When you enroll in Amy's Course Confident Bootcamp...

...you’ll receive my exclusive bonus podcast: Money Mindset for Creators.

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Disclaimer: By enrolling in Course Confident with my partner link,
I receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

99% of entrepreneurship is figuring things out when you have no idea what to do.
– Amy Porterfield

1. Know when your content is ready to monetize, including stories and lessons learned from creating and launching 5+ digital courses and generating $55K+ in course revenue.

2. Learn to make money with a small audience — even if you’re starting with zero!

3. Hear the three mindset shifts you need to make money as a creator — I wish I had known these when I started!

Money Mindset for Creators

In this audio training, 

you can expect to…

This audio training was created exclusively for Amy’s Course Confident boot campers. You WON’T find this content anywhere else — not even in my paid programs! 

Plus, it would cost $97+ if I sold it online…but you get it for free when you enroll in Amy’s bootcamp with me.

What's next?

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Disclaimer: By enrolling in Course Confident with my partner link, I receive a commission at no extra cost to you.