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Episode 379

7 Mentors I’m Grateful for in 2022


One of the things I’m so grateful for is the power of leadership from my life mentors. So today, I wanted to dive into the seven mentors I’m grateful for in 2022. 

These women have made a huge impact on my life, my business, and my content journey. And I hope that you find this list of 7 mentors I’m grateful for in 2022 inspiring — and that you walk away with some new mentors to follow.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale Sneak Peek…

1. Amy Porterfield

She’s the mentor you’ve heard me talk about the most here on the podcast. (She’s even been a guest twice on the show!)

After following Amy for more than five years, I’ve learned from her about a million marketing strategies and lessons that would’ve taken me a lifetime to learn on my own. And I’m constantly amazed at how much she gives back to her audience, her team, and the online community.

And I know it was so much to do with the mentors she’s chosen to follow in her own journey.

Michael Hyatt is someone that Amy mentions learning from often and often her coach in balancing life, success and business. So, I chose to follow my mentor’s mentor as well. (His books are great and worth snagging on Amazon! And them to your holiday wish lists now!)

Make sure you check out Amy’s previous podcast and video interviews below. 

5 Lessons I Learned from Amy Porterfield


2. Marie Forleo

Marie is a firecracker. You’ll understand what I mean when you watch her YouTube channel, sign up for her email list, or read her book, Everything is Figureoutable. 

I first started following Marie on YouTube and watching this overzealous woman make business, dare I say, FUN! She’s taught me about running and online business, writing better emails and titles for my content, and overall better copy.

Marie is someone that’s been in the online business world for two decades and interviewed hundreds of incredible mentors, thought leaders, and creative people that you could spend HOURS (and I have!) watching amazing, hilarious videos on her YouTube channel, MarieTV. So, check her out ASAP!

3. Elizabeth Gilbert

You may know her from her best seller, Eat Pray Love — and the movie with the same title, but Liz Gilbert (I’ve decided we’re on a “Liz” basis already) wrote the book that changed everything for me…Big Magic.

Let me back up. Elizabeth Gilbert is an incredible author, story teller, and creative mentor of mine. And I know I’m joining the rest of the sycophants when I gush over how amazing her work is, but her book, Big Magic, really did change my whole perspective on thinking creatively.

This book came into my life at a point when I didn’t know what I needed. I was desperately seeking a creative outlet for my life, but didn’t know what I was looking for. 

Never in my life had I heard someone (and I recommend “hearing” via the audiobook version) describe their fear of failure in such visceral way. I could feel her words because I’d lived them too.

Liz taught me to push past those fears in order to step into my most creative self. And it’s paid off 10X from when I originally read the book (the first time) in 2015.

4. Mindy Kaling

You may know her from being an actor on The Office, but did you know she was one of the main writers for The Office? Yup, she’s the brains behind some of the funniest moments on TV — that helped me get through some of the touch-and-go moments of lockdown in 2020!

But let’s step back, before I became a superfan of The Office, I loved that Mindy was a writer and a woman that went after her big dreams in her own unique way. 

I won’t give away the story, because it’s 100% worth reading/listening to, but her origin story into writing is one of “I wish this were something in the world, but since it’s not, I’ll create it.” PS, it involves a two-person play where her and a friend play Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. It’s genius.

Today, Mindy is an uber successful media mogul, Time Magazine front cover display, and freaking rockstar entrepreneur with a life and business on her terms.

What I’ve learned from Mindy is to create what you want to see in the world. Be yourself. Shine the light on what matters most to you. And use humor to bring people together. 

Check out Mindy’s books, movies, TV series, and everything else she touches — because it’s ALL incredible.

(Can you believe we’re already on number four out the 7 Mentors I’m Grateful for in 2022?! Let’s keep moving along.)

5. Reese Witherspoon

You may know her as Elle Woods or Tracy Flick, but the first headline that comes to mind when I hear her name is “Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine Sold for $900 Million.” Yup, you read that right – almost a billion dollars!

But let’s take a breath here to honor the momentous films that shaped my formative years: Cruel Intentions, Fear, Legally Blonde, Sweet Home Alabama, and the list goes on and on. Who doesn’t love America’s Sweetheart Reese?

What you may not know is that behind Reese’s southern charm and ability to captivate an audience is a media mogul that’s slowly dominated and helped reshape an entire industry. From telling women’s stories to demanding equal pay in Hollywood, her mission(s) brings out the starry-eyed little girl inside me that says, “I want to be her when I grow up!”

And, of course, go buy her book, Whiskey in a Teacup!

Here’s one last mic drop moment to ponder before we go, I heard Reese on a podcast recently say, “I’d rather be a learn-it-all than a know-it-all.” 

6. The Home Edit, Clea & Joanna

Speaking of Hello Sunshine, have you hear of The Home Edit? Or have you been living under a rock? If you have, you’ll want to organize the sediment from your rock after you meet Clea Shearer & Joanna Teplin.

These two women have transformed my life, and my pantry. Not only are they hilarious and smart, they know how to get sh** done! 

I literally took pages from their playbook, I own the first two books below, and I follow their organization philosophies — sometimes to a fault. (Ask my husband or kids what “backstock” means. They know.)

But what impresses me about these two ladies and why they inspire me each week on Instagram is that they see the chaos and march straight into the belly of the beast. They don’t let years of clutter and disorganization scare them away. Give them a space to organize and bins to make it happen and POOF! Life transformed.

Add these books to your Amazon list for anyone in your life that needs a little more organization, but tread lightly. I’ve learned, “This room is a mess. You need help,” isn’t the best way to great someone in their home. 

7. The Office Ladies, BFFs Jenna & Angela

Finally, the most famous BFFs of all — in my world, at least — Jenna Fischer & Angela Kinsey. You may have heard my episode on The Proffitt Podcast about The Office Ladies Podcast Case Study. (If not, go listen to it after you finish here!)

I love these women. They’re hilarious. Timeless. And their friendship is the epitome of what female friendships should be. 

But, as mentors of mine, they’ve taught me many things. How to follow dreams even when you aren’t sure where they’ll take you. How to speak up when you know you need to be your own advocate at work. (A lesson I wish I’d learned back in early 20s.) 

And above all else, they’ve been a shiny example of what it’s like to create something, their podcast, that has the ability to change lives. I look forward to their podcast each week. (I even have a coffee mug and hat from their merch shop. Total fan girl!)

If you’re looking for some sassy gals that love to laugh and lift others up, this is the crowd for you too. 

And that’s a wrap on my 7 Mentors I’m Grateful for in 2022! Who would you add to the list?

Tell me in the comments below, or tag me on Instagram and let me know who you think should be added to the list.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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