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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.

Episode 293

Planning Podcast Content, 2021 – Q4

The secret to consistency…

When I get asked, “How do you stay so consistent with your content?”, two things come to mind:

1. It’s literally a foundation principle of my business.

2. A good plan.

I hope you’re ready for me to pull back the curtain on not only how I plan my content on a regular basis, but you’re actually sitting down with me and listening to a planning session I have at least once per quarter to figure out my content.

Yes, I’m literally walking you through my 2021: Q4 plan today!

If you’re brand new to content creation, you’re mind is about to be blown! And if you’re a seasoned content creator, I hope you gain some insight into how I’m able to produce content — at scale — and not lose my edge (or sanity)!

“Where Do You Find Your Content Ideas?”

There are 3 places I get ideas for content.

As we break down the 3 places I get my podcast content, I wanted to first remind you to check out the great resources mentioned in today’s episode because they are going to help you get so much further faster! Check them out here.

1. SEO & Keyword Research

It was time that I dusted off my old keyword research spreadsheet and give it an update. If you listened to the episode, then you know this isn’t something you have to do every week or even every month. But, if you’ve never done a thorough SEO and keyword research deep dive, I hope you learned how to do it with this episode today as well as the resources we talked about.

2. Look at Your Numbers

When it comes to creating new pieces of content, I love looking at my data. “Numbers tell a story…” and according to my audience, you love it when I talk about solo podcasts and overcoming bigger inner dialogue stuff. (Whew! ‘Cause I’m not a fan of constantly giving mic recommendations and talking about recording software!)

Here’s the step-by-step of how I do this:

  1. Look at your podcast episodes, YouTube videos, emails to your list, lead magnets/free resources and social media content to see which ones have performed the best in the last 6-12 months.
  2. Ask yourself, “How can I [replicate/duplicate/iterate] on this piece of content?”
  3. Add those ideas to your upcoming content calendar.

This isn’t rocket science, but it’s often overlooked because of its simplicity.  

3. My Promotional Calendar

What are you promoting in the next 3 months? (Remember, we’re assuming that you’re planning at least one quarter of the year at a time.) 

  • Do you have a big promotion of your course you’re working on?
  • Planning to do an affiliate promotion?
  • Have a book coming out?
  • Trying to book attendees for a live event?

Here are the big promos coming up for me in Q4 of 2021:


  • Podcaster’s Kit (Affiliate Promo)
  • She Podcasts Live
  • Batching Content for the Holidays
  • Working on New Podcast Program


  • LIVE Podcast Workshops I’m Developing
  • Batching Content for the Holidays
  • Working on New Podcast Program


  • Starting to Promote New Podcast Program
  • Winding Down for the Holidays
  • Planning Jan Promotions

One Last Tip…

Pay attention to your audience. 

What questions are they asking, where are they getting stuck, and how can you help them are questions you should constantly be exploring. You’d be surprised how much content you can create by just answering questions and listening to your audience.

Resources Mentioned

If you’re needing some inspiration to plan your next piece of content, look no further.

We’re got Keywords and SEO episodes, YouTube video to show you step-by-step how I create a content calendar, and, of course, some deep dive episodes that are too good to not mention.


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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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