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Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.


Transition from Blogging to Podcasting

One of my favorite things in the whole world is to geek out with other people about podcasting! I’m extra excited about today’s episode because we’re blending to TWO worlds I’ve come to know really well…blogging AND podcasting.

In this coaching call with Amy Connell, we get into how to pivot your blog readers onto your email list for your podcast. We also go into some of the behind-the-scenes mindset of why I set my podcast up the way that I do.

So if you’re currently a blogger thinking about transitioning to a podcast, you’re going to find a lot of value here today!

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

Get to Know Amy Connell

Amy Connell is the host of the Graced Health Podcast“. She is a certified personal trainer and has coached fitness classes for 14 years. She also loves dark chocolate and potato chips (but not together). 

Amy founded Graced Health in 2016 to equip and encourage women to find their own balanced health and appreciate and care for their uniquely created bodies, no matter what that looks like.

The Graced Health podcast is for women who want simple ways to take care of themselves and age their bodies well. 

It’s full of applicable information and a lot of grace. The health journey and process can be overwhelming, but when we allow ourselves to make choices best for us, we may find the next right step is easier than we think. 

Join Amy on the Graced Health podcast, Instagram, Facebook, or at GracedHealth.com.

When she’s not doing all the things for Graced Health, you can find Amy walking her pitbull named Grace, enjoying a glass of wine with her husband, or watching her two teen boys play basketball.

Podcast Coaching Calls

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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