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Level Up Your Podcast Website: Advanced Tips for Seasoned Podcasters


Okay, podcasters, wherever you are on your journey, today’s episode is going to give you so many ideas for your podcast website. If you haven’t listened to the last episode, in Episode 263, we talked about the basics of podcast websites for beginners, including why your podcast needs a website and the benefits you can enjoy from having one. Today, we are diving more into what seasoned podcasters can do to level up their podcast website. Even if you’re just starting out and want to go all out from the beginning, you’ll find a wealth of information in today’s episode. So, let’s get right to it. Welcome to the Proffitt Podcast, where we teach entrepreneurs how to start, launch, and market their podcast. I’m your host, Krystal Proffitt, and I’m so excited that you’re here. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Think of this show as the time-saving shortcut you’ve been looking for. Let’s dive in!

Part 2: Seasoned Podcasters

As mentioned earlier, this is part two of our two-part series on podcast websites. Everything we discuss today will be in the show notes at KrystalProffitt.com/Episode264. If you’re unsure whether you’re in the seasoned phase of your podcast or still a beginner, listen to today’s episode and then go back to Episode 263 for more foundational information. Today’s focus is on seasoned podcasters, so let’s dive into some advanced strategies.

Let’s Dive Into the Analytics

I promised to take a look at my Google Analytics for KrystalProffitt.com, my main podcast website, to give you some real-time information on what it’s been like for me. I also have a separate site, Proffitt Podcasting, hosted on Kajabi, where I house my digital products. But for today, we’re focusing on the data from my main site.

My Google Analytics Journey

I installed Google Analytics on KrystalProffitt.com in September 2018, a little over a year after launching my podcast. If you install Google Analytics now, you’ll be ahead of where I started. Here’s a snapshot of my journey:

  • First Six Months (July 2018 – December 2018):
    • Pageviews: 2,000
    • Users: 334
  • First Year (July 2018 – July 2019):
    • Pageviews: 6,900
    • Users: 1,786
  • Last 12 Months (June 2020 – June 2021):
    • Pageviews: 145,000
    • Users: 28,000

The numbers have grown significantly over the years, demonstrating the importance and impact of having a podcast website.

Level Up Your Podcast Website with Video

To further enhance your podcast website, I highly recommend adding video. Video can significantly increase engagement and connection with your audience. Here are four key places to add video on your podcast website:

1. Home Page

Adding a video to your homepage can immediately grab visitors’ attention. Introduce yourself, your podcast, and explain what visitors can expect from your site. This helps create a personal connection right from the start.

2. Podcast Page

Your podcast page is another great place for a video. Highlight some of your best episodes or notable guests. A short clip can entice visitors to dive deeper into your content and subscribe to your show.

3. About Page

Include a video on your about page to share more about yourself, your values, and what drives your podcast. This personal touch can help build trust and make visitors feel more connected to you.

4. Thank You Page

For a more advanced strategy, add a video to your thank you page. When someone signs up for your lead magnet or subscribes to your newsletter, use this opportunity to thank them and direct them to more of your resources. It’s a great way to engage with your audience further and keep them coming back.

Why This Matters

Having a podcast website is crucial for building your audience and growing your podcast. It’s not just about having a place for your show notes; it’s about creating a hub where your audience can connect with you and your content. The analytics show that as my website has grown, so has my audience.

Quick Recap

To recap, here are the four ways to level up your podcast with video:

  1. Home Page: Introduce yourself and your podcast.
  2. Podcast Page: Highlight key episodes and guests.
  3. About Page: Share your story and values.
  4. Thank You Page: Engage further with your audience after they sign up for something.

By adding videos in these key areas, you can increase engagement, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and improve your website’s performance on search engines.

BC Stack 2021

For more information on leveling up your podcast website, I invite you to the BC Stack 2021. This promotion includes over 65 experts in the online marketing space and is available for one week in June. You can find more details at KrystalProffitt.com/bcstack21.


That’s all for today! Be sure to check out the show notes at KrystalProffitt.com/Episode264 for all the resources mentioned. If you haven’t already, follow the podcast and leave us a rating and review. And as always, remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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