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If I Were Starting My Podcast Again: Lessons Learned and What I’d Do Differently

Intro: If you were starting your podcast all over again today, would you do anything differently? This question inspired today’s episode. I was thinking about content planning and whether to discuss starting, launching, or marketing a podcast. I thought, “If I were starting my podcast for the first time in 2021, knowing all that I know now, what would I do differently?” So, let’s dive in!

Welcome to the Proffitt Podcast, where we teach entrepreneurs how to start, launch, and market their podcast. I’m your host, Krystal Proffitt, and I’m so excited that you’re here. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Think of this show as the time-saving shortcut you’ve been looking for. Let’s get right to it!

My Podcast Journey

First, a little backstory for those who are new around here. I started my podcasting journey in 2018 when I launched the Rookie Life podcast. The idea came earlier that year, and I launched in July 2018. It was a mess, and I’m surprised I kept going. Despite the motto “Keep it up. We all have to start somewhere,” I had very few listeners initially. It took me months to reach my first 1,000 downloads and even longer to get 100 downloads on launch day.

Fast forward to today, and you’re listening to episode 261 of the Proffitt Podcast. Including my daily show, the Potty Report, I’ve recorded 585 episodes. It’s been an incredible journey, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.

Planning Content and Scheduling Episodes

Looking back, the number one thing I’m glad I focused on from the beginning is planning out content and scheduling episodes ahead of time. Planning content means getting ideas out of my head and onto paper, even if it’s just a few bullet points. This minimizes the amount of editing I need to do later. Scheduling is also crucial, especially with a busy personal life. I have three kids, and during the summer, it’s particularly hectic. Planning and scheduling have been lifesavers, helping me stay focused and maximize my time.

What Equipment Should I Use?

One major lesson I’ve learned is the importance of having the right equipment. If I were starting today, I would get a dynamic microphone. I heard this advice early on but didn’t understand it for the first year and a half of my podcasting journey. Dynamic mics capture your voice more clearly and reduce background noise. Good options include the ATR 2100x, Samson Q2U, or Rode PodMic. There’s a great Buzzsprout video comparing mics under $100, which I’ll link to in the show notes.

Another essential piece of equipment is your phone. If equipment is holding you back, start with your phone. Many episodes of my podcast have been recorded on my phone, and it works just fine.

Software and Tools

When it comes to software and tools, I highly recommend Buzzsprout as your podcast host. They offer a feature called Magic Mastering, which cleans up your audio and makes it sound fantastic. This feature has been a game-changer for me, reducing the amount of editing I need to do.

For audio editing, I started with Audacity and used it for two years before switching to Hindenburg. Hindenburg auto-levels audio, making the listening experience more pleasant for your audience. It’s worth upgrading to Hindenburg if you’re frustrated with free software.

For transcription, I recommend using Otter.ai’s free plan initially. Descript is another tool I’m excited about; it allows you to edit audio like a Google document.

ConvertKit is my go-to email service provider. They now offer a free plan for your first 1,000 subscribers, which is a fantastic deal.

Planning Content and Scheduling Episodes

I also use Asana for project management. It helps me stay organized with content planning, project management, and promotion schedules. The satisfaction of checking off completed tasks in Asana is unmatched.

Programs and Courses

If I were starting in 2021, I would join Proffitt Podcasting. This program answers many questions you don’t know you have until you start podcasting. It’s designed to help you navigate every aspect of podcasting, from finding your topic to launching and marketing your show.

Another great resource is the Ultimate Podcast Launch Toolkit, which helps you get your podcast up and running in 30 days or less. This toolkit is perfect if you’ve already done most of the groundwork and need a final push.

I also want to mention the BC Stack 2021, which offers a bundle of products from various experts, including a training on creating podcast websites. This is a product I wish I had when I started.

Podcast Format and Goals

If I were starting my podcast today, I would focus on shorter episodes published more often. I enjoy producing shorter, 15-minute episodes a few times a week, which helps me stay top of mind with my audience.

My top priorities and goals would remain the same:

  1. Be authentic.
  2. Don’t try to sound overly polished or like another podcaster.
  3. Figure out the promotional and marketing pieces of my content quickly.
  4. Guest on more podcasts to expand my reach.

What I Would NOT Do

Knowing what I know now, here are three things I would not do if starting my podcast in 2021:

  1. I would not do a video podcast right away. Video adds pressure and complexity, especially if you’re new to the online space.
  2. I would not try to batch a lot of content initially. It’s important to stay flexible and responsive to your audience’s feedback.
  3. I would not record when distracted. Find a quiet time to record when you can focus and deliver your best content.


This has been such a fun episode, almost like a coaching session with myself. If you have any questions or are just getting started, don’t hesitate to reach out. Join our Facebook community for support and advice.

The show notes for today’s episode are at KrystalProffitt.com/Episode261. If you’re new around here, make sure you hit the follow button, take a screenshot, and share it on social media. Tag me and tell me your biggest goal for starting your podcast in 2021.

As always, remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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