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Instagram Marketing Strategies for Podcasters

As a podcaster, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when it comes to using social media to promote your show. I get asked all the time about social media strategies for podcasts, and I’ve got to be honest with you—I’m not the social media queen. It’s not really my thing. But I do know someone who is amazing at it, and today, I’m excited to bring on a guest who will teach us about Instagram marketing strategies for podcasters.

Welcome to the Proffitt Podcast, where we teach entrepreneurs how to start, launch, and market their podcast. I’m your host, Krystal Proffitt, and I’m so excited that you’re here. Today’s episode features Andrea Jones, a podcaster who teaches Instagram strategies. She’s here to give us some much-needed insight, so let’s jump right into our conversation!

Meet Andrea Jones: Instagram Marketing Expert

Before we dive into Instagram strategies, let me tell you a little bit about Andrea. Andrea is committed to helping businesses and podcasters build profitable online communities through simple social media solutions. She’s the host of the Savvy Social Podcast and creator of the Savvy Social School, a digital platform designed to teach its 100+ members, predominantly small business owners, how to implement organic social media strategies.

Andrea is also one of Social Report’s top marketers to follow! You can understand why—her Reels are incredible, and we’ll get into that later on. So here’s my interview with Andrea Jones.

How Andrea Got Into Social Media Marketing

Andrea says she is “one of those weirdos who actually likes social media.” As an introvert, she first started getting involved in social media back in 2005. She started a blog to connect with other people about Harry Potter and loved the connection piece. In 2013, she even met her husband on YouTube!

When it came to deciding what she wanted to do online, Andrea tried a lot of different things, including ghostwriting blogs. However, she quickly discovered that she enjoyed social media and saw that there was a huge need for it. Many people don’t know what to post on social media, and she has made it her goal to help fill that gap. Eventually, she realized that many of her clients had podcasts, and that really jump-started her own desire to start one.

When it comes to podcasting, the thing Andrea loves most is the intimacy of it. “It’s different from videos because people take it with them in their ears while they’re walking the dog or driving,” she says. The connection that podcasts create have produced better results for Andrea’s business than her YouTube videos.

Using Instagram for Your Podcast

As a podcaster, you may be wondering if Instagram is right for you. Maybe you’ve been using your account for personal content and want to shift to promoting your podcast. Andrea’s advice is to think of your show as a reality TV show—you are the host, and people want to see a curated version of your life. You can show off your podcast setup, the process you go through when recording episodes, and any behind-the-scenes content that will help people feel like they know you beyond your podcast. It’s important to strike a balance between showing your personal and professional sides so that you feel comfortable with what you’re posting.

Reels vs. TikToks

One of the most popular questions Andrea gets asked is about Reels vs. TikToks. Reels were created to compete with TikToks, which took off in early 2020. Reels can be a great way to show off your professional and business side. The best part? You don’t have to dance or lip-sync to be successful! You can simply use the content you have and repurpose it in a way that fits the format of the platform. Andrea recommends creating short, educational videos based on posts that performed well in the past year. Doing so can get your content in front of new people and boost your engagement.

Engaging With Your Audience

Andrea says that engaging with your audience is one of the most important parts of any social media strategy. For podcasters, engagement starts with knowing your goal. Is your goal to get people to listen to your podcast or to get them to engage with your content? Knowing your goal is key, and if you aren’t seeing engagement, you need to ask yourself why.

Here’s a tip from Andrea: The best content performs well when people feel almost compelled to share it. They see themselves in it and want to share it with their friends. Focus on creating content that resonates with your audience. You want to make sure your content is in front of the right people, and that means spending time engaging with your audience. You have to give engagement to get engagement!

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls to Avoid

One of the biggest mistakes Andrea sees podcasters make on Instagram is “comparison-itis.” Podcasters often try to recreate what other people are doing and end up feeling like they aren’t good enough. Andrea warns that this mindset can be damaging to your brand and your podcast.

Instead of focusing on what others are doing, Andrea recommends focusing on where you are in your journey. Create habits that you can stick to over time, and focus on what you’re learning rather than what others are doing. This practice will help you improve without feeling overwhelmed.

Key Takeaways from Andrea Jones

Andrea had so many amazing insights into Instagram marketing strategies, and I hope you’ll check out her Savvy Social Podcast and other resources. We learned a lot about how to use Instagram as a tool to promote your podcast and grow your audience, including:

  • Be Intentional: Know your goals for your social media content and make sure your posts reflect them.
  • Repurpose Content: Use Reels to take advantage of trending features and get your content in front of new people.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Don’t expect engagement if you aren’t willing to give it.
  • Focus on Your Journey: Avoid comparing yourself to others and work on building your habits and strategies.

For more on this episode, check out KrystalProffitt.com/Episode256. If this is your first time tuning in, make sure you hit the follow button to stay up to date with all things podcasting.

Remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere!

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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