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Weird Host Quirks About Podcast Downloads 

Okay, let’s stop pretending that we – as a podcaster – don’t do this: check your podcast downloads obsessively! Yes, there is a sliding scale of how often you check your stats based on which stage of the game you’re in. But honestly, when you’re just launching…it’s totally normal to be at an obsessive level about your downloads. 

I wanted to get out that out in the open!

I’ve done it – sometimes still do – and I don’t want anyone to feel weird about it. But I also want you to know my stance on why I believe podcast downloads are NOT the end-all-be-all for the measure of a podcast’s success. 

What is the measure of success for a podcast?

I believe it’s an engaged audience that you’re excited to talk to every week and that you LOVE creating content for. If that’s you, you’re already well ahead of the game!

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Other Quirky Things About Podcast Downloads

If you’re a Buzzsprout user, then you must have at least 3 podcast episodes uploaded into your account before the stats start showing up in your account. (This is just another reason why it’s recommended that you launch with at least 3 episodes whenever you hit PUBLISH on your show!)

There are also different types of downloads in the Buzzsprout user interface: (Head over to the STATS feature in your Buzzsprout account to see these in action or check out the other resources/videos linked below)

  • Total Downloads (Over Time or Cumulative)

    • There is a sliding button on the bottom of this chart in Buzzsprout that allows you to toggle between the two options.
  • Individual Episodes 

    • You can see how each one of your episodes is performing. Observe which ones are performing better/worse than others. 
  • Top 5 Episodes

    • I love being able to see which episodes my audience deems are the MOST popular of all the content I create. Look at your top episodes and follow the breadcrumbs of your previous successes.
  • Locations

    • The ability to humanize your podcast downloads is most impactful in the “Locations” feature. It allows you to see all of the individual countries/cities/states that your listeners are located.
    • It reminds you that there are ACTUAL humans on the other side of the microphone.

Resources Mentioned About Podcast Downloads 

If you want to learn more about podcast downloads, I highly recommend checking out the resources listed below:

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Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Podcast Downloads

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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