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Where Most Podcasters Overthink Their Podcast Decisions

There are many podcast decisions to be made when you’re first getting your show off the ground:

  • Pick a topic
  • Pick a name
  • Pick an audience
  • Pick a podcast style/format
  • Develop content ideas
  • Choose your podcast host (I recommend Buzzsprout by the way!)
  • Choose your podcast launch date
  • Create/design your podcast artwork
  • And more

It’s no wonder that podcasters get stuck in “analysis paralysis” when they’re getting started. I’ll admit – that’s A LOT of choices, options, and Google rabbit holes to go down.

But what I see happening more often than not is a podcaster getting stuck in their own indecisiveness. Which is exactly why today’s episode is so important! I’m sharing with you the 4 steps I take to get unstuck when it comes to making podcast desicions.

4 Steps to Stop Overthinking

The steps to stop overthinking your podcast decisions are simple, yet very effective!

  1. Focus on your goal.
  2. Plan it out.
  3. Make a decision.
  4. Re-visit and re-evaluate. 

Instead of just giving you the solution, I thought I’d walk through a common scenario where I see podcasters getting stuck – with their artwork – and show you how these steps actually work.

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Podcast Decisions

1. Focus on your goal.

What is the goal of creating your podcast artwork? This may vary from podcaster to podcaster, but I’ll list the goals I’ve had when creating my show artwork for The Proffitt Podcast.

  • Attract new listeners
  • Clear, easy to read message
  • Show off brand personality

2. Plan it out. 

Now that the goal has been established, what is the plan to make it happen? 

  • Where will you create it?
  • Will you hire a designer?
  • How much time do you have?
  • Set a deadline to make it all happen!

When it comes to “the plan” of your podcast artwork, none of it will really work if you don’t set clear deadlines.

3. Make a decision.

Get feedback from your potential listeners on the artwork you – or your designer – created. But then comes the hard part…you HAVE to make a decision! No more tweaking it until it’s perfect. No more waiting on inspiration to tell you when it’s done. Just make a decision.

“You just have to make a decision. Okay, what and we’ll decide later whether it was a right or wrong decision, but you got to make a decision before you can decide whether it was the right move or the wrong move.” 

4. Re-Visit & Re-Evaluate.

You can always come back in 6 months to change things up a bit if you think you’ve made a wrong decision somewhere. Whether it’s your artwork, your content strategy, changing your audience, etc. But again, you HAVE to make some of the podcast decisions before you can make changes in the future.

My Artwork Comparisons 

Here is the original artwork for The Rookie Life Podcast.

Rookie Life Podcast The Proffitt Podcast

If you listened to today’s episode, then you know how I feel about this picture. (Spoiler alert: I don’t feel like this is a genuine representation of who I really am.)

Again, I had to make those podcast decisions in the beginning and I’ve since been able to re-visit and re-evaluate over the years to change things up. But you have to make some decisions before you can make changes.

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Podcast Decisions

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Podcast Decisions

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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