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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.

Episode 277

How to Use a Promo Swap to Grow Your Audience

This Wasn’t My Idea

I wanted to be really upfront from the beginning that this was not my original idea. (You’ve got to give credit where credit is due!) This idea was first brought to my attention from the folks over at Squadcast. This is the podcast interview platform I’ve been using since early 2020. They’re the best!

The Squadcast Co-Founders, Zach & Rock, host a podcast called “Between 2 Mics” – which is where today’s episode idea originated from: listening to their show.

You can give Squadcast a free 7-day trial by clicking here or on the image below!

How a Promo Swap Works

Taking a Cue from Squadcast

After listening to Zach and Rock’s way of supporting their podcast community, I thought Why don’t we do that for The Proffitt Podcast too? But before we dive into that, let me explain how the original formula works. (You can check out their entire process here.)

What is Promo Swap?

 A pre-recorded audio clip that podcast host A sends to podcast host B for them to air on their show: either by utilizing dynamic content (before or after the episode) or baking it into that week’s content.

How long is the audio clip?

The audio file can be anywhere between 30-90 seconds.

What is the benefit of a promo swap?

Your podcast gets a FREE place to advertise what your show is all about, their audience gets to hear a sample of your voice, and hopefully your show will be exposed to new, potential listeners.

The Proffitt Podcast Promo Swap

This is where YOU come in! I wanted to create an opportunity for podcasts in their community to have their podcast showcased across The Proffitt Podcast platform. If you’ve been trying to get in front of new listeners, here’s your opportunity! Follow the instructions below…

Instructions for Promo Swap:

1. Go to https://www.speakpipe.com/theproffittpodcast.

2. Record your 30-90 second clip and submit through SpeakPipe. (See example script below.)

3. Wait for follow-up confirmation on air date for your promo swap.


Hi, this is Krystal Proffitt from the Proffitt Podcast and I wanted to share something fun with you today before we dive into this week’s episode of between two mics. If you’re an entrepreneur that’s been looking for ways to really make deeper connections with your audience and future customers, Then I encourage you to come check out the Proffitt Podcast – where we teach entrepreneurs all about how to start, launch, and market their own podcast. This show was really created to be the shortcut from googling for hours and trying to figure out the steps you need to take to actually streamlining it and making a shortcut to getting your podcast launched and ready in – under 30 days. So make sure you go to KrystalProffitt.com/podcast to check out the Proffitt Podcast. Okay, let’s get into today’s episode. 

And that’s it! Pretty simple, huh? You could even start doing these with your podcast friends.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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