
**Enrollment officially opens on 9/7/2022 @ 9 AM CST!




Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy
Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy

Digital Course Academy 2022

Join me on the journey of taking your ideas – and passion! – and creating a digital course inside Amy Porterfield’s Digital Course Academy!

Affiliate Disclaimer:

As an affiliate of Digital Course Academy, I make a commission when you sign up with me. Of course, this is at NO EXTRA COST to you! Just wanted you to know.

What is Digital Course Academy?

Digital Course Academy helps online business owners and entrepreneurs turn their knowledge and know-how into a digital course that will generate consistent revenue for their business. 

The program provides a step-by-step strategy for the entire course creation journey — from strategy, to planning, to creation, to launching . . .  with no fluff and no stone left unturned. 

In a nutshell, DCA teaches students how to make the ultimate shift from struggling to make money online, feeling stretched too thin, and feeling uncertain of what they should be doing to creating a profitable asset in their business — a digital course that they can launch over and over again.

2022 DCA Enrolling Now

**Enrollment officially opens on 9/7/2022 @ 9 AM CST!

Digital Course Academy serves budding online business owners AND more seasoned entrepreneurs looking to scale.

“The Bundle” AKA My Bonus Package

On top of the incredible Digital Course Academy program (and all of Amy’s extra goodies), you’ll also receive these unique products when you join DCA through my special link.

(Psst, you won’t find anyone else with these bonuses!)

**Enrollment officially opens on 9/7/2022 @ 9 AM CST!

1. The DCA Digest ($297 value)

Want the Cliff Notes version of DCA before you start each module? 

I’m sharing with you the audio experience of Digital Course Academy including:

  • What to look for as you go through the module
  • Where I got stuck
  • What I wish I would’ve realized the first time I went through DCA

2. Course Launch Debrief ($197 value)

Want to know my “lessons learned” from my very first course launches? 

I wrote everything down! From the swipe copy of the emails I created to the money I spent on ads and the revenue I generated, everything is in the Course Launch Debrief!

It even includes how I made back my investment for DCA in the first 6 months after I enrolled!

3. 9 Weeks in a Private Slack Community ($297 value)

Want a place to share your lead magnets, get instant feedback on your course outline, and advanced tips on setting up your course launch funnel? 

If you answered “HECK YES!”, then you’ll love our intimate Slack channel for AP+KP Bonus Members. 

Think of it as a place to…

  • Celebrate WINS — big or small (even the tiniest ones you feel a little silly about)

  • Ask questions you don’t feel comfortable asking a large group

  • But, Wait…
    There’s More!

    4. Full Access to Radical Repurposing ($597 value)

    Want access to the first of its kind repurposing program? 

    I’m releasing a brand new course in Fall 2022 — and you’re gonna wanna be in it!

    This course will teach you how to utilize, systemize, customize and prioritize your content so that you save time, money, and your sanity!

    And guess what?!? As an AP+KP Bonus member, you get access before to the program before it’s open to the public!

    **Enrollment officially opens on 9/7/2022 @ 9 AM CST!

    Franchesca’s Story

    This is Franchesca.

    Listen to what she had to say about her experience going through DCA in the AP+KP Bonus Bundle and our sense of community.


    When do I get access to all of your bonuses?

    Great question!

    You’ll have access to our private community after enrollment for Digital Course Academy closes on September 15th. 

    The rest of the bonuses will be announced and/or released after the refund period ends on Sunday, October 2, 2021.

    What is Digital Course Academy?

    Digital Course Academy helps online business owners and entrepreneurs turn their knowledge and know-how into a digital course that will generate consistent revenue for their business.

    The program provides a step-by-step strategy for the entire course creation journey — from strategy, to planning, to creation, to launching . . . with no fluff and no stone left unturned.

    In a nutshell, DCA teaches students how to make the ultimate shift from struggling to make money online, feeling stretched too thin, and feeling uncertain of what they should be doing to creating a profitable asset in their business — a digital course that they can launch over and over again.

    Who is right for Digital Course Academy?

    This program is a perfect fit for:
    1. Someone who knows their Ideal Community, and has already built an online presence around serving them (website, social media, email list, etc.) with at least 250 engaged subscribers on their email list.

    2. Someone who has a REAL skill and knows how to solve an urgent customer pain point or meet a desire.

    3. Someone who has income coming in from client work (or a day job), so they’re ABLE to invest some upfront time creating an asset that will pay off in the medium term.

    4. Someone who recognizes that building a course is a highly valuable and leveraged asset. They’re patient, and don’t need a 5-figure payday next week. What’s more important is seeing that their effort and energy is paying off.

    5. Someone who can invest 5-7 hours/week building their course.

    6. Someone who’s not going to quit the first time something doesn’t go according to plan. They’ll reach out to the community when they’re stuck and draw on the support available instead of looking for any excuse to throw in the towel.

    7. Someone who is motivated by the “next level” business growth opportunities available once their course is built (ie. leveraging more advanced funnel strategies, facebook ads, etc.) but they’re also able to stay focused on the task at hand instead of jumping forward too fast.

    8. Someone who is motivated by the financial and time abundance that having a true, working system will afford them — and they’re excited to finally be able to work on their business instead of in it.

    9. Someone who is tired of falling victim to their own internal excuses and external obstacles. They’re finally ready to change the narrative and try something new. They know to do that, they need to get out of “hustle” mode and start operating from a place of vision and efficiency.

    How much time should I set aside to complete the program?

    Honestly, everyone’s learning styles are different. For me, it worked best to watch all of the module videos and then do the worksheets when I had focused time.

    (In other words, I watched the videos doing the laundry/cooking dinner then did the “homework” when I had zero distractions.)

    If you can budget at least 5 hours a week to work through Digital Course Academy, you’ll be all set!

    Do I get all of your bonuses AND Amy's?

    Yup! That’s the beauty of enrolling in DCA with me!

    You get all of my bonuses plus the full Digital Course Academy program and any bonuses you qualify for when joining.

    What is the total investment?

    The investment when you enroll in Digital Course Academy is: $1,997 USD or 6 payments of $387/month USD ($2,322 total)

    NOTE: This also includes ALL of Amy’s program, her bonuses, AND my bonus bundle you receive when you enroll with me — at NO EXTRA COST to you!

    **Enrollment officially opens on 9/7/2022 @ 9 AM CST!

    Amy Porterfield's Digital Course Academy

    Ready to Take the Next Step?

    If you’re ready to join me in DCA 2022, click “I’m ready!” below and let’s take the next step in your online business.

    **Enrollment officially opens on 9/7/2022 @ 9 AM CST!