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How to Use the Scientific Method to Test Social Media Experiments

Okay, we are going to go old school today. Yes, we are going to revisit the elementary school days of the scientific method. Bear with me, okay? If you’re thinking, “I don’t know if I want to dive into a science lesson today,” just hang tight. I promise you’re going to learn some really cool stuff in today’s post about how I used the scientific method for a social media experiment.

The Scientific Method in Podcasting

What exactly is the scientific method? If you don’t remember, everyone hopefully learned the basics in school. Let me refresh your memory:

  1. Ask a Question: Identify a problem or query.
  2. Conduct Research: Gather background information.
  3. Form a Hypothesis: Make an educated guess on the outcome.
  4. Test with an Experiment: Conduct the experiment and collect data.
  5. Analyze Data: Review and interpret the data collected.
  6. Draw a Conclusion: Determine if the hypothesis was correct.
  7. Report Results: Share your findings.

Did you ever do a science fair project? Mine was on why clouds form the way they do. I went for the easy option and avoided those erupting volcanoes others made.

So, why are we discussing the scientific method, Krystal? What does this have to do with podcasting? I was told recently that Instagram Reels is where it’s at for engagement. Now, I’m no social media guru, but I thought it was worth testing. And that’s exactly what I did—by applying the scientific method. Let’s dive in!

My Instagram Reels Experiment

The Question

If you follow me on Instagram, you know I don’t have tens of thousands of followers. And I’m okay with that. My business metrics focus on my podcast audience and email list. Those are the stats I track like a hawk. But Instagram is an area where I wondered, “Could I increase engagement through Reels?”

Background Research

I’ve watched many discussions about Instagram Reels. Essentially, Reels are Instagram’s answer to TikTok for those who feel out of place there. I’ve tried TikTok, posting videos of my kids dancing, but felt awkward among the younger crowd. So, I decided to try Reels, as they felt more aligned with my existing Instagram presence.

Forming a Hypothesis

My hypothesis was straightforward: Instagram Reels would increase my reach. I didn’t know how much, but I predicted a noticeable bump in engagement.

The Experiment

I decided to post a Reel every day for a month. This experiment was inspired by others who shared success stories about increased engagement from doing Reels. So I thought, why not give it a shot?

The Results

In just two weeks, my Instagram reach increased by 252%. That’s right, 252%! Here’s how it broke down:

  • Content Variety: I experimented with different Reel types—some serious, some silly, some teaching-oriented, and others were just raw behind-the-scenes footage.
  • Engagement: Some Reels hit over 5,388 views. The most popular one was about my toddler asking for snacks, which resonated widely and reached over 1,000 people.
  • Brand Alignment: While some posts were purely fun (like a Jim Gaffigan imitation), others, like one showcasing my live-streaming journey, were aligned with my brand’s focus on confidence and authenticity.

These results validated my hypothesis: Reels can significantly increase reach.

Lessons Learned

1. Calls to Action Are Essential

I need to improve my calls to action (CTA). While my experiment wasn’t focused on conversion, strategic CTAs could further enhance results. Note to self: Engage with new followers and direct them to resources like the podcast or toolkit.

2. Experimentation Is Key

Experimenting with content is crucial. Even though I was unsure at first, trying different styles helped me learn what resonates with my audience. If you’re hesitant, remember that trial and error is part of the process.

3. Brand Authenticity Matters

Stay true to your brand. My content varies from educational to downright silly, but it always aligns with who I am. Authenticity helps build trust and connection with your audience.

Three Ideas to Get Started with IG Reels

Ready to dive into Reels? Here are three starter ideas:

1. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Rip off the band-aid and try something fun. For guidance, check out Jasmine Star’s content. Her advice helped me jump into Reels. Her collaborations, like the one with Amy Porterfield, are packed with actionable insights.

2. Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

Let your audience in on the process. Behind-the-scenes clips resonate with audiences, even if they don’t go viral. Show them how you prepare for a podcast or what your work environment looks like.

3. Teach Something Valuable

Share your expertise. Teach something you regularly cover in your podcast or business. Whether it’s a workflow or a tip you give clients, a 15-30 second Reel can effectively convey value.

Final Thoughts

My Instagram Reels experiment, driven by the scientific method, confirmed that Reels are a powerful tool for increasing reach and engagement. I encourage you to try your own Reels experiment. Share your results with me, and let’s learn together.

Ready to start your own experiment? Take these ideas and test them over the next week. Share your experiences with me via Instagram DM. I can’t wait to hear what you discover!

For more resources and insights, check out KrystalProffitt.com/Episode239. And as always, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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