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You’re a… “Newbie” Newberson


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You’re just getting started, and that’s okay!

You have ALL of the ideas percolating in your brain right now, and you’re laying out your plan of attack – like a blank canvas in front of you. When you allow yourself the time and space to create the right type of content for the right audience, magical things happen!

You’re most likely devouring ALL the content, from podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and as many free trainings as you can get your hands on. (I get it, you’re still not 100% sure if content creation is right for you.)

The key to successfully creating content is to rip off the Band-Aid and just start. But I know you’re asking, “Which platform?”, right? To make this simple, I encourage you to pick the type of content you naturally gravitate toward that matches your personality type.

Love listening to podcasts and talking a lot? 
Start a podcast.

Love all things video and being behind the camera?
Create a YouTube channel.

Love to read and can write nonstop for hours?
Develop a blog.

Want tips on a Podcast Vs. YouTube Channel?
Check out this podcast episode!

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In addition to choosing the type of content you want to create…

Start thinking about how that content can make you money. Are you interested in:

  1. Passive income that hits your bank account in your sleep?
  2. Developing a sophisticated product that’s catered to your audience?
  3. Creating simple funnels that help you build trust with your audience and pay for expenses as you grow your empire?

The great thing about creating content when you’re just getting started?

You make the rules!
You get to lay out how things operate and what you’ll say “yes” to as a creator.

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Here’s a tip to help you win at content creation…

Because you love the topic you’re thinking about creating content for, it may seem scary to express to your friends and family how much you’d love to start a [podcast, YouTube, or blog] – especially when no one you know is doing it.

But, you know someone out there needs to hear/watch/read your message. You’ve told yourself, “My audience is out there. I just need to find them.”

Let yourself start creating without asking, “Where is this going?” This way, you allow yourself to make mistakes, ask lots of questions, and just be a newbie — without the pressure of making tons of money overnight and getting everything right the first time.

Don’t be afraid to write or record something — and delete it immediately. You’re practicing, right? Who says you have to publish the first thing you create? Let it be messy and imperfect as you figure things out.

“There is beauty and humility in imperfection.”
— Guillermo del Toro

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Here are 3 tricks to get your content off the ground
(and create something people want!):

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1. Write down 20 ideas.

All content creators know that asking, “What should I talk about today?” is a recipe to waste hours of your life!

A spreadsheet or doc with ideas of what to talk about is a great jumping-off point to creating content. This doesn’t mean you have to have fully fleshed out ideas or a script of everything you want to say. It can be as simple as listing the “main subtopic” you want to cover for your bigger content topic.

HOT TIP: Start with FAQs a new audience member would ask you about your topic. Think of 10 common questions, then you’re already halfway there.

So start small. Start big. Start in your comfort zone. But just get started. The next time you hear or read questions about your topic, write it down and ask, “How would I answer this?” Another resource for practical tips on starting a podcast is my YouTube playlist: How to Start a Podcast.

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2. Learn from Others

Is there someone out in the world right now creating content the way you want to create content? Yes? Then, learn from them.

There are hundreds (if not thousands!) of creators doing the thing you want to be doing right now. Instead of having serious FOMO or pouting in the corner telling yourself, “They stole my idea!”…

I want you to look at what other people in your industry are going and ask, “How could I make that even better?”

You want to create an opportunity for your personality to shine through what you create; for people to learn from your experiences, stories, and ideas. None of us have the exact same journey. (And that’s a good thing!)

Ask your friends and family if you don’t feel like you have any unique qualities you bring to the table. Text someone you love and ask, “What are my top 3 BEST qualities?” I know, it sounds cringy. But it’s the only way to learn how others see you. And, it’s priceless intel to have when you start creating content.

It’s time to take advantage of this powerful opportunity to bring YOUR magic to the table!

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 3. Just Create

Like any form of content creation, you get better with practice. In addition, we actually figure out what we are trying to say through the process of saying things out loud or speaking to ourselves in the shower.

Creating content allows you to express yourself and explore your passions about your topic. Give yourself permission to figure it out by creating something.

You’ll also learn about yourself and who you want to serve by testing out content ideas. So treat creating a [podcast episode, YouTube video, or blog post] as an experiment. A golden rule in content creation is “write/record, delete, write/record, delete, write/record, delete” until you feel confident with the thing you’ve created.

Try things out. See what works in the wild. Did more people respond to a personal story than stories they’ve heard a thousand times elsewhere? That’s invaluable information.

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Oh, and one more thing. Remember…

Keep it up. We all have to start somewhere!

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Hi, I’m Krystal Proffitt.

(Yes, Proffitt is my real last name.)

I host the award-winning show “The Proffitt Podcast,” and as a Content Strategist, I help content creators and online entrepreneurs create content with confidence. Content creation and marketing is my happy place…and guess what?

It can be yours too! 🎤💸

I help online business owners and content creators develop strategies that make deeper connections with their audiences so that they can make money online. I help creators find their content sweet spot so they feel less overwhelmed and more empowered to create content that means something to them and their raving fans.

Before I fell in love with content creation, I was a stay-at-home-mom looking for something to do that was “just for me.” After stumbling into journaling and realizing I like to talk more than write, I started a podcast in 2018. Almost 1,000 podcast episodes later, I’ve never looked back.

I decided to use my passion for podcasting, YouTubing, and creating an online business to help others build strategy into their content so they’re never wasting a second on their business.

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So you want to be a strategic content creator?

Here are some resources to you started immediately! ⏰✨

<p; text-align:=”” center;”=””>1. Want to know how to create content with confidence? Listen to The Proffitt Podcast — where I’ve interviewed industry experts like Amy Porterfield, Angie Trueblood, Zafira Rajan, Heather Sager, Melanie Dyann Howe, and more. I share my go-to strategies and behind-the-scenes for creating content that makes a BIG impact without the tech overwhelm… </p;>

2. Like visuals and video tutorials? Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, where I pull back the curtain on content strategies I use daily in my online business. Plus, there are several coaching calls with members of this community where you can learn from others, just like you, on how they’re creating successful content!

3. Want to know how I save HOURS each week creating content? Join the waitlist for my brand new program, Radical Repurposing. You’ll get notifications on free trainings, updates and when enrollment opens in Fall 2022! 

📩 You’ve Got Mail 📮

Now that you know more about content strategy and monetization, I hope you’re already getting inspired to pump up your next piece of content. Check your email for a very special note from yours truly. Inside, you’ll get your quiz results as well as some more go-to resources that (I must say) are binge-worthy!

Over the next week, you’ll be getting more inspiration from me about how to create content with confidence because the power of your message can make a BIG impact in someone’s life.

👩‍💻 Here’s to winning at content creation and letting it be easy 🥂

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

just for you!

These are our most popular content resources for podcasters, bloggers, and YouTubers.

Our Fave Resources

Launch Your Pod

Fill Your Content Calendar

Grab the Best Seller
