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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.

Episode 288

Digital Course Academy, Affiliate Bonus Experience

Testing a New Podcast Format

Coaching Calls, Testimonials, and Student Experiences 

I love to lead by example and show you different formats for your podcast. And today’s episode is a perfect example of that. 

Recently, I wanted to hear more about the experience one of my Digital Course Academy Bonus members had when she joined Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy through my affiliate link. 

It’s am example of trying something new and sharing something different.

Digital Course Acdemy

Amy Porterfield’s Signature Program 

If you’re familiar with Amy Porterfield, you likely know about her program Digital Course Academy. I took the program in 2019 and was a first time affiliate for the course in 2020.

With that experience, I had the opportunity to add a bonus program on top of what Amy offers. 

Today’s episode is a sneak peek into what one member took away from her enrollment in the program and how the experience impacted her journey.

What’s Coming Up for DCA?

Over the next weeks, you’ll see many opportunities to learn more about Digital Course Academy including:

What Does it Look Like to Level Up Your Podcast?

Here’s what it’s looked like for my community.

Taking things to the next level will look different for everyone. But here is how I see most podcasters taking their show to the next level:

  • Growing and scaling
  • Guesting on other shows
  • Monetizing with products and services
  • Outsourcing tasks and specific content-related steps
  • Growing a team to help you with every day items

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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