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What You’ll Learn



Welcome, Podcaster’s Kit Fans! 

I’m so excited you’re here for the 
“Let’s Launch Your Podcast” 

But hang on, let me introduce myself…

(By the way y’all, this is a freaking steal…this class alone is worth more than $97! You got that and so much more for only $39!! It still blows my mind!!)

I’m Krystal Proffitt…

and I teach entrepreneurs how to
start, launch, & market their podcasts. 

And guess what? You, my friend, are in the right place. 

So, let’s talk about
Launching Your Podcast!

Sign Up Here!

What You’ll Learn

Tactical Strategies to Launch Your Podcast

You won’t be left wondering what to do next.

Access to an Exclusive Facebook Group

Follow up with questions you have about the launch process.

Real Life Examples

Real clients I’ve helped reach the coveted 1,000 downloads in their first month…which means YOU can too!

Access for 60 days

You’ll have access to the Masterclass for 60 days! That means you can watch it over and over and over again!


I know how you feel…

You want a successful podcast right out of the gate. You don’t want to put your time, blood, sweat, and tears into content and then launch to crickets. 

Maybe your goal is to get on the New & Noteworthy of Apple Podcasts.

Maybe you want to impact a mass amount of people from day 1.

Whatever your reason, you understand that a PODCAST LAUNCH is the secret sauce to making BIG things happen for you and your podcast!

The Rookie Life Podcast

I’ve been in your shoes. 

I know what it’s like to be excited to grow a platform, start creating content and wanting to make a bigger impact within my community. 

But, also not 100% sure HOW to create the best results.

Please learn from my mistakes, friend!

Sign Up Here!


Here are some frequently asked questions I’ve had about this masterclass:

What if I don’t have enough time to watch the masterclass?

It’s recorded and you have access to it for 60 days! You’ll have plenty of time to learn and implement the strategies I’ll be teaching!

What if I don’t have a large audience?

We all have to start somewhere, right? What if I told you that a client of mine launched her podcast (with no prior audience) and achieved 1,000 downloads in her first month? If she can do it, so can you!

How long do I need to wait before I launch my podcast?

This is 100% determined by the goal you set and it varies from podcast to podcast.

What if I don’t FEEL ready to launch?

You’re not alone. It’s something new and let’s be honest, you’ve probably never done this before. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Let me show you the tools you need in order to have a successful launch!

How to Format a Podcast Episode

When do I need to have a podcast hosting platform setup?

This is up to you. A podcast hosting service isn’t a prerequisite to this masterclass. I’ll be teaching from a perspective of you setting one up in this phase of your podcast.

What if I’ve already launched my podcast? Will this masterclass help me?

Absolutely! Unless you had the exact results you were hoping for…Or the fireworks-show worthy, chart-topping podcast right out of the gate…you can still launch or even relaunch your podcast!

Are you going to cover editing a podcast?

No. This masterclass will strictly cover podcast launch strategies and not content creation, interviewing or editing.

Will you explain show notes & podcast descriptions?

Yes, I will. This is something I believe is crucial to have in place before you launch!

Do you do 1-on-1 podcast coaching?

Yes, I offer 1-hour strategy calls to clients who are serious about creating a podcast. But I highly recommend you watch the masterclass to see if you enjoy my coaching style before scheduling an appointment for consulting.

Will you critique my podcast?

I’d love to give everyone feedback on their podcasts, but my schedule doesn’t allow for it. However, if you join me in one of my paid programs, you’ll have the opportunity for me to give you 1-on-1 coaching.

Sign Up Here!

Here’s My Promise to You…

If you show up ready to learn and complete this masterclass, then you’ll walk away from this training with an action plan for your next podcast move!

It’s Easy to Get Started!

Let’s Get You Signed Up

Just enter your First Name, Email Address, and click “Join Class.”

Once you decide to join us, here’s what’ll happen:


You’ll receive an email with all of the instructions for accessing the masterclass.

Course Access

You’ll need to access the course and set aside a time to watch the entire masterclass.


Take notes while watching the masterclass.


Join the Pop-Up FB Group, introduce yourself, and the one thing you’d love to learn about launching a podcast.

Sign Up Here!

But Sign Up Soon…

Because the masterclass is only available for a limited time. You won’t be able to watch it again once the video is taken down.

rookie_computer 15 2 How to Format a Podcast Episode

If you don’t get a chance…

to join the masterclass, you could probably “Figure Out” a way to launch your podcast.

Just hit publish, right? 

[My whole body winced as I typed that.]

That’s not the solution.
Please don’t just throw your podcast out into the world and end up with mediocre results.

Let me show you how to gain momentum from the very beginning.

Sign Up Here!

Here’s What My Students, Clients, and Even My Mentor are Saying:

  • I love working with her…because she actually takes action!

    “[Krystal] She’s a total go-getter. She’s making moves. She’s changing things up in her business and I love working with her…because she actually takes action!

    Which is, of course, a dream come true for any course creator, right?

    We love to see our students actually take action on the advice we give them.

    Krystal’s a perfect example of somebody who’s doing so.”

    I love working with her...because she actually takes action!
    Amy Porterfield Episode 271 “Online Marketing Made Easy” Podcast
  • I got 1,000 DOWNLOADS on my podcast (without a prior audience) in my first month

    “Krystal was able to walk me through much of the minute details surrounding how to get my podcast up and running.

    With so many little tasks and unexpected confusing aspects to setting up my podcast, I felt exhausted.

    Krystal was always there and willing to provide a hand. She went above and beyond to help me get my podcast going!

    When I got 1,000 DOWNLOADS on my podcast (without a prior audience) in my first month, I was so grateful for Krystal’s skills and know-how!

    The podcast is soaring, I’ve got raving fans, and I know it’s time for me to begin offering my audience even more services!

    I’m so grateful for the opportunities this podcast is bringing my way, and so happy to have Krystal’s expertise in my corner!”

    I got 1,000 DOWNLOADS on my podcast (without a prior audience) in my first month
    Katelyn Fusco Happy Homebirth Podcast
  • I love your consistency and dedication to your podcasting!

    “Just wanted to tell you I love your consistency and dedication to your podcasting!…

    I love that you are so disciplined. I have this thing with integrity –
    you can’t help others if you can’t first help yourself. Like, you can’t call yourself a podcast expert if your last podcast was 5 months ago…

    It’s about showing integrity if you tell people you are showing up every week with a new episode or video or whatever then have follow through not just to your audience but yourself.

    You’re showing up to win! And That’s you!”

    I love your consistency and dedication to your podcasting!
    Podcast Community Member
  • Krystal just has the answer!

    “I was unsure how to set up the initial recording calls and you helped me figure that out with just a few interactions!

    It was just one of those things where you have to search and google, but Krystal just has the answer!

    You have resources on your website, which makes it just that much more easy to find the help you need and it’s really good info for a beginner like myself.

    I was scheduling my “pre” call before the actual podcast recording call, and you told me it would be overkill and when I was in the call, I realized you were so right and it felt like overkill right away. Like it’s just simpler and one step less to have 1 call, the recording call and just allow for 15 min to get acquainted. Great tip!

    Now I can be more efficient with my time and respectful of others time as well.”

    Krystal just has the answer!
    Miriam Gilmore Podcast Consulting Client

Praise for
The Proffitt Podcast

The Proffitt Podcast Apple Podcast Reviews 2 Apple Podcast Reviews

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

just for you!

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