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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


While we’re talking about recording podcasts…I wanted to take a second and tell you about my digital course Proffitt Podcasting because the doors are opening again at the end of August for just a short period of time. 

If you’ve listened to a few podcast episodes or you’ve enjoyed any of the content I put out on social media, then you’ll love this digital course! 

I walk you through everything you need to know in order to start, launch, and market you podcast in…get this…30 days!

So if you want to be the first to know when doors to Proffitt Podcasting open again, go to Krystalproffitt.com/podcastcourse to join the waitlist!

How to Rebrand or Change a Podcast After You Launch

Here’s the deal…I messed up SO MANY THING when I first started! Like, straight up. I just messed a lot of stuff up. So today I wanted to talk about some of those things.

When I first started my podcast, I only reached out to people that I knew or that my close friends, family, or peers that could add value to my audience. 

Mainly because I had no idea what I was doing and didn’t want other people (outside of my circle) to know I was still “figuring it all out.” 

Then I decided, about 10 episodes in, that I needed to change the format. The music was off. There weren’t any self-sponsored ads or calls-to-action. I don’t even want to waste your time with all of the other things I’ve totally messed up. Instead, go check out the 10 Things I Wish I’d’ve Known Before I Launched” in the Resource Library.

But I decided to change things up and here’s what I’ve learned.

5 Things You Need to Know in Order to Successfully Rebrand a Podcast

1. You don’t have to go back and change all of your old podcast content immediately.

When I first rebranded, I felt like I needed to switch over all of the old episodes to be matched with the new branding. And that will happen someday when I hire someone to help me do it…but ain’t nobody got time for that right now! I’m not living in the past. I’m creating relevant content right now!

And I haven’t gotten one single note from someone online telling me they quit listening to my podcast because the old episodes didn’t match the new theme.

Besides, if Rachel Hollis can keep all of her old content on her podcast for an extended period of time (before she hired a podcast manager) then so can you!

 2. You need to have a relaunch date!

Just like a regular launch, you should have a specific date that everything is going to change! Here are a few quick examples of what I used when I relaunched.

How to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You Launch

How to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You Launch








3. Need NEW Coverart that’s different than what you previously had.

Need to have the vibe of the new show.

How to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You LaunchHow to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You Launch

How to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You LaunchHow to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You Launch

The Rookie Life PodcastThe Proffitt Podcast

4. Don’t throw away the content you’ve already created…

    • Figure out how to repurpose it.
    • Honor the guests who took the time to interview with you.
    • BONUS episodes are a great way to do this!

5. Make sure your audience, your guests, and anyone else you work with going forward know exactly who you’re trying to talk to NOW!

In other words, make sure your message is really clear on who you’re trying to serve.

I love Donald Miller’s quote from StoryBrand that says, “If you confuse, you lose.” Make sure people know who your podcast is for, what message you’re trying to get out into the world so no one is left confused…

Because confused people go listen to someone else’s podcast!

FAQ: When to Start a Brand New Podcast

  • If you’re talking to a completely different audience than you’ve already built
  • If your new topic or niche doesn’t at all align with what you previously spoke about
  • If you are separating from a business partner you worked with that way it’s your own

RECAP: How to Rebrand or Change a Podcast after You Launch

“10 Things I Wish I’d’ve Known Before I Launched”

5 Things You Need to Know in Order to Successfully Rebrand a Podcast

  1. You don’t have to go back and change everything immediately 
  2. You need to have a relaunch date!
  3. Need NEW Coverart that’s different than what you previously had.
  4. Don’t throw away the content you’ve already created…
  5. Make sure your audience, your guests, and anyone else you work with going forward know exactly who you’re trying to talk to NOW!

When you should start a new podcast entirely.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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