience.

What content do they want from you?
How can you help them? 
Where can you get better?

Engagement Resources

Facebook Group for Your Podcast

The Proffitt Podcast Online Community

Podcast Marketing

Podcast marketing will always be an on-going priority. We all need to focus on marketing. Because at the end of the day, you can create the most amazing content in the world. But if you aren’t telling anyone about it, how will anyone ever know it’s there? 

You have to pay as much attention to how you’re going to talk about your podcast as you do creating your podcast.”

Podcast Priorities

Competing Podcast Priorities in Order of Importance

If I were to assign a number to these 6 competing podcast priorities, here’s what that would look like: 

  1. Content
  2. Engagement
  3. Listeners
  4. Marketing
  5. Growth
  6. Audio

You’ll always have competing podcast priorities. That’s why it’s important to understand what your podcast goals are. Because unless you know what’s most important to you and your podcast, you won’t know what to focus on. 

Certain priorities may be more important throughout the year, but these are the podcast priorities I focus on each time I set out goals for my podcast.

RECAP: Dealing with Competing Podcast Priorities

  1. What are Podcast Priorities?
  2. Podcast Content
  3. Podcast Audio
  4. Podcast Listeners
  5. Podcast Growth
  6. Podcast Engagement
  7. Podcast Marketing
  8. The Competing Podcast Priorities in Order of Importance

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

just for you!

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